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更新时间:2021-11-26 浏览次数:80 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Goa is the official holiday destination of India. It is just the one-stop destination to fulfill all your desires and there are endless things that you can do. Here is a list of adventure sports and activities that you must definitely try. So, take a look.


    Parasailing is one of the most famous adventure sports in Goa. Your parachute is attached to a motorboat and when the boat swings in with full momentum, you feel like you're flying like a bird.

    Cost: INR 1000 per person

    Duration: 5 —10 Minutes

    Water Scooter

    If you are a fan of speed and thrill then this sport is just for you. Riding a water scooter through the blue waters of Goa is like a dream coming true and that is why you should not miss out on the opportunity of doing it.

    Cost: INR 200—300 per scooter

    Duration: About 20 minutes


    Windsurfing is a combination of both sailing and surfing and is again, one of the very famous sports around the north Goa region. And if you are facing any issues with the same you might join a surfing coaching for being an expert at this sport.

    Cost: INR 400—600

    Duration: 1—2 hours

    White Water Rafting

    Why is it an adventure sport that is loved by people across the country? This sport is easily doable and is less risky. Plus, it does not require a lot of training before actually taking up. People who come with less time in hand, find white water rafting as one of their most favourite sports in Goa.

    Cost: INR 1799 — 2499

    Duration: 2 — 3 hours

    1. (1) Which will you try if you are a speed fan?
      A . Parasailing. B . Water Scooter. C . Windsurfing. D . White Water Surfing.
    2. (2) What can you learn about Windsurfing?
      A . It lasts the longest hours. B . It's less demanding. C . It needs specific training. D . It's the cheapest.
    3. (3) Why is White Water Rafting most popular?
      A . It's the most adventurous. B . It's least expensive. C . It's an aerial sport. D . It's easy to handle.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    For 38-year-old Justin Herald, the journey to wealth began one Sunday morning at a church in Sydney, when he had a quarrel with one of the churchgoers.

    "You have an attitude problem," she told him.

    The accusation sparked something in him, and the then-25-year-old borrowed $ 50 from his brother to have four T-shirts printed with the slogans: "I don't have an attitude problem, you have a perception problem" and "When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you".

    "It was the best $ 50 I ever spent," laughs Herald. By the end of the morning he'd sold three of the four T-shirts. With the money, he had another six printed, then 12, then 24. "That first year the turnover was $ 980, 000," he says.

    His business, Attitude Inc, is now a multi-million dollar concern with a wide range of products selling in 3,500 stores across Australia. His success was due to clever marketing—the public loved the slogans—but also, he admits, luck. In those days there was very little competition in his sector of the clothing industry, and he was in the right place at the right time.

    The media spotlight also helped, with people picking up on Herald's likeable personality and infectious passion for his business: the night of one TV appearance, 187 stores rang to get his products into their shops.

    "The consumer liked the person behind the product. They really did support me as an individual as well as the brand," he says.

    Herald sold the business three years ago, by which time it was turning over $ 30 million a year, and now spends his time as a motivational speaker. His message: anyone can be financially successful if they set their mind to it. "You have to have a lot of stick ability—not everything is going to work the way you plan it."

    Money has meant he has been able to enjoy his other passion—fast cars—but essentially he says he's the same person he's always been. "Time and freedom and choice are more valuable than having a lot of money in the bank," he says.

    1. (1) Why did Herald have the slogans printed on the T-shirt?
      A . To fight back the woman. B . To encourage himself. C . To try a form of marketing. D . To show himself off.
    2. (2) What happened to Herald after his appearance on TV?
      A . He opened 187 branches. B . He became a public figure. C . He sold his business. D . He received more orders.
    3. (3) Why did Herald give up his business three years ago?
      A . He wanted to change his lifestyle. B . His business expected to lose money. C . He feared to fall into the trap of wealth D . He wanted to be a professional speaker.
    4. (4) What can we learn from Herald's story?
      A . Time is money. B . Mindfulness pays off. C . Passion is based on money. D . Luck is the key to success.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Anna Akter, a nine-year-old student at a floating school in Bangladeshi remote Natore district, says she might have missed out on her education during annual floods without her boat-based classroom. The same goes for Khushi Khatun, who also studies at the boat school where she gets free tuition and materials. "Had there been no such school, she would have had to walk two kilometers along a muddy path or take a boat journey which may have discouraged her from studying, said her father, a farmer in Pangasia village.

    Each year, much of the Bangladesh countryside is hit by flooding. With around two thirds of the country's 160 million people living in rural areas, during a normal rainy season, some 1.5 million students are estimated to be affected by floods.

    The boats first served as the school bus, collecting children from different riverside stops. Instead of the students going to school, the school reaches them," said Mohammed Rezwan, founder of Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha, the non-profit organization that introduced the country's first floating school system.

    Rezwan, an architect, was born and brought up in Natore district, and he himself was lucky as he didn't miss school in the rainy season thanks to his family's boat. While at university, it occurred to him that if children couldn't make it to school, their classroom should go to them. So he established Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha in 1998 with $ 500 from his savings and scholarship money, and the floating school concept was launched in 2002.

    The floating schools cover an area of 2 square km, offering primary level education to local children who might otherwise have stayed away from school. Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha now also trains adult villagers on children's and women's rights, nutrition and health, and how to farm ducks and fish alongside vegetables in "floating gardens, helping them adapt to the impacts of climate change.

    1. (1) What do the two girls do during the rainy season?
      A . They study at a boat school. B . They go to a tuition-school. C . They stay away from school. D . They take a boat to school.
    2. (2) What is special about a floating school?
      A . The boat serves as a school bus. B . The boat is used as a classroom. C . It never stops at a fixed spot. D . It offers free schooling to all children.
    3. (3) What made Rezwan start the floating school system?
      A . His desire to make money. B . His interest in teaching. C . His childhood experience. D . The farmers' request.
    4. (4) What is the purpose of this text?
      A . To show the effects of climate on schools. B . To explain the climate of Bangladesh. C . To praise Rezwan for his selfless acts. D . To introduce a new school system.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    We all know about the health benefits of swimming. It offers a great workout for the body—it builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. If you don't mind getting wet, it can be fun too. But who would enjoy swimming in water that is ice cold. Well, many people are taking the plunge, based on evidence that it can actually be good for us.

    Cold-water swimming—sometimes called wild swimming—involves swimming in natural areas including ponds, rivers and the sea. Jumping in gives a short sharp shock to the body, but many participants say they get used to it. A cold dip might wake you up, but research has found it can have much bigger benefits than that for your body and mind. As well as being good exercise, spending time outdoors and by water improves wellbeing.

    There is much evidence, mostly anecdotal, that suggests cold-water swimming has cured certain health conditions. One man who suffered constant pain after surgery claimed he was cured by taking a plunge in cold open water. And another swimmer, Sandria Simons, told the BBC "the immersion of your body in cold, salt water, just feeling like you're at one with nature if you like, just feels amazing."

    But what is it that people are gaining from this chilly experience? Doctors say getting into cold water evokes a stress response, but the more you do it, your reaction to stress is reduced. It's also thought to have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. But there are bigger benefits to this stress-reducing exercise. Some experts believe cold-water swimming helps 'cross-adaptation', where one form of stress prepares the body for another. For example? it also helps reduce the stress of exercising at high altitude.

    So, if you're convinced that this is for you, take advice: approach it with caution, swim with a friend, and maybe start in the summer, when the water temperatures are higher!

    1. (1) What is the text mainly about?
      A . Swimming and health. B . Cold-water swimming. C . Reducing stress. D . A chilly experience.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "it" refer to in the 2nd paragraph?
      A . The sharp body shock. B . The benefit. C . The cold dip. D . The research.
    3. (3) What is Sandria Simons' opinion about cold-water swimming?
      A . It brings you close to nature. B . It cures certain health conditions. C . It has cross-adaptation effects. D . It's a great physical exercise.
    4. (4) What is the author's advice?
      A . Start at an early age. B . Do it immediately. C . Adapt first in cold water. D . Safety comes first.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Do you make any smart friends?  But you'll have an easier time if you join a community service group, continuing education class or book club. The following suggestions may help you meet people you want to connect with intellectually.

     When you hope to meet smart friends, it's important to identify what kind of intelligence you're searching for. For example, some individuals have a specific knowledge of cooking or engineering, while others may be well-versed in politics. After you identify a specific knowledge base that interests you, join groups and network among new people who share those interests.

    Expand your professional circles.  If you currently work in a field that you don't find intellectually challenging, join a community club or discussion group related to your field of interest. For example, if you'd like to make some smart friends who are involved in the real estate business, join a business group related to real estate. Branching out socially in your area of expertise is likely to connect you to intelligent, likeminded people.

    Invite new people to social activities. Once you come in contact with a new acquaintance, make an effort to develop a friendship by inviting the person to engage in some casual activity, such as having coffee, taking a walk, having lunch or playing tennis.

    Plan group events or social gatherings with the smart individuals you have become acquainted with so that a group can get to know one another.  If your event includes a variety of talented, well-educated people, you're likely to make more social connections and network with a wider variety of intelligent individuals.

    A. Friendship is precious.

    B. Identify your intellectual interests.

    C. This works well with groups sharing common interests.

    D. When you meet a nice guy, bring him into your social circle.

    E. You may be able to meet smart friends by socializing with coworkers.

    F. You may find it difficult to connect with a well-educated group of friends.

    G. Find something you both enjoy and make efforts to get better acquainted.

  • 6. 完形填空

    Muhammad Yunus, a professor of economics in Chittagong University, is the founder of Grameen Bank. His bank 1 people to borrow small amounts of money to start business. He and the bank were 2awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to help bring millions of people, especially women, out of 3.

    During his visit to the poorest 4 in the village of Jobra near his university, Yunus met a woman who made bamboo stools. To 5 her business going, she had to take out usurious loans to buy the bamboo. He went around the village and found 42 women who were in the same6. He made a loan of $ 27 from his own7 to the women, and told them to pay it back8 they could. Yunus believed that if given the chance the poor would 9 the borrowed money, and microcredit could be a good business model. He got all the money back, and then he went to other 10and did the same thing. The official banks didn't want to get involved in what he was doing, so Yunus11 to start his own bank. By July 2007, the Grameen Bank had 12$ 6.38 billion to 7.4 million borrowers.

    The success of Grameen Bank has13 similar efforts in many countries throughout the developing world, and even in rich nations like the USA. More than 94% of Grameen loans have gone to 14, who suffer from poverty and who are more 15than men to devote their earnings to their families.

    A . agrees B . allows C . attracts D . wishes
    A . hopefully B . actually C . luckily D . jointly
    A . balance B . loss C . poverty D . home
    A . households B . students C . teachers D . children
    A . keep B . catch C . run D . find
    A . dream B . situation C . business D . place
    A . tuition B . school C . bank D . pocket
    A . while B . if C . whenever D . as
    A . save B . afford C . earn D . repay
    A . cities B . villages C . workshops D . countries
    A . managed B . turned C . chanced D . offered
    A . collected B . given C . issued D . donated
    A . appreciated B . inspired C . appealed D . made
    A . families B . people C . women D . villagers
    A . miserable B . difficult C . fortunate D . likely
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    After 38 years of living in China, Roberta Lipson, a US citizen, finally got her Chinese green card" on July 10. (celebrate) the occasion, she posted this in her WeChat Moments, “after 38 years I'm now finally a permanent Chinese resident, along with a picture inshe was with a colleague at the certificate issuing center, in a white dress, smiling  (wide).

    Lipson, also known as Li Bijing, is the founder and CEO of the United Family Healthcare. She came to China in 1979 and (start) her business to help improve the country's public health and medical services by demonstrating  different approach to healthcare.

    In 1997, the United Family Healthcare was established in Beijing. It is the first foreign-invested expert medical organization in China. Now her business has extended many cities across the country.

    For Lipson, (become) a permanent Chinese resident is something she always wanted. "My career is in China, and I  (be) in China for decades. China is my home. I would feel more comfortable if I have permanent residency," said Lipson during an interview with China Newsweek.

    On Oct 18, the 19th CPC National Congress was held in Beijing. "I was excited about the report (deliver) by President Xi Jinping, in which he mentioned the Healthy China Strategy. To (well) fulfill our social responsibilities, we will bring more medical services to rural areas, and provide more care to special-needs children and migrant workers," she said.

    "This is also the dream of United Family Healthcare, Lipson added.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,下周,你校将举办一场读书报告会。请你以校学生会的名义,用英语写一则通知。内容包括:








  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Terry and Anna are a lovely couple living in Australia. They have been together for almost a year and are ready to take the next step together.

    For their one-year anniversary, Terry wanted to surprise his girlfriend with a special present. He decided that he was going to make a necklace for her. He made the main piece of the necklace out of Tasmanian wood, which is a high-quality ornamental timber (木材) used for making furniture and cabinets, as well as other small objects. It was the perfect material for a necklace. That wasn't all. Terry had hidden something within the necklace. This took a lot of time to make sure it was concealed properly. He then purchased a chain and put the two together to make a necklace.

    Terry took Anna out to a lovely dinner for the anniversary. After the dinner, he took his handmade necklace out and presented it to her. Anna loved the necklace so much that she put it on as soon as she got it and never took it off again.

    Anna and Terry loved traveling together, but Anna was always afraid of flying, and living in Australia provided her with the opportunity to find great vacation destinations that didn't require her to fly. However, Terry wasn't content with traveling in Australia. Though incredibly afraid of flying, Anna decided to face her fear and take a flight.

    The couple decided to take a trip to Scotland. They were eager to see the country and explore everything it would offer. Anna was especially excited, as she would have an opportunity to see a friend that she hadn't seen for years.

    It was almost two years since Terry had given Anna the necklace. Terry had the idea to open Anna's necklace while they took a trip to the caves in northern Scotland. That was where Terry decided to make his big reveal.




    As soon as they reached the caves, Terry asked his girlfriend to take the necklace off.


    Anna saw what was hidden in the necklace and was shocked at what she was looking at!

