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  • 1. (2021·嘉兴) 阅读材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Takeover Day

    Want to be a football coach, a policeman or a musician? If you could do any job for a day, what would it be? Takeover Day offers young people this chance.

    Takeover Day is an event

    for young people to "take over" the day from adults(成年人). Of course, it's difficult to give somcone the job of a film star or a model! However, Takeover Day has offered young pcople jobs as news reporters, teachers and even politicians(政客).

    The event serves two

    purposes. First, it gives young

    people experience in different

    kinds of jobs. Second, adults

    can learn from young people's

    opinions and fresh ideas.

    Here's what the students

    say about their Takeover Day.

    Simon, 16, went to Coventry Football Chub. He became conch of the football team for a day. "Having a go at training professional players was an unforgettable experience,"said Simon. "If I had the chance, I would do this job every day. "

    Sally, 15, became the head teacher of her school. "I'd go mad if I were a head teacher!"she said. "So many meetings!" Sally thinks she learned a lot. "My favourite part of the day was meeting the school cook and improving the school menus for the week. It was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating!"

    Paul, 17, spent the day with an important

    politician. He even went to a meeting at

    Buckingham Palace! Paul thought that if everyone had the chance to follow a politician for a day: they'd be amazed. "It isnt a nine-to-five job. It's 24/7, "he said. "We even had no time for lunch."

    1. (1) What may Simon choose to be in the future?
      A . A model. B . A politician. C . A head teacher. D . A football coach.
    2. (2) What do Sally and Paul probably think of their Takeover Day?
      A . Busy but exciting. B . Peaceful but tiring. C . Amazing and relaxing. D . Easy and unforgettablc.
    3. (3) Takeover Day is set up for young people to __________________.
      A . spread ideas B . become famous C . know more about jobs D . work for their schools
