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更新时间:2021-11-18 浏览次数:73 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Stepping Out Into Nature

    The classic road trip is more popular than ever. Here are several places to hit the open road.

    Colo-road Trips

    The Colorado Tourism Office has made it easy for road-trippers to explore the state's 24 Scenic & Historic Byways. A new microsite includes-an interactive map that enables travelers to explore options by region, interest or season. Travelers seeking inspiration can also access insider tips and side-trip suggestions for historic attractions, active adventures and highlight cultural opportunities.

    The Beartooth Highway.

    Visitors of this extraordinary byway experience the grand sights of Montana, Wyoming and Yellowstone Park. The windy 68-mile stretch introduces road explorers to one of the most diverse ecosystems accessible by auto. Breathtakingly beautiful, this All-American Road showcases wide, high alpine plateaus (高原), painted with ice blue lakes, forested valleys, waterfalls and wildlife.

    Seward Highway, Alaska

    The road that connects Anchorage to Seward is 127-mile treasure of natural beauty, wildlife and stories of adventure. The drive begins at the base of the Chugach Mountains, hugs the scenic shores of Turnagain Arm and winds through gold mining towns, national forests and fishing villages. Expect waterfalls, glaciers, eagles and some good bear stories.

    The Lighthouse Trail, Maine

    Travel the 375 miles between Kittery and Calais, Maine, visiting lighthouses along the way. Hear tales of shipwrecks (海难) and of the difficult and lonely life led by those who kept the lights burning brightly. If possible, visit the Maine Lighthouse Museum. where artifacts and hands-on exhibits for children provide an appealing break.

    1. (1) What makes Colo-road Tips special?
      A . Good bear stories. B . A scenic beach. C . Hands-on exhibits. D . An interactive map.
    2. (2) Where can you explore state of gold miners?
      A . Colorado. B . Montana. C . Alaska. D . Maine
    3. (3) Which place is suitable for a family with children?
      A . Colo-road Trips. B . The Beartooth Highway. C . Seward Highway. D . The Lighthouse Trail.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    The world's largest iceberg is floating toward South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean. Scientists fear the iceberg could crash into the island and block major feeding areas for a large population of penguins and seals. If the iceberg hits the island, it could prevent the penguins and seals from reaching food supplies.

    The huge iceberg is named A68a. It broke away from Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf in 2017. Satellite images show the iceberg has remained in one piece. It is estimated to be about 150 kilometers long and 48 kilometers wide. It is traveling at one kilometer per hour and is on a path to hit South Georgia in around 30 days.

    This is the time of year when seals and penguins spend a lot of time caring for their young. The distance that parents have to travel to find food is crucial. That means they have to go a lot further or go around the iceberg to find sources of food.

    Ecologists say an iceberg crash would also disturb materials settled on the seabed, possibly polluting the surrounding seas. As the iceberg melts, it would also release large amounts of fresh water into the ocean. This could affect krill (磷虾) populations that are a major source of food for the island's wildlife. The iceberg could remain for up to 10 years and change the area's whole ecosystem. These are globally significant populations of these species. If these species fail in this particular area, then the numbers globally are going to go down quite dramatically.

    Professor Geraint Tarling, an ecologist at the British Antarctic Survey, said, "The breaking off of icebergs from Antarctica is a natural process. But the process is changing with climate change. What we're seeing with models and some observations now is that this is happening at an increasing rate. And so, this might become more of a usual thing in the future."

    1. (1) Why are the scientists worried about the coming iceberg crash?
      A . It will bring extremely cold weather. B . It will destroy the feeding areas of the animals. C . It will put wildlife on the island at risk of starving. D . It will prevent animals from moving to other places.
    2. (2) What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
      A . The characteristic of the iceberg. B . The importance of the iceberg. C . The traveling speed of the iceberg. D . The forming process of the iceberg.
    3. (3) What damage can an iceberg crash bring according to paragraph 4?
      A . Using up much fresh water. B . Polluting the surrounding farms. C . Changing the world's ecosystem. D . Affecting the number of certain species.
    4. (4) How does Tarling think of the breaking off of icebergs from Antarctica?
      A . It may slow down in the near future. B . It may become common in the future. C . It has a great influence on the climate. D . It helps scientists conduct a sea study.
  • 3. (2021·松原模拟) 阅读理解

    Happiness is not a warm phone, according to a new study exploring the link between young life satisfaction and screen time. The study was led by professor of psychology Jean M. Twenge at San Diego State University (SDSU).

    To research this link, Twenge, along with colleagues Gabrielle Martin at SDSU and W. Keith Campbell at the University of Georgia, dealt with data from the Monitoring the Future (MtF) study, a nationally representative survey of more than a million U. S. 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders. The survey asked students questions about how often they spent time on their Phones, tablets and computers, as well as questions about their face-to-face social interactions and their overall happiness.

    On average found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices — playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting — were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face-to-face social interactions.

    "The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use," Twenge said. "Aim to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase the amount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face and exercising — two activities reliably linked to greater happiness."

    Looking at historical trends from the same age groups since the 1990s, it's easy to find that the increase of screen devices over time happened at the same time as a general drop-off in reported happiness in U. S. teens. Specifically, young peopled life satisfaction and happiness declined sharply after 2012. That's the year when the percentage of Americans who owned a smartphone rose above 50 percent. By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities and sleep.

    1. (1) Which method did Twenge's team use for the study?
      A . Calculating students' happiness. B . Asking students certain questions. C . Analyzing data from a survey. D . Doing experiments on screen time.
    2. (2) How does the author develop the finding of the study in paragraph 3?
      A . By making a comparison. B . By giving an example. C . By making an argument. D . By introducing a concept.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
      A . To draw a conclusion from the study. B . To offer some advice to the readers. C . To prove social activities' importance. D . To support the researchers' finding.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . Quitting Phones Equals Happiness B . Screen Time Should Be Banned C . Teens' Lives Have Changed Sharply D . Screen-addicted Teens Are Unhappier
  • 4. 阅读理解

    In the world of Chinese archaeology(考古学), a sign of a dig's importance is the sight of Zhou Mingsheng at work. A field technician who has worked at archaeological sites all around China. Master Zhou is credited with the gentlest touch in his profession. Born into a farming family, he is a "national-level craftsman" with a talent for using simple tools to get relics(遗物) that would crumble in other hands, says his current boss, Wang Xu, director of an archaeological site at Shuanghuaishu, a Neolithic(新石器时代的) settlement near the Yellow River in the central province of Henan.

    It is not beauty that attracts visitors to Shuanghuaishu. At 5, 300 years old, the settlement is the work of a culture too simple to have left behind many buried treasures. The single most precious find, to date, is a finger-length sculpture of a silkworm. Nor is the setting lovely: an area surrounded by deafening insects, between a highway and two power stations. Rather, the site's importance is historical. For since the birth of Chinese archaeology in the 1920s, it has been inseparable from claims that China has the oldest unbroken civilisation on Earth.

    Leading archaeologists say that the site has the right combination of location, age and distinctive cultural elements to be the capital of an early Chinese kingdom. That would make it a bridge between China's written history and the era of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to rule over these central plains almost 5, 000 years ago, though many foreign scholars doubt his existence. Chinese media call the site proof of China's 5, 000 years of history.

    Foreigners complain about a lack of written records, Mr. Wang notes. Perhaps they are missing symbols that will one day be understood, for instance in patterned pottery. Outsiders "can't keep using Western standards to apply to Chinese ruins," he argues.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word “crumble” in Paragraph 1 mean?
      A . Break. B . Start. C . Wait. D . Shine.
    2. (2) Why does Shuanghuaishu attract visitors?
      A . It has appealing scenery. B . It has various precious treasures. C . It is of great historical significance. D . It is easily accessible.
    3. (3) What is Mr. Wang's attitude towards foreigners' view?
      A . Unconcern. B . Disapproving. C . Supportive. D . Not mentioned.
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . Chinese history amazes the world. B . Chinese archaeology catches on. C . China follows its tradition. D . China digs its past.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Even if you are really busy, as long as you try, the following suggestions will help you to show your parents that you love them and make them happier.

    Parents are people who are watching you every step of the way. They will be very happy to talk to and share with about everything in life. And for them, there is no greater gift than understanding you. , or you will inadvertently hurt them a lot.

    Do your best to help your parents and family

    Help here does not necessarily mean financial help, but sometimes it is just an encouragement, visit or a sincere advice when someone in the familys encounters a difficult situation. .

    Spend time with your family

    Many people are often engaged in work, with private lives only having experiences with their friends, but forgetting about family, where there are always fathers and mothers waiting for them every day. . Simply having a family mean together, going on a picnic somewhere is enough to make parents extremely happy and feel this life is meaningful.

    Express your gratitude and give your parents meaningful gifts on special days

    On special days, sending gifts and expressing your love and gratitude will be a great source of spiritual encouragement, helping parents to be happy and proud of their child's filial piety and thoughtfulness. , such as a shirt, purse, handbag, belt, pottery, souvenir, etc.

    A. So, however busy you are, you should arrange proper hours and stay with your family.

    B. Not relying on your parents, you can decide your own life.

    C. Your attention and giving a hand to family will make your parents extremely proud.

    D. Spend time caring, talking and sharing with your parents.

    E. Sometimes small things are enough to make your parents happy.

    F Respect your parents.

    G. Never create barriers with your parents.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

    A pizza deliver driver in Rhode Island receive something more special than any tip this week.

    Ryan Catterson was delivering pizza to the 1 of Lindsey Sheely on Saturday night when Sheely's old son ran up to him and give him a big2 .

    Sheely, who3the moment on the doorbell camera, said, "I put it up on my Facebook page. In fact, I just did it because we thought it was4. "What Sheely didn't know at the time was what that5would mean to Catterson.

    Catterson's 16-year-old daughter, who lived in California with his ex-wife, 6passed away. She had7with mental problems. “After losing my daughter this past week, it just8me because it was like she was there, and it just meant a9to me," he said.

    His ex-wife, Danielle, said she was10that someone saw his pain and could be there for him. “It's so easy to11such people and their internal pain," she said. "That even goes to our12. We didn't know her13. "

    The video of his hug with the 2-year-old made its14to Catterson, and he reached out to tell Sheely how much it15. "It is really16to accept that I'm not going to be able to hug her again," Catterson said of his daughter.

    The hug may have lasted only a few seconds, 17it's a moment Catterson will18 always. "That might have been my daughter just looking out for me19at the time," he said. "This incident means something, and makes me20, 'Wow, maybe she's there. "

    A . home B . office C . garden D . community
    A . hug B . tip C . smile D . surprise
    A . fixed B . caught C . checked D . adjusted
    A . crazy B . funny C . serious D . common
    A . comment B . chance C . moment D . signal
    A . recently B . gradually C . peacefully D . eventually
    A . connected B . treated C . settled D . struggled
    A . reminded B . touched C . confused D . matched
    A . ton B . pizza C . loss D . dollar
    A . anxious B . concerned C . ashamed D . grateful
    A . cure B . ignore C . help D . describe
    A . friend B . family C . mother D . daughter
    A . joy B . pain C . disease D . strength
    A . way B . case C . sale D . trip
    A . cost B . needed C . meant D . charged
    A . lucky B . interesting C . tough D . necessary
    A . for B . since C . but D . though
    A . pick up B . set aside C . take along D . hold onto
    A . bravely B . blindly C . casually D . eagerly
    A . regret B . cheer C . think D . attempt
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Residents of Xiazhuang, Chongqing, used to risk their  (life) whenever they ventured out of the mountain village  (surround ) by steep cliffs(悬崖) about 1, 000 meters high. It was Mao Xianglin, head of the village, who gathered nearly all Xiazhuang's 400 villagers for a meeting  1997 and suggested building a road snaking long the mountains. The 8-kilometer-long road links the village, located at the bottom of a valley, to the outside world. it was built, it usually took the villagers more than a full day to access the outside world. Now it only needs a one-hour drive.

    The construction work was rather  (difficult) than they imagined.  (stand) on the edge of the cliff, they were extremely terrified with their legs shaking. , when there was a dangerous situation, Mao was always the first to go. After 7 years of wrestling with severe challenges, the road (complete) in 2004. It is not only a road but a route (overcome) poverty. Nowadays the villagers are much better-off than before by  (sell) agricultural products through live streaming.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Some Senior 3 students can't study efficient because of staying up late. What's the more, many have anxiety, that also leads to the inefficiency of studying. In respect of the problem, I have some suggestion for them. First, they should have enough sleep, which is of great important. Besides, striking a balance between study and relaxation are necessary. Finally, it's a great idea for them to spend more time do sports. In my opinion, more attention should paid to Senior 3 students' health. I suggest they take care of them so that they can stay healthy but study well.

  • 9. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim听说外卖点餐(ordering meals online)在中国很流行,发来邮件询问相关信息。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:





    Dear Jim,



    Li Hua

