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更新时间:2021-11-15 浏览次数:86 类型:开学考试
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Language Arts Games

    MrNussbaum.com features challenging and exciting educational games for kids aged 4-14 to learn and practice topics. When you arrive on the game page, most have instructional videos underneath the game.


    You are an ant with your ant friends. Your goal is to go through the grass back to your ant home. Your knowledge of antonyms (反义词) will guide you. Choose the correct antonym for each word that appears and you will move in the right direction. Be careful though, you have seven minutes limit! If you take too much time, you'll become dinner for a hungry anteater.

    Type: Word/ Phonics Game

    International Pizza Delivery

    In the game, users must deliver pizzas to all corners of the world using their geography skills. The object is to deliver as many pizzas as possible in six minutes. For each successful delivery, the user earns the flag of the nation. These flags may be printed out at the end of the game.

    Type: Social Studies Fun


    Spellerz is an application in which users can practice their spelling and typing. Users must type the words that flash on the screen correctly. The number of words increases with the correct typing. The time limit of the game is ten minutes. Teachers can also create their own word lists for students to use in the game.

    Type: Spelling Game

    Tony Fraction's Pizza Shop

    Tony Fraction is a fun game. Students play the role of Tony, a pizza shop owner who must fulfill the requests of his demanding customers. Tony's customers order pizzas with fractions (分数) such as fourths, sixths, eighths, twelfths, and even sixteenths. Students have five minutes to fill as many pizza orders as possible with the goal of making as much money as they can.

    Type: Math Game

    1. (1) What type of game is Ant-O-Nyms?
      A . Math Game. B . Spelling Game. C . Word/ Phonics Game. D . Social Studies Fun.
    2. (2) Which game has the shortest time limit?
      A . Spellerz. B . Tony Fraction's Pizza Shop. C . Ant-O-Nyms. D . International Pizza Delivery.
    3. (3) What do the games have in common?
      A . They are all video games. B . They are all online games. C . They all have instructions. D . They are just kids' fun games.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    High school graduations are one of the most important time in a teenager's life. Four years of hard work, friendships, and dreams for the future all end up in a shining moment that will be remembered long after the caps and gowns are collecting dust.

    So imagine Daverius Peters' dismay when on May 19, as he headed into the ceremony to receive his diploma, he was stopped at the door by the fashion police. Although his sneakers were expensive and popular, Peters learned they were in violation of the school's dress code and he was forbidden entry.

    It looked as if Peters was about to miss his chance to walk across the stage with his classmates. When the upset senior caught sight of a friendly face, he went looking for help. John Butler, a teacher at Hahnville High School, was on hand for the graduation as a parent, not a staff member, but once he learned Peters, dilemma, he accompanied the young man to the entry to see if he could change the gatekeeper's mind.

    "I was hoping that maybe she would let it go, but she insisted on not letting this young man in. This was the most important moment in his life, and I wasn't going to let him miss it for anything." Butler told The Post. Without missing a beat, Butler simply swapped his size-11 loafers for Peters' size-9 athletic shoes. With seconds to spare, Peters made it inside the venue (会场) just as the doors closed and was able to keep his place in the graduation line.

    Although his family was thrilled that Butler's quick thinking kept a joyful celebration from turning into an ugly situation, Peters wasn't surprised. "Mr. Butler is that type of person. At school, if you're having a bad day, he'll be the one to take you out of class, walk around the school and talk with you." Peters told The Post.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "dismay" mean in paragraph 2?
      A . Curiosity. B . Excitement. C . Disappointment. D . Anger.
    2. (2) Why did Mr. Bulter come to the school on May 19?
      A . To hand out diplomas to the graduates. B . To prepare for the graduation ceremony. C . To save Peters from missing the graduation. D . To attend his child's graduation ceremony.
    3. (3) How did Mr. Bulter help Peters out of dilemma?
      A . He changed the gatekeeper^ mind. B . He exchanged the shoes with Peters. C . He accompanied Peters to the venue. D . He bought Peters a new pair of shoes.
    4. (4) What did Peters think of Mr. Butler?
      A . Kind and generous. B . Thoughtful and strong-willed. C . Faithful and responsible. D . Respectful and knowledgeable.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Happy news arrived from Colorado this week as Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) announced that two wolves, John M2101 and Jane F1084, had been spotted with multiple pups (幼崽). The gray wolves and their pups were first sighted by a wildlife biologist and CPW district wildlife manager. The good news follows the decision to reintroduce gray wolves to the state just last year.

    To gain further confirmation, CPW staff conducted three separate observations to see what was happening at the den (窝) from a safe distance. This confirmed the presence of the collared wolves John and Jane, who were joined by three pups. The true group size remains to be seen, however, as it's possible there may be more that have not yet been spotted. Gray wolf dens usually contain around four to six pups.

    "Colorado is now home to our first wolf den since the 1940s," said Governor Jared Polis in a statement. "We welcome this historic den and the new wolf family to Colorado. With voter passage last year of the project to require reintroduction of the wolf by the end of 2023, these pups will have plenty of potential mates when they grow up to start their own families."

    "It's incredible that these two adult animals have traveled the distance and overcome the challenges they have to get here, and to now have pups in Colorado," said Kris Middledorf, area wildlife manager for CPW. "Our first duty is to ensure that they have the chance to boom, so even as we have exciting news, we want to remind everyone that these animals remain endangered in Colorado."

    The status of gray wolves is backed up by law in the western state, where killing an endangered species can result in the removal of hunting privileges, a fine of $100, 000, and even jail time. It's also prohibited to hunt wildlife in the state— but with acute hearing and excellent eyesight, leaving these smart animals should be easy enough if you don't go looking for them.

    1. (1) What made CPW researchers happy recently?
      A . They found gray wolf pups in Colorado. B . Two gray wolves were released to the wild. C . The state decided to reintroduce gray wolves. D . They discovered a few groups of wolves and pups.
    2. (2) What is mainly conveyed in Governor Jared Polish statement?
      A . Gray wolves are welcome back to Colorado. B . Colorado voted for the introduction of the wolf. C . Colorado is the best place for gray wolves to survive. D . Gray wolves have lived in Colorado for over 80 years.
    3. (3) What is the Kris's attitude towards the Colorado gray wolf project?
      A . Doubtful. B . Worried. C . Supportive. D . Uncaring.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . Wildlife diversity in the Colorado Parks. B . The research of gray wolves in the CPW. C . The habitats of gray wolves and their pups. D . The reintroduction of gray wolves to Colorado.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    With the nine to five being a common way to make a living, our place of work can become like a second home, so the conditions of that environment can have a significant influence on our physical and mental health. Now, new research has studied the effect that a bad work environment can have on our mood, finding that bosses who fail to consider their employees' mental health put them at a three times risk of depression (抑郁).

    The research, published in the BMJ Open, wanted to look into the workplace psychosocial safety climate (PSC) — a term for management practices and systems that set out to conserve workers' mental health and safety. To do so, they reviewed data on workers in Australia that lasted one year to look for associations between management practices and mental health issues.

    The review found that poor workplace mental health can be traced back to low PSC, which exhibited poor management practices, privileges and values. While long hours were linked to severe cases of over-tiredness, they showed a weaker association with depression, and poor management practices were found to cause a greater risk for depression.

    "Evidence shows that companies who fail to reward or acknowledge their employees for hard work and put unreasonable demands on workers, are placing their staff at a much greater risk of depression," said lead author Dr. Amy Zadow of the University of South Australia in a statement. "We also found that depression in a work unit can not only negatively affect the victim, but also the team members who witness that behavior. It is not uncommon for everyone in the same unit to experience depression as a result."

    Depression affects over 264 million people around the world and while treatments are available, the number of documented cases remains strong. It's possible that insights from research such as this could contribute towards lowering these numbers by informing better management practices to improve workplace PSC.

    1. (1) How does the bad work environment affect workers according to the new research?
      A . Their living conditions will get worse. B . They are more likely to get depression. C . The workplace will become their home. D . They can't get along well with colleagues.
    2. (2) What probably contributes to the low PSC in the workplace?
      A . High job demands. B . Long hours of work. C . Poor working conditions. D . Bad management practices.
    3. (3) What can we conclude from Dr. Amy Zadow's remark?
      A . One takes the behavior of his company. B . Only those taking risks can accomplish more. C . Teamwork and cooperation can create wonders. D . Someone will step forward with generous reward.
    4. (4) Which edition does the passage probably come from?
      A . Science and society. B . Psychology and health. C . Environment and climate. D . Management and technology.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In recent times, reading as a hobby has taken a back seat to playing computer games and watching television. This is especially true for teenagers today.  In fact, young people should be encouraged to read more as reading has many benefits that other hobbies may not have.

    One benefit of reading is that it improves our language.  When we read, we come across new words. The new words become familiar as we encounter them repeatedly in our reading. We learn how to use these words correctly and they become a part of our vocabulary. Having a good vocabulary enables us to express ourselves better both in speaking and in writing.

     Through reading we can learn a lot about people, places, and events among other things. A person who reads a lot may even know more about a country he has never set foot on compared to someone who has actually visited the place. A lot of information can be discovered in reading materials like newspapers, magazines, travel books, instructional manuals, and storybooks. General knowledge is useful. It helps us to write and speak better.

    Reading is also an entertaining pastime and helps reduce stress. Books are creative works. They can open up a new world to us. They stimulate our imagination and draw us into the world created by the book.  A well-written story is suspenseful and exciting. The reader can hardly wait to get to the ending. This form of entertainment is healthy and good for our minds.

    In conclusion, reading is an entertaining hobby that holds many potential benefits for the reader. Reading is especially beneficial for students as it improves their language and general knowledge which will help them perform better in their examinations. Furthermore, reading helps lessen stress.

    A. Most of them find reading books boring.

    B. Reading also improves our general knowledge.

    C Books are a great way to expand our vocabulary.

    D. Another benefit of reading is that it can teach us skills.

    E. These are sufficient reasons to take up reading as a hobby.

    F. We become more knowledgeable and more interesting people.

    G. Many readers find it hard to put down a book once they start reading.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    On our way home from school my kid and I shared each other our high and low part of the day. My 12-year-old, Karington, told me her support for a classmate with special need. This 1 action brought my tears flowing.

    Her story started with, "Mommy, I made a teacher 2 today." I didn't know why my first thought was a 3 one. I definitely shouldn't have 4 her. The rest of her story went like this....

    "There's a boy in my class with hyperactivity (多动症). Everyone 5 him because he does strange things. Today he fell to the 6. I looked around and all these kids were laughing, so I walked up to him and 7 with him. The class stopped laughing. A teacher was walking by the open door and saw my 8. She walked into the room towards me, bursting into 9. She held me up and gave me the tightest 10 ever and kept saying what a 11 girl I was."

    My voice was 12 by a lump (梗) in my throat. Tears flooded my eyes; I 13 them so I could see the road. I couldn't 14. How could I find the right words to 15 just how proud I was? She looked at me, saw the tears flowing and knew. I dicing need words.

    A . embarrassing B . annoying C . shocking D . touching
    A . cry B . smile C . shout D . jump
    A . ambitious B . cautious C . negative D . indifferent
    A . encouraged B . forgiven C . punished D . doubted
    A . laughs at B . cares about C . argues with D . plays with
    A . road B . hole C . river D . ground
    A . showed up B . bent down C . laydown D . put up
    A . expression B . behavior C . experiment D . example
    A . tears B . laughter C . fear D . anger
    A . kiss B . gift C . hug D . comfort
    A . brave B . funny C . clever D . sweet
    A . raised B . blocked C . adjusted D . improved
    A . cleared B . closed C . collected D . caught
    A . hesitate B . oppose C . respond D . complain
    A . understand B . realize C . settle D . explain
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    A Sweet Art— Sugar Painting

    In and around China's southwestern Sichuan province, one can often find folk artists producing sugar  (painting) with liquid sugar along the streets and in the parks.

    According to some academic studies, sugar painting originated from the Ming Dynasty when sugar animals and figures  (make) in molds (模具) as part of a sacrifice in religious ceremony. In the Qing Dynasty, sugar painting gained more  (popular). The production techniques were upgraded and the patterns became more various, most of  stood for good luck such as fish, dragon and monkey. Afterward, the folk artists in Sichuan  (develop) this art by adding techniques of Chinese shadow puppet and Chinese paper cutting. The molds were also replaced  a small bronze spoon. As time passed by, the contemporary form of sugar painting has  (gradual) evolved.

    Although the number of sugar painters has decreased, due to its unique charm, a certain number of artists are making efforts  (preserve) it by offering classes, holding relevant activities such as sugar painting contests and applying for the National Non-material Cultural Heritage.

    Nowadays, this art is getting support again from the general public  it has already been listed as Provincial Non-Material Culture Heritage by the Sichuan Government. Moreover, the sugar painting artists have gained  (increase) recognition.

五、<b >写作(共两节,满分</b><b>40</b><b >分)</b>
  • 8. 假定你是李华,你校英语网站将举办新学期、新计划为主题的演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿参加比赛,内容包括:1.欢迎大家重返学校;2.新学期的任务与计划;3.祝愿大家为理想而努力。




    Hello, everyone.

    Thank you for listening.

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    A Gift I Treasure

    It was just a week before my seventeenth birthday. Party preparations had started. My family never celebrated birthdays on such a grand scale. However, this was a double celebration. I had a passed A level examination with flying colors and my parents thought this was an occasion to celebrate.

    The whole house was full of activities. Complete cleaning had started a week before. There was a continuous work in and out as everyone went about doing their share of the work. Mama, who was the chief event organizer, was busy planning the budget and the menu. Papa was in charge of paying for the different purchases. My siblings (兄弟姐妹) were busy sending out the invitations. Even Grandpa, who enjoys watching his favorite Cable TV from the comfort of his armchair, did not want to be left out. He made numerous trips to town to run errands (跑腿) for Mama.

    Grandpa and I shared a special bond. Perhaps it was because I was his oldest grandchild. He was always there for me and he would offer me his shoulder to cry on whenever I was depressed. He seemed to be the happiest man to celebrate my birthday and he even secretly whispered to my ear that he was going to give me a great gift on that day.

    Two days before my birthday, Grandpa complained of chest pains. We rushed him to the hospital but he refused to be admitted. He was given a lot of medicine instead. When he came home, he remained in his room. Whenever I went into his room, he managed a smile. I could see that he was very tired. The corners of his mouth and eyes had numerous wrinkles while the skin on his skinny limbs had shriveled. I felt a stab of pain in my heart each time I saw him.




    Paragraph 1: During the early hours of my birthday my mother's sobbing awakened me.

    Paragraph 2: I only opened the parcel two days after Grandpa's funeral.

