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  • 1. (2018高二上·屯溪期中) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。


        Claustrophobia, or fear of enclosed spaces, in one of the most common fears. Claustrophobia can be deep fear or even panic as a result of being in a small space.

        Claustrophobia can develop after a troubling childhood experience, or from another unpleasant experience later on in life related to small spaces. . This response then becomes programmed in the brain, making an association between being in a tight space and feeling anxious or out-of-control. As a result, the person often develops claustrophobia.

        . Claustrophobia symptoms can include: sweating, accelerated heartbeat, upset stomach, shaking, breathing problem, etc. The claustrophobia sufferer will look for an exit when inside a room, avoid driving on the highway or major roads where there is heavy traffic when inside a car, or stand near a door when at a party. .

        Claustrophobia can have harmful social and psychological effects, since the patient will often avoid situations in which she thinks she will have an anxiety attack, leading to hiding and sadness.

        . Exposure treatment, a form of mind-behavioral treatment, usually results in a total reduction in anxiety symptoms if conducted properly. Flooding is a type of exposure treatment in which the person is exposed to a situation until the anxiety attack passes. . Medications to help treat claustrophobia include things which help to ease the heart beating to fast often associated with anxiety attacks.

    A. According to some doctors, claustrophobia is worse than the fear of heights

    B. The past experience can trace back to the moment of birth

    C. The good news is that claustrophobia is very treatable

    D. When a person with claustrophobia finds herself in a restricted space, her body responds in certain ways

    E. In extreme cases, the very sight of a closed door can lead to feelings of anxiety in a person

    F. Treatment for claustrophobia can also include medication or a combination of several treatments

    G. When a person experiences such an event, it can often cause a frightening panic attack
