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更新时间:2022-01-29 浏览次数:58 类型:月考试卷
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will the man probably do next?
      A . Have some food. B . Show his ID. C . Look for his boarding pass.
    2. (2) What is the woman probably?
      A . A waitress. B . A stewardess. C . An airport staff.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does Emma come from?
      A . America. B . Japan. C . Britain.
    2. (2) When did Emma meet Frank?
      A . In April.  B . In July.     C . In December.
    3. (3) What's the relationship between Emma and Frank?
      A . A couple. B . Co-workers.     C . Friends.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the man make the model spaceship?
      A . To record a teaching video. B . To enter a competition. C . To finish the homework.
    2. (2) What does the man focus on now?
      A . How to build the model spaceship. B . How to design the model spaceship. C . How to fly the model spaceship.
    3. (3) Where will the man do the first flight?
      A . In the park. B . In the garden. C . In the fields.
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How long has the man worked in the new company?
      A . For three months. B . For half a year. C . For two years.
    2. (2) How is the work done in the company?
      A . Through personal efforts. B . By working together. C . By competition.
    3. (3) What does the man think of his new boss?
      A . Determined. B . Generous. C . Thoughtful.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why can't the clock be sold easily?
      A . It has a distinct mark. B . It isn't valuable. C . It doesn't work.
    2. (2) How did the college get the antique glasses?
      A . They were presented by Arnolfini. B . They were given by a previous director. C . They were bought from an antique market.
    3. (3) Which stolen object worries the speaker most?
      A . The TV and the video recorders. B . A painting of the college. C . Examination papers.
    4. (4) Who could the speaker probably be?
      A . A police officer. B . A college director. C . A witness to the theft.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Bringing Goods into the UK

    You are allowed to bring some goods for personal use without paying tax or duty into the UK.

    Arrivals from EU countries

    You can bring goods from EU countries without being charged tax or duty if they are:

    ●transported by yourself;

    ●a gift or for personal use;

    ●bought with tax and duty included.

    You can bring alcohol and tobacco from EU countries without restriction but an inquiry might be required depending on the amount of your goods.

    Arrivals from outside the EU

    You will be free of duty or tax on certain amounts of goods brought from outside the EU as long as they are for your own use. Any goods that are beyond your allowance(免税额)should be declared.

    ※There are no duty-free allowances for tobacco or alcohol if you're under 17.

    Allowance for other goods;

    The maximum value of other goods you can bring is 390. Any single item that is worth more than the allowance will be charged duty or tax on its full value. The rate of duty or tax on items above the allowance is 2.5%.

    Banned and restricted goods

    Goods banned include:

    ●illegal drugs ;

    ●offensive weapons;

    ●endangered animal and plant species ;

    ●meat and dairy products from non-EU countries.

    We reserve the right to seize the goods which are on suspicion of violating (违反)intellectual property rights.

    1. (1) Who is most likely to be inquired by the customs officers when arriving in the UK from France?
      A . The person bringing a souvenir for his friend. B . The person carrying several packs of cigarettes. C . The person transporting a suitcase of chocolates by himself. D . The person bringing a bottle of perfume bought with tax included.
    2. (2) How much tax shall one pay for a necklace bought in China worth £600?
      A . 15. B . 30. C . 52.5. D . 110.
    3. (3) Which of the following items shall be banned or restricted?
      A . Indian bread. B . French wine. C . Chinese cigarettes. D . Australian beef and cheese.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    The town of Paradise has suffered a fire, which lasted 17 days and caused a loss of $16.5 billion. As a result, the beautifully named place lost its beauty.

    Shane Grammer, Creative Director for Disney's theme parks in Los Angeles, paid close attention to the news of the fire's deadly path. He felt quite powerless to help when seeing the picture shared by his childhood friend Shane Edwards in the town, in which Edwards photographed a white chimney(烟囱), the only part of his house left after the fire.

    "I've got to paint that chimney," he said, "I'm not trying to say anything, I's just that I'm an artist. And it was an opportunity for me to express myself and be an artist, wasn't it?"

    Gramner spent three hour spray-painting the image of a woman on the chimney in black and white, which was strikingly mysterious. Perhaps it served as a reminder of the beauty of life or just life itself.

    Then Grammer posted its picture on social media. On seeing it, the victims of the fire could not contain themselves. "Beautiful and impressive, "one of them remarked. And another said, "Yoa bring beauty and hope.""

    At this time, Grammer became aware that something deeper had been transformed by a purely artistic expression. "When the first mural(壁画)moved so many people, I knew I had to come back, "he told the journalist. Grammer retimed to Paradise eight times in three months, during which he completed 17 murals of victims and other figures,including the original one, on walls,pickups, and shards(碎片)of buildings.

    Today, Grammer's efforts have developed into a movement. He has also painted murals in dark places around the world that seriously need some light.

    Ironically, the first painting, on the chimney in Paradise, existed for just several months, since the bulldozer(推土机)was a merciless art critic. But Grammer couldn't be more pleased about it, which means the spirit of Paradise is rising again.

    1. (1) Why did Grammer paint the chimney?
      A . Because he felt powerless. B . Because he paid attention to the news. C . Because it was an opportunity to show off himself. D . Because he wanted to find ways to express himself.
    2. (2) What's the correct order of the following events?

      ①Grammer was interviewed by a journalist.

      ②Grammer's painting was removed by the bulldozer.

      ③Grammer worked for Disney's theme parks.

      ④Grammer's painting moved many people.

      ⑤Grammer painted the image of a woman on the chimney.

      A . ③③①④② B . ③⑤④①② C . ⑤③①④② D . ⑤③④①②
    3. (3) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Paradise is recovering in a short time. B . The people of Paradise are in high spirits. C . The bulldozer refers to people criticizing Grammer's painting. D . Grammer blames the destruction of his first painting on the bulldozer.
    4. (4) What can be the best title of the passage?
      A . The Chimney in the Town of Paradise B . The Town of Paradise Recovered After a Fire C . Grammer Brought Hope to Paradise Through Murals D . Grammer Showed the Spirit of Paradise in an Artistic Way
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Do you have a toy animal as your comfort object from your childhood? Is it still in your apartment? I8o, you are not alone. 60% of small children have Teddies and other comfort objects, and up to 35% of adults!

    Conventional wisdom from the 1970s suggested kids depending on comfort objects somehow lacked secure attachment to their mothers,and that this dependence would threaten their proper development into well-adjusted adults.

    However, not too long ago,studies began to show that comfort objects don't threaten children' mental health, and may indeed be developmentally advantageous. Children with comfort objects are les shy and more focused than those without them. This is probably because with their presence, children feel braver and less stressed in unfamiliar situations.

    Even newer research shows only when a toy is his or her comfort object do children anthropomorphize(人格化)it. That s, having an emotional attachment to the comfort object causes children to think of it as a human-like friend, who they can practice telling stories to and share joy and sorrow with. Sometimes they even think from the perspective of this unnatural friend.

    Comfort objects are not just soft things for children to grab when they feel sad or lonely. They mean something special to them. So, far from being "wacky toddler (学步儿童) behavior", choosing a comfort object and treating it as a sacred part of daily life is actually extremely popular behavior on the part of small children. If you have a comfort animal, or meet a kid who has one, let the hugs begin.

    1. (1) What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?
      A . Adults shouldn't have their own Teddies. B . Kids are most likely to depend on their toys. C . It's quite common to have comfort objects for people. D . It's unusual for grown-ups to have animal toys.
    2. (2) What was the traditional opinion about the kids depending on comfort objects?
      A . They could fit in well with social life. B . They could be easily independent of their mothers. C . They might lack a sense of security after becoming adults. D . They might have problems in the process of development.
    3. (3) We can conclude from the passage that
      A . comfort objects have souls in kids' eyes B . comfort objects promote creativity in children C . comfort objects contribute to kids' mental health D . comfort objects is a "wacky toddlers behavior" ___________________.
    4. (4) What is the author's attitude towards comfort objects?
      A . Supportive. B . Indifferent. C . Skeptical. D . Opposed.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    The negative health impacts of plastic on both wildlife and humans have been well documented. Recycling contributes to settling the problem. However, the material coming from the plastic recycled using the traditional technology is of lower quality and can only be used a few times for items like clothing or carpets before it has to be thrown away.

    Now, a French company Carbios wants to help cut down the world's plastic pollution with a bacterial enzyme(细菌酶)that "eats" PET(聚酯塑料)— the most plentiful plastic used to produce packaging and plastic bottles. The enzyme is able to downgrade (降解) 90% of a ton of plastic in less than 10hours. And the resulting material can be used to create anything and, more importantly,can be endlessly recycled.

    To dissolve the plastic, the waste is placed in a reactor with water and the enzyme and heated for 16hours at 65℃. The resulting mix is then filtered(过滤) and purified. This allows for the recovery of the building materials that make up PET. These building materials are then remade into new plastic and transformed into bottles and other items, without having to use more resources.

    The recycling process will be tested in a larger range at a new, bigger facility in Lyon, France, by the end of 2021.Once all the problems have been removed, Carbios hopes to bring the technology on the market by 2024.

    Though Carbios's recycling technique will certainly help alleviate plastic pollution, Stephan believes it is only part of the solution. We can only win the battle if we do a better job of ensuring that plastic waste does not end up in the environment or in landfills. So the next time you use a plastic bottle, be sure to make the extra effort to place it in a recycling bin.

    1. (1) What do we know about the resulting material produced by enzyme?
      A . It can eat bacteria. B . It can be continuously used. C . It can stand high temperatures. D . It is harmless to the environment.
    2. (2) The third paragraph mainly talks about _______________.
      A . the way of breaking down PET B . the resources of the bacterial enzyme C . the purpose of collecting the waste plastic D . the recycling process of PET with the bacterial enzyme
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "alleviate" in the last paragraph mean?
      A . Reduce. B . Record. C . Reflect. D . Replace.
    4. (4) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . The new technology has been widely used. B . Traditional plastic is easily stored and recycled. C . The bacterial enzyme technology is still in the testing stage. D . The bacterial enzyme completely solved the problem of plastic pollution.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Why is the pursuit of happiness such a challenging journey for some people? Check out these three things Harvard scientists say you can do to shift to a more positive frame of mind.

    Get moving, get happier.

    Are you struggling with negative emotions? Getting outdoors and regularly exercising can work wonders for both your health and your mood. Whether you take a walk or ride a bike, the aerobic activity unleashes mood-boosting hormones within your body that ease stress levels and lift your spirits.

    "Start with 5 minutes a day of walking or any activity you enjoy. Soon, 5 minutes will become 10, and 10 will become 15, "Dr. Michael Craig Miller,assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School,acknowledges that If you are in an emotional anxiety and need a quick mood boost, even a brief 15-minute walk around the block can put you in a more cheerful mental space.

    Did you know decision fatigue(疲劳) is a real thing? While having lots of choices sounds lovely, it can be mentally draining. Also research reveals that with more options comes more opportunity for regret.

    Every day, you choose from a multitude of options. Not only do you have to make these decisions, but the choices often lead to worry and regret. Fewer decisions can actually be liberating. Limit your choices and get rid of the overwhelming sense by asking yourself,"Will this decision lead to major, negative consequences?"

    Appreciate the small things.

    Whether we spill our coffee or get stuck in standstill traffic, these annoyances can steal the joy from our day if we let them. Shift your focus from your to-do list and your worries to the little moments of pleasure within your day. Notice the way steam rises from your hot cup of tea,soak up the sound of your child's giggle, feel the warmth of the sun as you set out on your afternoon stroll.

    The next time you find yourself stuck on what is going wrong with your day, concentrate instead on what is going right.

    A. Make decisions as reasonably as possible.

    B. Have fewer choices,get more happiness.

    C. How can you improve your mood and positivity?

    D. If not, make a quick choice and move on with your day.

    E. not everyone is really aware of the benefits of taking regular exercise.

    F. One key to happiness is to notice and appreciate the small pleasures in life.

    G. it can be challenging when starting a new workout routine but every bit helps!

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was one of the first suspension bridges(悬索桥).Not only has it been used for automobile traffic, but also trolleys and pedestrians, When it1in May of 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was called a marvel of engineering and it's still a(n)2sight. I'll bet I've been3that bridge a dozen times and I still love to look at it. And I'm not alone.

    Washington A. Roebling was the chief engineer on the bridge and it was supposed to be the crowning achievement in his professional4And I admit it was, at least to a certain extent, but there is one who actually5more credit than he. You see, Washington couldn't finish the job and even barely let it started. As a matter of fact, when setting the6for the bridge, which was 78 feet underwater, a tragic accident7, taking the life of Washington's father, John Roebling, the primary engineer of the bridge. Washington was soon appointed as chief engineer,8before long he got badly ill. The illness caused a certain amount of brain9, which made him unable to walk or talk. All he could do was move one finger. What's worse, he was the only one who knew how to build the bridge.10these difficulties, Washington was never 11 but decided to make the best of his finger. By 12one's arm with it, he slowly developed a code of communication.

    However, no one else was willing to 13 the awesome responsibilities of the job, except one! One who knew almost14 of construction or engineering. One who didn't even know advanced math. One who had only a deep 15 in her husband's work. Yes, it's her! Emily Roebling, the very smart and talented wife of Washington Roebling, who 16 Washington's ideas to other engineers and instructed them what to do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was 17completed.

    It's true that if it hadn't been18 the dedication of Emily who was willing to take over as a 19chief engineer, we may not have the Brooklyn Bridge today. So, we'd like to thank her for her 20.

    A . opened B . searched C . tracked D . widened
    A . typical B . impressive C . impossible D . terrible
    A . aside B . away C . across D . about
    A . skill B . career C . basis D . term
    A . blames B . declares C . collects D . deserves
    A . foundation B . construction C . destination D . direction
    A . exchanged B . decided C . occurred D . programmed
    A . since B . so C . as D . but
    A . loss B . damage C . destruction D . ruin
    A . In terms of B . In charge of C . In spite of D . In favor of
    A . dismissed B . discouraged C . disturbed D . distinguished
    A . pulling B . reaching C . moving D . tapping
    A . take on B . take off C . take out D . take in
    A . nothing B . something C . everything D . anything
    A . effect B . qualification C . belief D . desire
    A . reviewed B . persuaded C . relayed D . prepared
    A . eventually B . mostly C . hardly D . regularly
    A . as B . with C . to D . for
    A . strange B . temporary C . heroic D . friendly
    A . records B . promises C . collections D . efforts
  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Wang Yaping has become the first female taikonaut (中国宇航员)who works on China Space Station and the first Chinese woman (perform) a spacewalk. As a member of the Shenzhou 10 spaceship crew in June 2013, she conducted (science ) experiments and delivered a live physics lecture schoolchildren from orbit during the mission.

    Over the past two years, Wang (join) in over 6, 000 hours of strict training, from docking a spacecraft controlling a robotic arm. The most (exhaust) exercise was the seven-hour underwater training session during which she had to wear a special suit weighed over 100kilograms.Wang improved her performance by doing extra core-strength exercises every day to (strong) her back and muscles. She reached the top level finally at the end of 2011.

    During the next six (month), Wang and her teammates will carry out experiments and spacewalks. In addition, Wang will give second lecture from the space station, making young people (encourage) to pursue their space dreams.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Like many people who had hobbies, I am especially addicted to collect stamps. It is ten years when l began to show interest collecting stamps. Now my collection of stamps cover almost every category, Chinese myths, places of interest and historical people and events including. Believe it or not, from these small stamps I have been learned much about what I can't get from textbooks. Meanwhile, I have made friend with those with the same hobby, with whom I constant share my opinions and feelings so long as I've got a valuable new stamp. Collecting stamps is fun and of course has greatly changed my life, bringing many advantages to their study as well as my life.

  • 19. 假定你是李华,在英国某大学留学期间,发现你居住的学生公寓有很多问题,请用英语写一封投诉信、向学校公寓管理部门反映情况,要点包括:






    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I'm Li Hua,


    Looking forward to your early reply.


    Li Hua

