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更新时间:2022-01-11 浏览次数:109 类型:月考试卷
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman ask the man to do?
      A . Help her with cooking. B . Add some water. C . Taste the soup.
    2. (2) Where will the speakers probably eat?
      A . In a Chinese restaurant. B . At home. C . In the park.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man want the woman to do?
      A . Tell him something about her website. B . Offer him ideas for a possible website. C . Prepare some pages for a new website.
    2. (2) What does the woman promise to do?
      A . Repair the notebook right away. B . Set up websites for the man. C . Help the man next week.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How does the man feel now?
      A . Upset. B . Tired. C . Hopeless.
    2. (2) Why did the man fail his exam?
      A . He didn't prepare for it. B . He hadn't worked hard before. C . The questions were too difficult.
    3. (3) What will the woman do if she fails an exam in her country?
      A . Pay money. B . Take the exam again. C . Retake the whole course.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the hotel have the man's name?
      A . He has been there before. B . Someone has booked the hotel for him. C . He has the same name as someone else.
    2. (2) When will the man get to the hotel?
      A . At 9: 15. B . At 10: 00. C . At 9: 30.
    3. (3) Where will the man have dinner tonight?
      A . In his room. B . On the plane. C . In the hotel restaurant.
    4. (4) How will the woman help the man?
      A . By calling him a taxi. B . By preparing a sandwich for him. C . By picking him up from the airport.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where did the speaker and her husband stay for about half a month?
      A . In Victoria. B . In South Australia. C . In Queensland.
    2. (2) How did the speaker and her husband decide to go back to the bus?
      A . By following the road.  B . By going over the hill. C . By walking along the beach.
    3. (3) Why did the speaker's husband ask her to run?
      A . To catch the bus in time. B . To be against the fast water. C . To protect themselves from snakes.
    4. (4) How did the speaker probably feel in the end?
      A . Shocked. B . Pleased. C . Encouraged.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Would you like to relax yourself outdoors? Here are some activities that may suit you.

    Activity 1: Outside Yoga &Brunch

    3rd July and 7th & 8th August, 9: 00 am-12: 00 noon

    We will start our Outside Yoga practice connecting to our surroundings with a grounding meditation. Following our Yoga practice, you will have a delicious and healthy vegetarian brunch (早午餐) together. Brunch will be a choice of delicious pancakes with fruits and natural yoghurt, or boiled eggs.

    No experience is required. You will need to bring your own Yoga mat or towel.

    Activity 2: Family Yoga &Nature Connection

    Sunday 8th August, 10: 00 am-1: 00 pm

    Spend some quality time with your little ones on this special family yoga and nature con- nection session. This is a wonderful opportunity to bond further with your child (ren). Included in the day is a delicious packed vegetarian lunch (kid-friendly).

    All children must be accompanied by an adult. You will need to bring your own Yoga mats or towel.

    Activity 3: Adventures to Neverland

    Saturday 14th August

    Join Wendy, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys as they discover the wonders of Neverland while travelling through our amazing Gardens. This trip will capture your children's imagination and arouse the love for this classic tale.

    Please wear appropriate footwear and dress for the weather. Food & refreshments are available. For advanced tickets click here

    Activity 4: The Handlebards Present—Macbeth

    Friday 20th & Saturday 21st August, 6: 30 pm

    You can take in the pedal powered performance on either Friday 20th and Saturday 21st August (or both if you wish) from 6: 30 pm nightly. Bring a picnic and enjoy a drink and even a pizza from the pop up pub!

    Please bring a chair or blanket to sit on, a picnic to dig into, and dress for the weather! Tickets will not be returned on account of bad weather. The show is Covid Safe and all guidance will be stuck to.

    1. (1) What is required to join in Activity 1?
      A . Bringing your brunch. B . Booking in advance online. C . Taking along your own equipment. D . Practicing yoga for some time before.
    2. (2) What do Activity 2 and Activity 3 have in common?
      A . They are both suitable for children. B . They both need application on line. C . They are held on the same weekend. D . They both provide footwear and towel.
    3. (3) What do we know about Activity 4?
      A . There will not be safe guidance for Covid. B . Food is not allowed to be taken to the spot. C . All children must be accompanied by adults. D . Ticket fee won't be back under bad weather.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Aesha Ash is a Ballet (芭蕾舞) dancer who began the Swan Dreams Project in 2011.It is a program designed to bring ballet to girls of color in her community. Aesha Ash is one of the few women of color to ever grace the stages of New York City Ballet School of American Bal-let. She wants to expose her community to more positive images of women of color through let. She wants to expose her community to more positive images of women of color through the use of ballet. She wants to show the world that beauty and grace are not defined by status or race.

    Aesha grew up in the inner city of Rochester, New York, where crime, gun violence and poverty were among the biggest threats to the community. For her, that's normal. That's just life in the neighborhood, but what she remembers most is the dance studio.

    She started dancing all together at the age of five. A teacher mentioned to her mother that she had some promise in ballet, and that it would be difficult for her, as a woman of col- or, to enter the ballet world. But the adversity (逆境) she faced was the very thing that pushed her to pursue a career in ballet.

    And there's so much negative stereotyping (刻板印象) and misunderstanding of who they are in the media. Through the use of imagery and her career as a ballet dancer, she challenges stereotypes that exist for women of color, particularly those from inner-city communities

    "It's important that our girls see that side of themselves because for many kids it's hard to be what you can't see. I didn't see a black ballet dancer before I decided that's what I wan- ted to be. It was really important for me to be in my environment displaying that because this is where I'm from. It was always beyond ballet." Aesha Ash stated.

    1. (1) Why did Aesha start the Swan Dreams Project?
      A . To promote the images of females of color by ballet. B . To expose her community to a world of women of color. C . To grace the stages of NYC Ballet School of American Ballet. D . To show the world that beauty and grace are defined by status.
    2. (2) Which of the following best describes the community she grew up in?
      A . Comfortable. B . Primitive. C . Peaceful. D . Unsafe.
    3. (3) What made her seek to become a ballet dancer?
      A . Her teacher's encouragement. B . The hardship she encountered in her life. C . Stereotypes that exist for women of color. D . Misunderstanding of who women of color are in the media.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the text?
      A . A program provides chances for girls of color. B . A woman brings ballet to the girls of color. C . Ballet changes the life of a woman of color. D . A woman has changed the negative stereotyping.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    It is reported that half the world's forests have already been destroyed. This widespread destruction is due to deforestation (采伐森林). Deforestation is the removal of a forest or group of trees where the land is later transformed to a non-forest use. Cutting down trees is necessary for man's survival. However, deforestation has a number of negative effects on the environment and needs to be controlled.

    There are two main purposes for cutting down trees and one of them is to use the trees as resources. Essential items like paper, furniture and charcoal are all made from trees. Deforestation is also carried out to clear land for farming and to make room for roads and houses. As the population grows, more of the forest has to be cleared.

    Although deforestation is necessary up to a point, it has some negative effects on the environment. Firstly, cutting down forests destroys animal habitats, leaving them with no place to live in. Deforestation also allows erosion to occur, which leaves the land easy to landslides and makes it difficult for plants to grow there. Finally, the removal of trees also worsens air pollution. Trees act as natural air filters that change carbon dioxide into oxygen. When they are removed, carbon dioxide can build up and pollute the atmosphere. Hence, it is obvious that deforestation harms the environment.

    Due to the harm deforestation causes, it is necessary to control it. There are a number of ways to do this. One of them is to make better use of farming land. That means we do not need as much land for farming, and hence do not need to cut down so many trees. There must also be laws to limit deforestation and these laws must be enforced strictly. On top of that, reforestation must be carried out systematically. This method involves planting new trees and plants in areas where deforestation has occurred to replace what was destroyed.

    To sum up, although deforestation must be carried out, it can harm the environment and must be controlled. Beyond a certain point, this damage to the environment cannot be fixed. Hence, we should do our best to make sure that the damage is never too great to fix.

    1. (1) What is the second paragraph mainly about?
      A . How people get farmland. B . What trees mean to human beings. C . Why people carry out deforestation. D . What effect deforestation has on environment.
    2. (2) What consequence may deforestation bring to animals according to the text?
      A . Homelessness. B . Extinction. C . Disease. D . Wars.
    3. (3) According to the text, how can we control the harm of deforestation?
      A . By replacing new trees. B . By banning deforestation. C . By passing laws to limit farmland. D . By making the best of farmland.
    4. (4) What may be the worst result if deforestation is beyond control?
      A . Carbon dioxide will pollute the atmosphere. B . There will not be any forest left in the world. C . The damage to the environment will be beyond repair. D . People will have no trees as resources for essential items.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    A new research reveals that you cannot separate your health from your emotions and numerous studies support the idea that having an optimistic and positive attitude can translate in- to living a longer and healthier life. For example, in one older study,pessimism (悲观) was linked to a 19 percent higher risk of dying over a 30-year period.

    After examining the associations between optimism and heart health in more than 5, 100 adults of various ethnic groups for 11 years, researchers at the University of Illinois report that people who display a more optimistic can-do attitude in life experience significantly better cardiovascular (心血管) health over the long term.

    People who were the most optimistic were up to 76 percent more likely to have a total health score in the ideal range. The health scores were based on seven aspects used by the American Heart Association (AHA) to define heart health. This includes blood pressure, body mass index, fasting blood sugar, serum cholesterol levels, diet, exercise and smoking. According to study author Rosalba Hernandez, "Individuals with the highest levels of optim- ism have twice the chances of being in ideal cardiovascular health compared to their more pes- simistic peers. This association remains significant, even after adjusting for social population characteristics and poor mental health. At the population level, even this slight difference in cardiovascular health translates into a significant reduction in death rates.

    This evidence, which is assumed to occur through a bio-behavioral mechanism, suggests that prevention strategies that target modification of psychological well-being—e. g. optim—ism—may be a potential avenue for AHA to reach its goal of improving Americans' cardiovascular health by 20 percent before 2020."

    1. (1) What can we know from paragraph 1?
      A . A healthy and long life affects emotion. B . Optimism contributes to a longer and healthier life. C . Optimism might increase the immunity of people. D . Pessimism may lead to bad living habits.
    2. (2) Which of the following can be used to define your heart health according to AHA?
      A . Living habits. B . Mental Age. C . Family income. D . Social status.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "avenue" in the last paragraph probably mean?
      A . Danger. B . Approach. C . Ability. D . District.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Emotion—Your Spirit Food B . Health—a Guarantee of Long Life C . Optimism—a Healthy Boost to Your Heart D . AHA—an Organization Monitoring Your Health
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Children learn by example. It has been said that the values and ideas we want to teach the children should be done in the early years. If this teaching-learning period is handled responsibly by parents and guardians, a lot can be achieved.Simple politeness should be shown right from the beginning. Parents must talk politely to their children and expect the same from them. All rude responses must be firmly rejected.

    This can be done by giving them simple duties as early as possible. Duties can be as simple as putting toys away when the children are done playing with them. They can be taught to put away their clothes or shoes in the respective places on a daily basis. Children are quick to learn.

     Children should be taught to sit down and play quietly or read a book if they can. In creating this habit, parents play a vital role as they also have to sit down and occupy themselves.  They want things to be exciting and fast-moving. If parents themselves do not read or spend time quietly, it is hard to expect the children to do so.

    Of course, we must also realize that some children will be different.  They will want to test the limits set and want to be individualistic. Parents may have to allow some space so that creativity and inventiveness can be developed. While some amount of discipline is good, it must not be allowed to destroy their imaginative nature.

    A. It is not an easy task but it can be done.

    B. Good habits can be taught in the early years.

    C. Children must be taught to be part of the family.

    D. In this fast world, everyone expects to be entertained.

    E. Good habits formed during this time will stay for a lifetime.

    F. They will not always follow what parents instruct them to do.

    G. Children are not expected to do things for themselves in some homes.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Last week, I wrote about how I had no idea how important the social aspect of my life was until the pandemic(疫情)hit.That made me1 just how much I valued my face-to- face conversations and 2 with my friends. It also hurt that our annual 3 to Europe and other countries was gone. We've 4 so many wonderful people and made so many new friends on those trips as well.

    Most of us take too much for granted and aren't as 5 as we should be for what we have. But when one of those great things in our lives is suddenly6 , we certainly notice how much we 7 those things when they are gone.

    Something I took for granted was my 8 long walk. I have given myself a minimum 9 of 20, 000 steps a day. I use a super great 10 my wife gave me, a Fitbit, which 11 each step I take and gives me weekly12. That little device has helped me stay fit, even now as the 13 age of 80 approaches.

    Last week, I had a fall and hit my right knee so hard that I could 14 walk for many days. That is when it

    15 me that I've taken the 16 to walk without pain totally for granted. I think all of us should take time to 17 all the great things in our lives that we are just taking for granted. I.18 now, that all of us consider making a list of that kind so we have time to enjoy and appreciate what we have while we have it. Doing so has the potential to make us more 19 as we begin to truly 20 all the great things we have in our lives.

    A . guarantee B . respect C . believe D . realize
    A . quarrelling B . wandering C . sleeping D . fighting
    A . devotion B . assistance C . trip D . delivery
    A . met B . gathered C . dismissed D . accepted
    A . grateful B . regretful C . hopeful D . careful
    A . brought up B . set up C . taken away D . taken in
    A . inspect B . employ C . appreciate D . affect
    A . weekly B . daily C . monthly D . yearly
    A . goal B . signal C . type D . sum
    A . case B . section C . edition D . gift
    A . donates B . counts C . accounts D . registers
    A . strategies B . sites C . systems D . totals
    A . ripe B . abrupt C . merry D . passive
    A . actually B . gradually C . hardly D . fluently
    A . disappointed B . hit C . beat D . stressed
    A . entry B . idea C . access D . ability
    A . consider B . argue C . connect D . balance
    A . command B . request C . insist D . suggest
    A . fortunate B . content C . ordinary D . particular
    A . require B . remind C . recognize D . recall
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    With hospitals filled up with COVID-19 patients, NASA has announced it will be delaying an upcoming satellite launch. The liquid oxygen  (need) to fuel the flight is also needed in hospitals,  doctors use the important resource to keep (dangerous) sick COVID-19 patients alive.

    "Medical oxygen is priority(优先)of our members, " says Richard Craig, vice president of technical and regulatory affairs for the Compressed Gas Association.

    A shortage of truck drivers  the certifications needed to transport the oxvgen is only adding to the problem, and there are (concern) about other rocket launches being pushed back as well.

    At the recently held Space Symposium in Colorado, SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell  (invite) anyone with access to liquid oxygen to reach out. "We certainly are going to make sure the hospitals are going to have the oxygen that they need but for anybody who has liquid oxygen  (spare), send me an email, " she said.

    SpaceX founder Elon Musk tweeted that the shortage was "a risk, not yet a limiting factor". So far, 26 rocket launches  (plan) by the company.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    How are you doing? I am now working like a student editor of my school's English website and in charge of a new column calling After-school Life. It reports diversity after- school events and activities from home and abroad broaden students' horizons. I wondered if you could do me a favor and record some of your after-school events. If be possible, please send me some picture and videos about your thrilling activities. The more, the better, of course! By a way, do you have time to visit your website www. hongxinghighschool. com? I would appreciate it if you can tell me that you think of it. Thanks a lot!

  • 19. 作为学生,老师的教诲让你成长。请你以"The teacher I thank most"为题,向英语校刊投稿,内容包括:







