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更新时间:2021-09-27 浏览次数:220 类型:高考模拟
  • 6. 听材料,回答题。
    1. (1) What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Colleagues. B . Classmates. C . Strangers.
    2. (2) Why does the man call up Tom?
      A . To make an appointment. B . To ask him to polish a report. C . To tell him new arrangements.
  • 7. 听材料,回答题。
    1. (1) What did the woman do last Sunday?
      A . She gave a lecture. B . She listened to a report. C . She visited some universities.
    2. (2) What's the woman good at?
      A . Choosing a major. B . Doing an experiment. C . Preparing for a lecture.
  • 8. 听材料,回答题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers doing?
      A . Making an album. B . Enjoying some photos. C . Sharing their stories.
    2. (2) What do we know about Gran's grandfather?
      A . He was a sailor. B . He worked at an iron mine. C . He was fond of travelling.
    3. (3) Where does the man think the huge hole in the photo is?
      A . In India. B . In the Antarctic. C . In the United States.
  • 9. 听材料,回答题。
    1. (1) How long is the steamship trip?
      A . An hour or two. B . An hour and a half. C . Three or four hours.
    2. (2) Who will probably cycle on the Back Road?
      A . The man and his wife. B . The mother and her son. C . The man and his daughter.
    3. (3) What's the man's son going to do on the farm?
      A . Feed sheep. B . Ride a horse. C . Water vegetables.
    4. (4) How much will the man pay for his daughter?
      A . $ 214. B . $ 75. C . $ 32.
  • 10. 听材料,回答题。
    1. (1) What does the speaker talk about?
      A . A photo exhibition. B . A hill-climbing competition. C . An environmental project.
    2. (2) Why is "one item" required?
      A . To raise awareness. B . To decrease the cost. C . To save physical strength.
    3. (3) For what reason should the hill walkers take a small bag?
      A . To pack more items. B . To avoid direct contact with litter. C . To carry some takeaway food.
    4. (4) How will people promote the campaign?
      A . Posting a photo of one litter item. B . Showing appreciation for the hills. C . Expressing thanks to Brendan Roche.
  • 11. 阅读理解


    We are committed to making the admissions process as smooth as possible for our applicants.

    Live chat available Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays) 9 am-5 pm.

    Please email all queries(询问)to admissions@keele. ac. uk.

    Applications for all undergraduate courses at Keele should be made online through UCAS.

    UCAS stands for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. It is the charitable(慈善的) organization through which applications to universities in the UK are processed. By completing a UCAS application, you can apply for up to five courses at a single university or different institutions. You will be charged a small application fee.

    ●Your application should include:

    ●Your personal details and qualifications. Your course choices

    ●A personal statement

    ●A reference from a teacher, adviser or professional who knows you academically Keele UCAS Code

    The UCAs code for Keele is K12.


    15 October—Deadline for applications for Medicine and Veterinary Medicine courses is 15 October.

    15 January—To guarantee" equal consideration" of your application you must submit your application to UCAS by 18:00(GMT) on 15 January. "Equal consideration" means your application will be reviewed in the same way as all other applications received by this deadline. However, for the majority of our courses, we welcome applications after this date, please see our A-ZUG listing for more details.

    11 February—"UCAS Extra" opens.

    30 June—Last date to apply to UCAS in the "Main Cycle". Applications submitted after this date will automatically be entered into Clearing.

    Please also see UCAS Key Dates for more information.

    1. (1) How should applicants apply for the courses at Keele?
      A . Through UCAS online. B . Through on-site registration. C . Through the live chat at weekends. D . Through the charitable foundation.
    2. (2) What must be included in your application?
      A . A reference from UCAS. B . Your family insurances. C . Academic qualifications. D . Details of your adviser.
    3. (3) By what time must most applications be submitted for equal treatment?
      A . 30 June. B . 15 January. C . 11 February. D . 15 October.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    We don't know the exact number of dead insects in the collection at the Natural History Museum in London, but it's more than 34 million.

    Our collections, for me, are a place of wonder, The specimens(标本) they contain are the biological heritage of the planet: Splendid to look at and packed with genetic information about the past. Some have come to us from across the globe, and make me feel how small I am, as part of nature.

    The insect collection stretches back hundreds of years. For example, we have a robber fly caught in 1680 by the queen's gardener at Hampton Court Palace. near London.

    Flies are my focus. Not only are they amazingly diverse, but they're cute. We've got stalk-eyed flies; flies that are lousy then a millimetre in sizes and my favourites, Mallophora robber flies, which look like massive bumble-bees and are highly poisonous. I also have a soft spot for botflies, one species of which matures in camels' noses.

    The collection isn't static; there's so much research going on. We're always updating the system of naming the in sect so raisin s evolutionary family trees and describing new species.

    The museum lends specimens by post, and we host not just scientists, but visitors such as designers looking for inspiration. We're also trying to digitize the entire collection so that anyone can access it.

    I'm working with Mara Lawniczak at the Well come Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK. We're trying to recover genomes(基因组) from mosquito samples collected over the past century. In the past, people would cut off legs or destroy whole specimens—which fills a director like me with terror. Instead, we are washing the specimens with chemical solutions to obtain DNA. Genetic analysis will help us to distinguish between old mosquito specimens that look similar, and to learn how populations have changed.

    1. (1) What does the author think of the collections at the Museum?
      A . Small but delicate. B . Mixed and disorderly. C . Splendid but limited. D . Impressive and precious.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "static" mean in the fifth paragraph?
      A . Unchangeable. B . Temporary. C . Attractive. D . Invaluable.
    3. (3) What can be learned from paragraph 6?
      A . The author is a collector and museum guide. B . The specimens can be bought on the Internet. C . The collections can be used to serve the public. D . The digital museum mainly helps the researchers.
    4. (4) What's the purpose of the author's research?
      A . To digitize the entire collections. B . To better the way of obtaining DNA C . To test some viruses carried by mosquitoes. D . To get genetic information of species evolution.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    In today's throwaway society, it's all too easy to buy goods as and when we need them and simply bin them once they've served their purpose, and a surprising amount of perfectly usable stuff ends up as waste—and it's not just what we can see in the bin either.

    When we throw away a product—be it a toy, a T-shirt or a tomato we're wasting more than the product and the money we spent on it, we're wasting all the effort that went into it growing it or mining the materials to make it, manufacturing it, packaging it for sale, and transporting it to the shop or to our door, for example, a cheeseburger has a carbon footprint of around 10 kg CO2eq. That's 30 times higher than its weight. 98% of a cheeseburger's total carbon impact actually comes from its production. Its waste impact accounts for just 2%. Similarly, despite weighing just io9 grams on average, the waste footprint of a smartphone is more than 500 times higher at a massive 8o kg. I hat s including the waste generated in mining materials to make it, like precious metals, but doesn't even include emissions(排放) generated in the manufacturing process.

    In Scotland, 80% of carbon footprint comes from all the goods, materials and services which we produce, use and often throw out after just one use. What's more, around half of those emissions are produced overseas in countries poorer and more polluting than Scotland. Not good news.

    There are signs of hope. More and more people are beginning to realize how serious this waste is and to use that knowledge to inform our purchases. We need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture, but we have a mountain to climb.

    1. (1) What do we care less about when throwing away a used product?
      A . The purpose it serves. B . The value for collection. C . The carbon emissions. D . The reusing and recycling.
    2. (2) Why does the author use figures in paragraph 2?
      A . To compare the change of goods' weight. B . To clarify the process of making the products. C . To show the rapid growth of carbon emissions. D . To present the fact of carbon footprint of the goods.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Fighting wastefulness is difficult. B . Usable goods are mostly recycled. C . People like throwing recyclable waste. D . Goods should be used more than once.
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . Recycling the waste. B . The invisible waste. C . Over-purchasing goods. D . The making of a product.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Risky play gives children a feeling of thrill and excitement. Risk is an essential component of a balanced childhood. Exposure to healthy risks, particularly physical, enables children to experience fear, and learn the strengths and limitations of their own body.

    For this generation of children, always from scheduled soft play, to school, to club, to sofa, we've got a lot of work to do. As parents, many of us are unused to allowing even the tiniest degree of danger to enter the lives of our children. Surely it's the job of a good parent to keep them safe. That's why roaming-distance—how far children play from home—has decreased by 90% in the past 30 years. We are a nation of stubborn helicopter parents managing a schedule of activities and waiting below our children on the monkey bars in case they should slip. It's no wonder that the virtual risk of computer games is so appealing and addictive-—the real world seems rather mild in comparison.

    So how can we put some of that danger and excitement back into the lives of our children?

    The answer is step by step and in an age appropriate way. First, the outdoors is key. Outdoors time every day is essential, and don't just head to the neat and controlled environment of the play area.

    Permit your primary-age children to leave your sight. Risky sports are a reasonably controlled way to allow your children to feel fear. Horse riding or skiing might be expensive, but what about skateboarding, tree-climbing or rock-climbing? Your child could fall at some stage, and they will probably feel out of control一but wow, they'll feel alive. Water, too, is essential healthy risk. Let them climb in streams, slide in mud and fall over in the sea wearing all their clothes. Your job as an adult is to manage the risk.

    1. (1) What is the author's concern about the children according to the passage?
      A . They are exposed to too many risks. B . They are addicted to computer games. C . They are unwilling to experience the fear. D . They have less access to enough risky play.
    2. (2) What has caused the decrease in roaming-distance?
      A . The balanced schedule of activities. B . Doing too much homework. C . Parents' overprotecting. D . The shortage of safety measures.
    3. (3) What does the author advise parents to do?
      A . Forbid kids to play risky games. B . Permit kids to climb trees or skateboard. C . Accompany kids all the way outdoors. D . Encourage kids to play in a cleaner environment.
    4. (4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
      A . Let kids run into the great outdoors B . How to manage the risk for your kids C . Keep kids free from risks step by step D . Why not play with your kids in risky sports
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    You may have witnessed this yourself, but I know when I'm walking outdoors or walking in a green environment, I feel less stressed, a sense of calm. And the walk doesn't need to be a major hike nor for hours on end.

    Listen carefully to hear the birds singing and the wind rustling(沙沙作响) in the leaves of the trees or hear the running water.Keep yourself from listening to music on this particular walk. You should be sure to have all your senses available to hear the sounds of nature.

    Look at the variations of the color green in the forest or colors within the body of the water you are experiencing. How many different shapes of leaves do you see? Are there waves in the water you are viewing or is the water still and calm?

    When you're outside—whether it's in a forest, on a beach or simply outside your home-take a moment to breathe in deeply, smelling and tasting the air; place your hands on a tree or a finger in the water to experience the feel of nature.

    It is a combination of all these senses you have opened by participating in this experience.

    If you cannot go outdoors-either due to the time of day or night, weather or physical limitations—there are options to still gain this experience.  It is best to experience forest bathing in person, but it's always good to have a second option.

    A. The last sense is the state of mind.

    B. The green forest is the best place for walking.

    C. Log onto a video or look for apps with views of forests or oceans.

    D. Make sure to take notice of the shape, color and size of your surroundings.

    E. If you are walking alone, it is more likely that all your senses can be activated.

    F. A 10- to 15-minute walk can help with your mood and psychological well-being.

    G. If walking on sand near the water, listen to the sand surrounding your footsteps.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    ""I'll be back in a couple of hours," Dad said, leaving the house that late afternoon. "Two hours," I told1,"You can do this. "I took a long, deep breath and turned to2Mom. She couldn't see the3in my face. She4 with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默病). lf she had an episode(发作), I didn't know if I could 5it alone, especially at the end of the day.

    On the one day a week I visited, I made myself6 cleaning the house, cooking meals and doing laundry. All the while Dad 7 Mom. But today he needed to go to a8, so Mom and I were on our own. As I watched her sleep soundly, I felt the 9leave my shoulders. I opened a book, and time passed peacefully10I became fully absorbed in the11.

    Suddenly she sat upright. "Oh, no! The snow's getting on me. I'm so12. I'm scared. "

    "Mom, you're safe. You're here at home. "

    "Help me!" She grasped my hands13. I knew my words weren't enough when the anxiety took hold. I 14 for Dad to hurry home from his session. He would know how to help her. His presence always15 Mom when no one else seemed16to. What could I do? Just me, alone?

    I did the only thing l could think of. I rubbed her forehead softly, just like she'd done for me as a17when I had a headache.

    As the minutes wore on, Mom's heavy breathing18. The tension left her face. Soon l could hear the19 breathing of my sleeping mother. It was the20sound I'd ever heard.

    A . him B . myself C . neighbors D . mom
    A . face B . blame C . persuade D . terrify
    A . courage B . smile C . cruelty D . worry
    A . argued B . struggled C . matched D . started
    A . handle B . cure C . imagine D . report
    A . casual B . outgoing C . useful D . conscious
    A . spied on B . won back C . woke up D . watched over
    A . market B . hospital C . party D . meeting
    A . attention B . tension C . ambition D . ache
    A . unless B . though C . before D . as
    A . words B . business C . housework D . movie
    A . hungry B . cold C . thirsty D . comfortable
    A . randomly B . softly C . tightly D . aimlessly
    A . searched B . arranged C . prayed D . allowed
    A . surprised B . worried C . reminded D . calmed
    A . eager B . pleased C . able D . kind
    A . child B . nurse C . student D . helper
    A . appeared B . slowed C . trembled D . worsened
    A . even B . quick C . loud D . deep
    A . longest B . strongest C . sweetest D . toughest
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在容白外填入1个活当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The global campaign of naming China's first Mars rover(火星车) kicked off in July,2020. Netizens at home and abroad (invite) to vote for their favourite among 10 candidates. Finally. Zhurong toned the list, and the name was announced on the Space Day of China, falls on April 24.

    Zhurong is a good of fire in ancient Chinese mythology (神话). And in Chinese, "Mars" is "Huoxing". Therefore the name "Zhurong" is suitable for the rover, starting its journey(explore) the red planet.

    Of course, in the Chinese culture, Zhurong is not just the name of a mythical figure. (literal), Zhu means wish Rong (meaning cooperation) reflects China's vision of the peaceful use of space  the building of a community with a shared future for humanity. The name is another example Chinese traditional culture of exploring nature and the universe after China has named spacecraft,  ( include) Tiangong, Tianwen, Chang'e, Yutu, Shenzhou, Wukong and Beidou and so on.

    It must be accepted that China(begin) to have the dream of flying to the sky since ancient times. So naming these spacecraft not only shows China's cultural(confident)but also lights the flame of China's planetary exploration, making Feitian, the dancing figure on the wall of Dunhuang Mural(壁画), no longer a(man) fantasy.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Before the beginning of my last term, my family takes me to an art exhibition. Seeing the creative art pieces was done by children made me decided to take art classes. Every week I spent two hours painting. My teacher was very patience and kind. She ever told us how we should paint, but rather she let us learn and get inspiration for famous paintings. Sometimes I didn't notice that the painting actually was until I finished it, which really helped me express your feelings and relieve my stress. Very soon I realized that it was good decision. It really turned up to be a great way to relax after studying.

  • 19. 为迎接2022年北京冬奥会,你校英语俱乐部发起了“我的奥运”5分钟短视频征集活动,请写一份活动启事,要点包括:








    Wanted! Short Videos for Winter Olympics

