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  • 1.  Mom is s (购物) at the supermarket now. She wants to buy some milk.
  • 1.  The dish is very  (美味的) and we all like to eat it.
  • 1.  用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次.

    come  zoo  life  beauty water

    Hello, everyone. I'm a golden monkey (金丝猴). You can see some of my friends at the. But I live with my family in the forest in Sichuan. I think I'm , because my hair is golden. I have a happy in the forest. In the daytime, I look for food and with my family. When night,we go to sleep like you.

  • 1.  完形填空

    Mr. Black works in an office in London, but he lives in the countryside and comes to work by train every day. The1 is not very far from his office, and Mr. Black always goes2 because he likes walking. He always walks from his office to the station in the3 , too. And he always goes4 the same street. Every aftemoon he passed a5 man near a bridge. The man sits at the side of the road and sold6 and there was always an old7 near him. There is a piece of wood around the dog's neck, and the words "I'm blind" are written on the piece of wood. Mr. Black is a8 man. He always stops, says a few kind words to the poor man, and gives him a little9 but he doesn't take away any of his matches.

    Then one day Mr. Black had a lot of work in his office and was very 10 . He said, "My train always 11 at five mimutes past six, and it is ten minutes to six now.I'm not going to talk to the poot man today, and I'm not going to give him anything. I have given him a lot of money, and I've 12 taken any of his matches. "

    He came to the man and his dog, but he13 and he said nothing. He walked14 towards the railway station. But the poor man stood up quickly, ran towards him and said, "You haven't given me anything today.You're always very kind to me. Give me a little money today, too. I'm a poor man."

    Mr. Black stopped and looked at him. "You are a 15 man. How can you follow me?" The poor man said, "No, I'm not blind. My dog is."

    A .  house B .  station C .  shop D .  bridge
    A .  by train B .  by bus C .  by bike D .  on foot
    A .  night B .  afternoon C .  evening D .  morning
    A .  along B .  out C .  away D .  on
    A .  poor B .  rich C .  kind D .  bad
    A .  wood B .  drinks C .  matches D .  food
    A .  man B .  dog C .  woman D .  cat
    A .  kind B .  bad C .  strange D .  different
    A .  money B .  water C .  food D .  advice
    A .  busy B .  late C .  later D .  early
    A .  stops B .  arrives C .  begins D .  leaves
    A .  ever B .  never C .  already D .  only
    A .  stood B .  didn't leave C .  didn't stop D .  stopped
    A .  quickly B .  slowly C .  happily D .  sadly
    A .  nice B .  good C .  bad D .  blind
  • 1.  She is very clever and cute, just like any o girl in his class.
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Do you have a good memory? Can you remember English words you learnt last week? Or have you forgotten the deadline of your project? Many of us often say "My brain doesn't work well". Maybe you can try a new way of training your brain—Learn with your team members.

    "Teamwork makes our brains work better. The memory expert, Jonathan Hancock said, "Being part of a team has many advantages for remembering things."In his memory research, he finds that the participants(参与者) in a

    team always behave better than people who work independently. That's because they have less personal pressure, more time to think over each question.

    But there's even more going on according to Canadian researchers, who've shown that our brains get a natural improvement when they've got company(陪伴). Their study suggests two reasons. First, when we're with people who are trying to remember something, we can easily feel that tip-of-the-tongue feeling, so we also want to join in to challenge ourselves. Second, after knowing others can remember things well, we can be encouraged to make it too.

    To make better use of the power of team learning, you can use the contagion(传染效应) to awaken and improve memories. For example, go over new words together with your partners. Believe it or not, you'll be amazed at your magic memory. Also, you can share the duty together. If you have many tasks to remember, ask your partner to remember the date of school play while you're in charge of remembering project deadline. In this way, both of you will remember things more easily and deeply.

    1. (1) How does Jonathan Hancock support his opinion in Paragraph2?
    2. (2) Which of the following situations matches "tip-of-the-tongue feeling" best?
    3. (3) What is Paragraph4 mainly about?
    4. (4) What is the writer's purpose in writing the passage?
  • 1. 龙承载着勇气、智慧等美好寓意,中华儿女一直以龙的传人(the descendants of Loong)而自豪。发生在你自己或他人身上的哪件事,让你瞬间觉得我们就是龙的传人?恰逢龙年,请你以"The Spirit of Loong"为题,根据表格信息,写一篇英语短文向学校英文期刊投稿。



    About Loong

    What do Chinese people think of Loong?

    A story

    What you do or see that makes you believe you are the descendants of Loong?

    Your understanding

    Which spirit of Loong does the story show? Why?

    注意:(1)文中必须包含所给的内容要点 , 可适当发挥;写作参考仅提供思路;(2)文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;(3)词数80~100。

  • 1.  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Dear Not an Artist,

    Glad to hear from you. I know exactly how you feel when seeing a better drawing from your friend! I'm surely not the best 1 in the world, but I've always loved making pictures. That's why I got so 2 about Rafael's cookie-label(标签) idea.

    Rafael is my father's friend who owns a cookie shop. One day he happened to stop by when my friend and I were 3 with sidewalk chalk in front of our house.

    "Wow! Amazing pictures!" he said, trying not to step on them 4 he walked toward the door. "I really love your 5 drawings! Would you be up for making some pictures that I can use 6 the label?" He patted us, "You needn't 7 making everything perfect, just have fun." Then he left.

    And away we drew! We both enjoyed the way we were drawing. 8 , we stopped and looked at each other's work. But it was seriously 9 . One minute, I liked my drawing. And the next minute, I felt like the 10 artist ever after comparing our works.

    Rafael returned. With a smile on his face, he said, "I truly 11 your drawings. Each style is special. And I think they could work together in a fun and eye-catching way. That will be the front. "I could see what Rafael 12 . Each piece was different and amazing in its own way—even mine.

    So, dear Not an Artist, I know it can feel disappointing when you start comparing 13 with other people. But please try not to 14 ! There's no right or wrong way to make art. And since everybody has different styles and tastes, nobody has to agree about what makes a piece of 15 good. Sometimes your art will turn out great, and other times it won't be your best, and that's OK. The coolest thing about making art is that it's fun!

    Ciao for now, Arizona

    A . artist B . shopper C . doctor D . cook
    A . curious B . worried C . excited D . strict
    A . marking B . throwing C . writing D . drawing
    A . as B . since C . after D . until
    A . natural B . wonderful C . expensive D . traditional
    A . by B . under C . with D . for
    A . worry about B . give up C . pick up D . talk about
    A . Suddenly B . Finally C . Recently D . Quickly
    A . proper B . energetic C . strange D . harmful
    A . busiest B . worst C . youngest D . richest
    A . afford B . mind C . love D . choose
    A . prepared B . supposed C . imagined D . meant
    A . myself B . yourself C . himself D . herself
    A . order B . suppose C . discuss D . compare
    A . art B . music C . cookie D . chalk
  • 1.  阅读理解

    A student project has discovered another power of AI: It can be good at locating(定位) where photos are taken.

    The project is called Predicting Image Geolocations(or PIGEON). It's the work of three Stanford students. They designed it in order to recognise locations on Google Street View(谷歌街景). The team showed the AI a few personal photos it had never seen before, it could tell where they were taken.

    PIGEON works well because it can pick upon all the little things in photos. It can notice small differences in leaves, soil and weather. The group says the technology can be used in many ways. It could recognise roads or power lines that need fixing. It may also help researchers do surveys of invasive(入侵的) plants in an area.

    However, this new power is likely to be a double-edged sword. It could be used to reveal people's private, personal information, says Jay Stanley, an expert at the American Civil Liberties Union.

    Stanley worries that companies might soon use AI to find out where you've traveled. Governments might check your photos to see if you've visited certain countries. Stalking (跟踪) is also a possible threat, he says. People have long been able to remove GPS location information from photos they post online. That may not work any more. Luckily, the Stanford students are well aware of the risks. Because of these worries, they haven't given the public entry to their program.

    Stanley thinks the use of AI for identifying locations will become even more powerful in the future. What will that mean? Well, be very careful about what's in the background in the photos you post online, he says.

    1. (1) What can PIGEON do according to the passage?
    2. (2) What can we infer from the passage?
    3. (3) What is Stanley's advice on sending pictures online?
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
  • 1.  阅读理解

    ①There is really no reason for my writing the life of Su Tungpo except that I want to do it. For years, the writing of his biography(传记) has been at the back of my mind, but the regret is never quiet down. Now that I am able to apply myself to this task, I am happy, without any reasons.

    ②A vivid personality isn't that easy to be understood. One might say that Su Tungpo was an unchangeable optimist(乐观主义者), a friend of the people, a prose master, an original painter, a great calligraphist, an experimenter in wine making, an engineer, a secretary to the emperor, a dissenter in politics, and a poet. And yet that might miss the sum total of why people like Su Tungpo. Su Tungpo's complex personality gives a reason. Always deeply stuck in politics, he was always greater than politics. Without trick and without purpose, he went along singing, composing, and criticizing, to express something he felt in his heart, paying no attention to what might be the results of himself. He wrote just because he enjoyed writing, and today we enjoy his writing just because he wrote so beautifully, generously, and out of the clearness of his heart.

    ③As I try to find the reasons why for a thousand years in China each generation has a crowd of crazy admirers of this poet, I come to the second reason, which is the same as the first, stated in a different way. Su Tungpo had charm. The chief charm of Su Tungpo was a force of character (that could not be stopped by anyone), a force (that, started at the moment of his birth, had to run its course until death closed his mouth and stopped his laughing chatter). He wielded his pen almost as if it were a toy. He could be curious, or humorous or serious, very serious, and from his pen we hear various human emotions of joy, happiness, worry and love.

    ④On the whole, we get the impression that he played and sang through life and enjoyed it greatly, and when sadness came and unluckiness fell, he accepted them with a smile. That is the kind of charm which I am trying to describe in my way and which has made him the favorite poet of so many Chinese experts.

    1. (1) What does the underlined words "this task" in Paragraph1 refer to?
    2. (2) What can we learn from the passage?
    3. (3) What's the meaning of the underlined word wielded in Paragraph3?
    4. (4) What's the structure of the passage? (P① = paragraph ①)
    5. (5) Which words can best describe Su Tungpo according to the passage?
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