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  • 1. (2023·黄埔模拟) 阅读理解

    A disabled young man drew the world's attention at the opening of World Cup 2022. His name is Ghanim Al-Muftah, and he is also known as Qatari miracle boy.

    Ghanim was born on May 5, 2002 with a strange disease that causes patients to be born without lower half of their bodies. Doctors told his parents that he would only have 15 years to live and would have to spend all his life in a wheelchair. Many people advised his parents to give him up. However, his parents decided to support this little boy no matter what problems they might face in the uncertain future.

    As Ghanim grew up, he went through a difficult time fighting against the painful disease and learning to move around with his hands. Being a "special" child, he was often laughed at by others, and his family found it hard to find schools for him. However, this family stayed positive all the time. "Life is beautiful and nothing is impossible," his mother often said to him.

    As a result, Ghanim refused to let the disease stop him from living his life to the fullest. He challenged himself with all kinds of sports, because sports can help him

    build up his body and teach him to be independent. With a lot of hard work, he managed to learn diving, board skating, rock climbing, football, etc. In  2019, the  brave teenager completed one of his most thrilling adventures by climbing the 9,827-feet-tall Jebel Shams mountain, the highest one in the Gulf area. Many people were moved into tears while watching.

    Ghanim has also offered to help other children in need. Supported by his family, he set up his own voluntary organization which gives wheelchairs to disabled children for free. "Helping people in need is a duty for everyone," he said as a 13-year-old boy when speaking to the Paralympic Committee (残奥组委会) in 2015. Later in the same year, he raised money to build a new sports centre for 5,000 homeless children.

    Because of his positive attitude, he is seen as a role model and has more than 3.4 million social media followers. But Ghanim is not satisfied with what he has already achieved. Now he dreams of competing in the Paralympics one day and showing the world that people with disability can also achieve their dreams.

    1. (1) Which of the following best describes the family of Ghanim Al-Muftah?
      A . Supportive and positive. B . Helpful and strict. C . Kind and hard-working. D . Brave and competitive.
    2. (2) Why did Ghanim Al-Muftah take up different kinds of sports?
      A .    To take part in the Paralympics one day. B .    To attract more followers online. C .    To play sports with his friends at school. D .    To feel stronger and more independent.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "thrilling" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . Exciting. B . Interesting. C . Boring. D . Regrettable.
    4. (4) In what order did the following events happen?

      a.   Ghanim shared his opinions with the Paralympic Committee.

      b.   Ghanim climbed the Jebel Shams mountain successfully.

      c.   Ghanim helped build a sports center for children in need.

      d.   Ghanim attended the opening of World Cup 2022.

      e.   Ghanim tried hard to learn to move around with his hands.

      A . d-e-b-a-c B . e-b-a-c-d C . e-a-c-b-d D . d-e-c-a-b
