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  • 1. (2022·深圳模拟) 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. I still love biking, and one of the main reasons is due to its health benefits.

    B. I just don't try as hard, because the score doesn't matter to me as much as when I often play the same holes.

    C. But that's just the beginning of the costs of being a road bike owner.

    D. Here's why you shouldn't wait until retirement to find out how you will spend your time.

    E. Only a few of these will remain my hobbies in retirement.

    F. Because I am not good at these physical exercises.

    Many people think they should wait until they have free time before they get into a new hobby, but I think that's a mistake. There are many benefits to already having a developed hobby when you retire.

    Interest in a new hobby might not be sustainable( 可持续的). You may find you don't actually want to spend as much of your retirement time with the activity as you first thought. I've done many activities in my life, including baseball, soccer, biking, golf and many more.Part of these is due to my interests, while other hobbies have been dropped due to my physical ability.

    I like going to the golf course and hearing the sound of the ball going in the cup, but it took me a few years of consistently(始终如一地) playing to realize that I enjoy the game more when I don't play that often. When I play too much, I tend(趋势) to lose focus.

    It's easier to change hobbies when you have a job. Changing hobbies is often expensive. When I first got into road biking, I knew about the costs of the bike and helmet(头盔).The costs of a nice road bike alone can be thousands of dollars. Then, there are shorts with shoes, pedals, pumps, tools to make bike adjustment(调整). There was so much I needed to buy just to get the bike going, and then I needed water bottles while I ride.

    .  But if I started after I retired, I don't know if there would be enough in the budget(预算) to try a new hobby like this.
