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    Are you interested in magic products from China? Here are some of the best-selling products and the customers' opinions from America and England. For more information, please go to our official website (官网): www.magiChina.com.

    Foot Massage(按摩)


    Price: $ 18.95

    Peter, America ★★★★★

    I am in love with this product. I used to have foot pain because of working. I use it for about 30 minutes every day while I am watching TV. I find that my feet no longer hurt as much as before after using this. I have bought 5 more as gifts for my friends and family.

    Self-heating Instant

    (速食) Hot Pot(火锅)

    Price: $ 15.99

    Ann, America★★★★★

    When I first saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. OMG! It really began to heat when I added a little water. And the taste was just the same as what I had at the restaurant! I told several friends about it and they were crazy, too. We love this amazing food from China.

    Rubber (橡胶) Hot

    Water Bag

    Price: $ 14.99

    Elle, England★★★★★

    I bought it 2 months ago, and I must say I am pleased with the quality (质量). It is made in China. As I expected, it works really well! This is all I wanted. With it, I will not feel cold in winter. My husband Bill likes it too because it helps with his back pain.

    1. (1) These products are made in ____.
      A . America B . England C . China
    2. (2) Peter has paid ____ to buy Foot Massage Rollers.
      A . $ 18.95 B . $ 113.7 C . $ 94.75
    3. (3) Before you eat the Self-heating Instant Hot Pot, you need to ____.
      A . add some water B . make a fire C . buy a pot
    4. (4) You can buy Rubber Hot Water Bag when you feel ____.
      A . hot B . cold C . cool
    5. (5) We can know from the passage that foreign friends feel ____ about products from China.
      A . sad B . surprised C . bored
