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  • 1. (2017高三下·六安模拟) 阅读理解

    I'm part of the Roots & Shoots program founded by Dr. Jane Goodall. The program is intended to make and promote positive changes in the world. As Dr. Goodall says, "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."

        In Bulgaria, where I live, homeless dogs are everywhere. Many people here turn a blind eye to them. But I cannot ignore the life of a street dog whenever I see one wandering in the street, looking for something to eat. That's why I'm no longer a food waster. When I see wasted food, I always think of a hungry dog climbing to garbage bins, searching for food that people have thrown there. When eating in a restaurant, I'm not afraid to take leftover food to feed stray cats or dogs.

        A week ago, I saw a homeless dog around the garbage bins. Immediately I knelt down, spoke to her softly and ran my hands over her. I could see that she had had puppies. I couldn't imagine how she could have been able to care for them. Hours earlier, I'd bagged up a plate of leftover fish. As I unwrapped it, she wagged her tail and sniffed at it. She ate all the fish in no time.

        It's sad, isn't it? I can't understand why many of us waste so much and think little of it. These homeless animals have taught me that food is precious. Even when I don't have leftovers with me, I'll take the time to get something from the grocery store to feed them.

        I know my power is small, so I hope that next time you see wasted food, do turn it into worthy food. You have the power to save a life!


    1. (1) The author uses what Dr. Goodall says to show__________.

      A . how we can develop our business B . why it is important to be great C . why the program is popular globally D . how we can change the world positively
    2. (2) What can be concluded from the text?

      A . There are few homeless dogs where the author lives B . The author takes homeless dogs home and raises them C . Seeing homeless dogs makes the author never waste food D . People throw food into garbage bins to feed homeless dogs
    3. (3) The author took the leftover fish with him to____________.

      A . feed a homeless dog he met B . eat it when he was hungry C . look for more homeless animals D . set an example to those who throw away food
    4. (4) The author wrote the text to ask us to__________.

      A . value our food B . treat dogs as our friends C . save wasted food for homeless dogs D . raise homeless dogs and cats
