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更新时间:2022-09-27 浏览次数:85 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    In Africa, the honeyguide birds can respond to human calls to lead people to honey—what scientists describe as a mutualistic interaction, or one that benefits both creatures. The birds tweet and fly from tree to tree to guide honey seekers to hidden bee nests, typically inside trees. Then, humans open the trees to find honey, and the birds can dine on beeswax, their favorite food.

    Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, which is why the folks at Penn Vet Working Dog Center are training dogs to identify the smell of cancer using tissue and blood samples from people who suffer. The scientists hope to develop a way for dogs to screen samples first, then perform follow-up testing on the samples the dogs flagged—a system for spotting cancer in its early stages.

    Having a snake wrapped around your neck isn't necessarily what you usually expect. But Monty, a 13-year-old snake has been helping customers relax with neck massages(按摩). It's unlikely he was trained to do the job and is just pulsating like any other snake would when around a person's neck. Regardless, this special snake books out a few weeks in advance.

    The Guide Horse Foundation has been training miniature horses (those standing 34 inches or less) as assistance animals for the visually damaged since 1999. Miniature horses are ideal service animals for people who feel uncomfortable with dogs or who want a guide animal with a longer life span. The horses typically live from 30 to 40 years.

    1. (1) According to the text, which animal can help you relax?
      A . A snake. B . A dog. C . A honeyguide bird. D . A miniature horse.
    2. (2) Miniature horses could serve _________.
      A . blind people who dislike dogs B . blind people who can live longer C . animal lovers who search for honey D . animal lovers who suffer from cancer
    3. (3) The text is about animals' _________.
      A . special training B . great potentials C . unique jobs D . high intelligence
  • 2. 阅读理解

    After months of expectation and secrecy, the official mascot (吉祥物) of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games-a giant panda-inspired cartoon character-made its first public debut with cheers at Beijing's Shougang Ice Hockey Arena.

    The panda is named "Bing Dwen Dwen" in Chinese. Bing means "ice" in Chinese while Dwen Dwen suggests "health and cleverness"-characteristics also shared by pandas. Pandas are perhaps the most recognized animal species in China, organizers said.

    "Pandas combine China's traditional culture and its modern appearance together with winter sports elements in a fascinating image (形象) that shows our great expectations for the Games and shows that we welcome the world," said Beijing Mayor Chen Jining, who also serves as an executive president on the organizing committee.

    "I have already seen the mascot and from what I've seen, it's a wonderful choice," IOC President Thomas Bach said before introducing the character." "The mascot really takes in the best elements and characteristics of China and the Chinese people. It will be a great ambassador (大使) for the country and the 24th Winter Olympics."

    The ring of light surrounding the mascot's face is suggestive of ice and snow tracks, as well as the flowing "ribbons" of the National Speed Skating Oval. The oval is one of two new competition sites in downtown Beijing expected to become a landmark of the Games, according to its chief designer Cao Xue.

    The introduction of the mascots marks the key point of a journey that began in August 2018, when Beijing organizers started a global design competition for the mascots. A total of 5,816 designs were received from 35 countries, and were reviewed by Chinese and international experts in a comprehensive evaluation and selection process.

    The new mascot will serve as spirited symbol of the Games that will take place in the three zones of downtown Beijing, the suburban district of Yanqing and co-host city Zhangjiakou in surrounding Hebei province.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "debut" in paragraph1 mean?
      A . Design. B . Appearance. C . Understanding. D . Attention.
    2. (2) What does Bach think of the mascot?
      A . Surprising. B . Entertaining. C . Satisfying D . Interesting.
    3. (3) What's paragraph 5 mainly about?
      A . The origin of the mascot image. B . The introduction to the mascot designer. C . The hard work behind the mascot design. D . The hidden meaning of the mascot image.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . The Mascot of the 24th Winter Olympic Games B . A Historical Moment of the Winter Olympic Games C . Bing Dwen Dwen: a Lovely Panda Welcomes the World D . Comments on the Mascot of the 24th Winter Olympics
  • 3. (2021高一下·浙江月考) 阅读理解

    Here's a simple question—answer it honestly, because your response could promote the level of pleasure in your daily life, put off dementia (痴呆), and even help you live longer. How many hours did you spend reading last week?

    Recently, when researcher Mathew P. White and his workmates at the Yale School of Public Health dug into 12 years of information about the reading habits and health of more than 3,600 men and women, a hopeful pattern became known. Book readers who report more than three hours of weekly reading are 23 percent less likely to die than those who read only newspapers or magazines.

    To understand why and what each of us can do to get the most out of our words, start by asking the same question the Yale team did. What is it about reading books that increases our brain power while reading newspapers doesn't?

    For one, the researchers suggest that chapter books encourage "deep reading". Unlike,say, going through a page of headlines, reading a book forces your brain to think creatively and make connections from one chapter to another, and to the outside world. When you make connections, so does your brain. Over time, these neural (神经的) networks can promote quicker thinking, which provides greater protection against dementia.

    Secondly, reading books, especially novels, has been confirmed to increase empathy (共鸣) and emotional intelligence. Developing social tools such as empathy and emotional intelligence can lead to more and more positive human interaction, which in turn can lower stress levels—both of which are proven to help you live longer and healthier.

    That's not to say that magazines, newspapers, and online articles are of no benefit. Reading anything that fills your mind seems to bring about mental benefits. When it comes to words, addiction is encouraged. Because it pays to increase your word power—today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.

    1. (1) How did White carry out the research?
      A . By doing experiments. B . By direct observation. C . By interviewing in person. D . By referring to former facts.
    2. (2) In which way does reading books increase our brain power?
      A . Promoting brain growth. B . Preventing us from ageing. C . Keeping us free from stress. D . Strengthening neural networks.
    3. (3) What's the author's attitude to reading online articles?
      A . Negative. B . Positive. C . Uncertain. D . Unconcerned.
  • 4. (2021高一下·潍坊月考) 阅读理解

    By now, most of us have picked up at least one pandemic hobby. And there's a seemingly common pandemic hobby trend: People who haven't been able to go anywhere are making imaginary travel plans. Maybe you're among those who have spent hours researching locations-even though you're not actually planning to travel.

    It turns out that you aren't alone. People who seem to be sticking to public safety recommendations are still planning trips they don't intend to book. And, when I suddenly found myself addicted to an imaginary girls' trip to Joshua Tree, I wondered whether this was a healthy distraction.

    "It's an escapist imagination," said Regine Galanti, a psychologist, adding that there's nothing wrong with escapism during a global pandemic.

    On the one hand, distractions are often beneficial right now. We are a full year into living with COVID-19 as a pandemic, and that means you've probably had to navigate a range of emotions like discomfort, sadness, or even boredom. So any hobby that doesn't harm anyone or endanger your well-being is probably a worthy attempt.

    Even if vacation planning is your happy place, Dr. Galanti suggests you "actually think about what you're trying to achieve." Why? "Maybe what you're saying is, I need a vacation from work," Dr. Galanti explains. "Then take three days off even if you are not going anywhere. "When you figure out what you're looking for, you might be able to find a small socially distanced adventure in your backyard or a quiet place. Vacation planning is a good way to spend some time, but there might be an even better way to get what you're desiring.

    Anyway, when uncertainty is all around us, creating things to look forward to isn't a terrible idea. And when things are safer, you'll have all your plans in place.

    1. (1) Why do people make imaginary travel plans during the pandemic?
      A . To develop a new hobby. B . To stay safe and sound. C . To be distracted from reality. D . To get ready for future travel.
    2. (2) Which of the following can replace the word "navigate" underlined in paragraph 4?
      A . Express. B . Balance. C . Adapt to. D . Deal with.
    3. (3) What is the writer's attitude towards imaginary travel plans?
      A . Objective. B . Negative. C . Supportive. D . Unclear.
    4. (4) Which section of the newspaper does the text probably come from?
      A . Figures. B . Lifestyle. C . Food and recipe. D . Science and technology.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If you are seeking a nice vacation destination for your family, the country of Greece should be at the top of your list. Apart from being one of the most beautiful places on the earth, it is also home to some of the best food and wine that has ever been produced.

    Good accommodation is hard to find. Whether hotel or resort, chances are they're all booked. Because of this, you better know when to book reservations. Beaches are less crowded and deals are better. For the low on budget, you may choose the youth hostels in Santorini for an elegant view.

    In contrast to common belief, there are fewer vegetarian (素食者) choices than you might expect. The Greeks consume significantly more meat than the rest of the Mediterranean population. The majority of the restaurants provide meat-based dishes, and the food is unquestionably delicious.

    Not all beaches are safe. Just like in any other country, not everything is as safe as it seems. Some of Greece's beaches can be dangerous. Milos is home to some of the most beautiful but dangerous beaches in Greece. To be more cautious, avoid such beaches whenever possible.

    You'll need cash. This is because you will hardly find ATMs since they are mostly located at a distance, inaccessible, or even non-existent. It is recommended that you convert your money to Euros in advance as this is the currency you are going to be using.

    A. Vegetarian options are limited.

    B. Meat-based dishes are quite tasty.

    C. Tsigrados, a beach from there, comes with a warning sign.

    D. The best time is during low season and shoulder season.

    E. Make sure you have adequate money before you fly to Greece.

    F. You can book a room with a bird's eye view of the fantastic beaches.

    G. But there are a few things you should be aware of before travelling to Greece.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I took a job as a receptionist for a pet doctor almost five decades ago. As an eager animal lover, I accepted the 1 on condition that I wouldn't have to assist with any wounded animals. I couldn't bear to see any creature in 2.

    At the end of my first week, we were closing the office for the day when a young man ran up to us holding a severely 3 Doberman pinscher puppy in his arras and 4 us to save his life. The four-month-old puppy had been hit by a car. The doctor and I ran back into the 5 room. The doctor worked 6 for what seemed like hours stitching (缝合) him back together again. That was the 7 part. The puppy had broken many bones, including his backbone. Even if he 8the next few days, we were quite sure he would never walk again.

    That day forever 9 my life. The doctor guided me, and I became his 10 in all things medical. One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical treatment. I remember moving his 11 legs to try to keep his muscles from weakening. Weeks went by until one day, I felt this little 12 push back ever so slightly. And he continued to push back till he could finally use his legs.

    Fast-forward about a year, I walked into the clinic's crowded waiting room and called the name of the next client. 13, a huge Doberman standing quietly with his owner on the opposite side of the room broke loose and rushed toward me. I found myself 14 against the wall with this huge dog 15 on his back legs, his front paws on my shoulders, 16 my face with countless and 17 kisses!

    I still tear up in 18 at the display of love and 19 the dog had for me that day all those years ago. I went on to be a pet doctor for 14 years until retirement. In all the time that has passed and all the experiences I have had, I've 20 met a dog who didn't know it had been rescued in one way or another.

    A . solution B . transition C . position D . registration
    A . depression B . pain C . shock D . anxiety
    A . injured B . damaged C . frightened D . hunted
    A . admiring B . applying C . appreciating D . begging
    A . waiting B . operating C . meeting D . dressing
    A . impatiently B . conveniently C . tirelessly D . effortlessly
    A . awkward B . easy C . unique D . tough
    A . challenged B . survived C . struggled D . suffered
    A . changed B . spared C . alarmed D . ruined
    A . assistant B . advisor C . audience D . applicant
    A . strong B . broken C . long D . tiny
    A . winner B . cheater C . loser D . fighter
    A . Obviously B . Suddenly C . Eventually D . Gradually
    A . limited B . stuck C . pressed D . approached
    A . standing B . sitting C . lying D . jumping
    A . biting B . striking C . washing D . exploring
    A . joyful B . stressful C . graceful D . sorrowful
    A . confusion B . embarrassment C . concentration D . amazement
    A . confidence B . responsibility C . gratitude D . curiosity
    A . always B . often C . ever D . never
  • 7. (2021高一下·浙江月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain, England—many people are confused by  these names mean. In the 16th century, Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England. In the 18th century, Scotland was joined (create) the Kingdom of Great Britain. In the 19th century, the Kingdom of Ireland was added to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. However, the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK, which resulted  the full name we have today: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. , most people prefer to use the shortened name: The UK. Although the four countries work together in some areas, they still have some  (different). There were four sets of invaders and the last group were the Normans. They had the castles  (build) all round England and made changes to legal systems. The capital city London is  ancient port city that has a history  (date) back to Roman times. Studying the history of the country will help you understand more about the country and  traditions as well as make your visit much more  (enjoy).

  • 13. (2021高一下·浙江月考) 假定你是李华,上周五你校举办了一次以“Online Safety”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:







