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外研版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 Period ...

更新时间:2020-05-08 浏览次数:121 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 从方框中选出合适的单词或短语,用其正确形式完成句子。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    performer  represent  produce  energetic  get across   explosive  incredible  anger  effect  combine  transform

    1. (1) I saw the new of King Lear at the Arts Theatre.
    2. (2) Those young in the opera won high praise from the audience.
    3. (3) I have created a way to my message while using as few words as possible.
    4. (4) They have been chosen to the citizens here, and they will be able to present their proposals at the conference to be held next month in Beijing.
    5. (5) The past several decades have witnessed China's boosting economy and we think that this is a(n) impact on the whole world.
    6. (6) I exercise every morning for at least half an hour to keep during the daytime.
    7. (7) management will help you control yourself better.
    8. (8) This item is the perfect example of art and science.
    9. (9) Parents worry about the of hip hop on their children's behaviour.
    10. (10) The force of volcanoes shocked everyone.
  • 12. 阅读理解

        Many filmgoers went to the cinema to watch the romantic comedy See You Tomorrow just for the name of its producer, Wong Kar-wai. But many found themselves disappointed in the end, because there was no typical high-end Wong hit. It seems that the film's star Tony Leung didn't live up to fans, high expectations, either.

        In this comedy, Leung plays as the owner of the bar See You Tomorrow, and is known as the perfect "ferryman", someone who helps broken-hearted people whose romantic relationships fail. He and his partner Guan Chun receive the offer of Xiao Yu to help cheer up her childhood idol Ma Li after hissinging career collapses.

    "I'm a person who can't see my own tomorrow, but I hope everyone else has a future," the film's narrator says. "The safest distance between each other is 122 centimetres. You pull out all the stops to shorten this distance when you are with a loved one".

        Although it may not be a traditional" Wong Kar-wai and Tony Leung" style, See You Tomorrow deserves the scoring of a qualified comedy, which makes audiences laugh and also provokes thoughts. Some consider the exaggerated performances in the film embarrassing, but humour is just one step away from embarrassment. Different people have different standards.

        So is See You Tomorrow a good film to watch? This depends on you, but those who go with an open mind won't be disappointed.

    1. (1) See You Tomorrow is watched by many people especially for its______.
      A . name B . star C . producer D . high-end Wang hit
    2. (2) What is true about See You Tomorrow?
      A . It contains typical features of Wong Kar-wai. B . Tony Leung in the film is not as good as fans expected. C . It is the name of a restaurant in the film. D . It is a romance.
    3. (3) What is the authors attitude towards the film?
      A . The author loves it B . The author thinks it is below expectation C . The author thinks the exaggerated performances are embarrassing. D . The author thinks it is not so bad as many audiences think.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        Peking Opera combines opera, dancing, music, art and literature together, showing the audience a complete picture of the folk arts of China. If you are interested in the mystery of oriental culture enjoying the traditional folk opera is a must for you. Where to enjoy Peking Opera? Here list some best. Peking Opera theatres.

        Liyuan Theatre

        As one of the best Peking Opera theatres, Liyuan Theatre is the most famous theatre for enjoying the opera. Located in Jianguo Hotel, Qianmen, the theatre puts on performances at 7: 30 pm-8: 50 pm every day except for the Chinese New Year's Eve(according to the professional tradition). In LiyuanTheatre, you can sit around a baxianzhuo (an old-fashioned square table for eight people) and drink Chinese tea. If you are interested, you can go into the dressing room to see how the actors are made up in various facial painting, something not allowed in other theatre.

        Chang an Grand Theatre

        Chang'an Grand Theatre in the list of the best Peking Opera theatres is a good choice for enjoying genuine performances. The theatre was built in 1937 in Xidan Business Street and since then, it has been a gathering place for fans. In 1996, new Chang' an Grand Theatre was rebuilt on Dong Chang' an Avenue and seated 800. It is a perfect com bination of classical and modern architecture. You will enjoy the elegant rosewood tables, comfortable soft seats and luxury VIP seats.

        Mei Lanfang Theatre

        As one of the best Peking Opera theatres, this theatre is named after the outstanding opera master—Mei Lanfang. The whole building has mixed the traditional opera theatre with the modern construction style perfectly, having a seating capacity of 980 audiences. The audience seats are distributed on four floors so that everyone could have a good view of the performance.

    1. (1) If you want to go backstage to get a closer look, you can go to ______.
      A . Liyuan Theatre B . Chang' an Grand Theatre C . Mei Lanfang Theatre D . all above
    2. (2) If you want to enjoy both genuine performances and Chinese tea, the best choice may be_____.
      A . Liyuan Theatre B . Chang' an Grand Theatre C . Mei Lanfang Theatre D . all above
    3. (3) If you want to be at some place with both traditional and modern elements, you can go to_____.

      ① Liyuan Theatre    ②Chang' an Grand Theatre    ③Mei Lanfang Theatre

      A . ①② B . ②③ C . ①③ D . ①②③
    4. (4) If you want to have a good sight during the performance no matter where you seat, you can go to____.
      A . Liyuan Theatre B . Chang' an Grand Theatre C . Mei Lanfang Theatre D . none of the aboy
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Aquaman is an American superhero movie based on the Aquaman line of comic book titles published by DC Comics. Arthur Curry, the human-born heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, goes on a quest to prevent a war between the worlds of ocean and land. And the main power from the Trident(三叉戟) makes him the true protector of the deep in the end.

        The movie opens with how Arthur's mother, Queen Atlanna of Atlantis, and his father, lighthouse keeper Tom Curry, met, fell in love, and had a son named Arthur. When the Atlantians come calling, wanting their queen to return and fulfill her part of an arranged marriage, she goes back to Atlantis in order to protect her husband and young son. That boy grows up to be a man with special strength, speed and power. Arthur Curry, half human and half from Atlantis, then goes on a trip of a lifetime. Not only does this adventure make him come to terms with his real identity, but it also forces him to discover whether he is entirely worthy of meeting his own destiny: becoming a king.

        This is a big movie, in every sense-big action, big sets and big drama. The special effects are extraordinary, given that much of the action takes place underwater or, at least, has to look like it does. The downside is that the movie starts to feel a bit boring by the second hour. Yes, the movie has elements of other successful fantasy dramas, like the Star Trek movies, Jurassic Park and Romancing Stone, but movies of this nature are somewhat similar these days. In the Marvel or DC universes, with so many heroes and villains(反派角色), it's hard to be entirely fresh but Aquaman has done a pretty good job

    1. (1) All of the following are covered in the passage EXCEPT______.
      A . the plot B . the star C . the authors attitude D . its special effects 
    2. (2) The movie Aquaman is______.
      A . different from other successful fantasy movies B . a superhero movie adapted from comic books C . the story of how Queen Atlanna and Tom Curry fell in love with each other D . boring from beginning to end
    3. (3) What is the author's attitude towards the movie?
      A . Critical. B . Negative. C . Indifferent. D . Neutral.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Compared with watching a film at the cinema, watching a film at home is often more convenient, more comfortable, and less expensive. All you need to do is pick a great film, make your space ready, and prepare some delicious snacks. This article will give you some tips on how to select a film.

        Maybe you want to enjoy your film by yourself, or maybe you want to watch with some friends or family members. It's up to you. But pay attention, watching a film with others can be exciting.

        Pick a film genre(类型). If you are watching alone, simply pick the genre that you're in the mood to watch. If you, re stressed, a comedy could help you relax. If you want some excitement, go fora horror film. On the other hand, deciding on a genre as a group can be hard, particularly for diverse groups. When in doubt, pick a popular genre, like adventure or comedy Search for available films within the genre. Search for films within your own collection, or take a look at the options online. For each film you consider, check out online reviews to get a better idea of the films content and quality. This can take forever if you're not careful, and then you'll have less time to enjoy the film. Give yourself 20 minutes at most.

        If you are watching a film with kids, be certain to check film ratings to help you find age appropriate content. While ratings can guide your selection, they aren't meant to provide all the answers. Reading a couple of different online sources can help you determine whether a film is suitable.

        Take turns or vote if you can't decide on a film. If you are enjoying your film with others, ask the people who are watching with you. If you can't reach an agreement, try taking a vote. If watching a film together is a regular event with your family or friend group, different group members can take turns picking the film each time.

    A. You should do research on your own as well

    B. But you can feel free to choose your favourite one if you watch a film by yourself.

    C. Decide if you want company

    D. Check film ratings if you are watching with children

    E. Prepare your space

    F. It also means that you could choose your favourite films

    G. Set a time limit for film research


