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  • 1. (2023高三上·南阳开学考)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    More than anything, this is a book about unconditional love—a bond between a caring woman and a loyal dog. Harley's Harlequin Heartwritten by Christy Jaeger and1 through the narration(叙述)of the dog Harley, shows why the power of love can overcome the2 that is part of every life journey. It also teaches us how we can make the world a(n)3 place together with dogs. 

    Harley takes us along on all his4 with his owner Jaeger—from growing up, being trained, to going to dog shows. Then one day, Harley is5 with bone cancer. Fortunately, it appears that there's enough time to explore6 . "Jaeger told me that everyone has a sixth sense, which7 them when something's not right. Looking back, I'm glad she paid attention to her8 alarm. " Harley thought.

    Through surgery, this smart dog9 . It isn't easy and he tells us about his pain and fears. But chances of10 look promising. After this experience, Harley11 realizes that when someone has cancer, the entire family will12 . However, all the people playing a part in the13 form a connection that is unbreakable.

    Harley's14 with cancer might concern adults considering reading this book with their children. But Jaeger through Harley's15 provides such a friendly, positive perspective that there is so much more reason to16 this book. Besides, it helps greatly that the book has a(n)17 ending.

    As Jaeger notes, "The book18 love to all who read it. This small element can be19 in the human and animal worlds. " Love can defeat all. That20 couldn't be any clearer than in this wonderful book.

    A .  explained B .  presented C .  designed D .  included
    A .  misfortune B .  unease C .  inconvenience D .  discomfort
    A .  easier B .  safer C .  better D .  richer
    A .  package B .  dream C .  burde D .  adventures
    A .  diagnosed B .  attacked C .  loaded D .  faced
    A .  mysterie B .  problem C .  cure D .  challenges
    A .  forbid B .  hit C .  inform D .  warns
    A .  active B .  inner C .  useful D .  sudden
    A .  pushes through B .  bends down C .  cheers up D .  gets off
    A .  treatment B .  recovery C .  victory D .  entry
    A .  innocently B .  automatically C .  gradually D .  accidentally
    A .  suffer B .  behave C .  perform D .  delay
    A .  account B .  circle C .  protection D .  process
    A .  competing B .  battling C .  continuing D .  mixing
    A .  development B .  discovery C .  imagination D .  description
    A .  posse B .  close C .  share D .  print
    A .  typical B .  happy C .  ridiculous D .  sudden
    A .  spread B .  send C .  expand D .  devotes
    A .  decisive B .  logical C .  attractive D .  influential
    A .  routine B .  force C .  message D .  image
