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更新时间:2018-06-05 浏览次数:442 类型:小升初模拟
  • 1. 英汉互译     
    1. (1) 叫醒
    2. (2) 从那时起 
    3. (3) 把...倒入   
    4. (4) 早起 
    5. (5) 晚饭前
    6. (6) do well   
    7. (7) a little water
    8. (8) in the fridge 
    9. (9) have a rest 
    10. (10) road safety
  • 12. 选择正确答语。

    ⑴What is Tom doing ?                                        A、Follow the rules .

    ⑵Are they going to watch films next week ?      B、By bus .

    ⑶Do you want to visit Shanghai or Nanjing ?    C、He is flying kites .

    ⑷When will Miss Li go to Hai nan ?                    D、No . They are going to play basketball .

    ⑸How long did you stay in China ?                    E、Because it must wait for the man .

    ⑹Let's cross the street now .                              F、Next week .

    ⑺What would you like ?                                     G、I want to visit Shanghai .

    ⑻Why does the car stop ?                                 H、We stayed there for three weeks .

    ⑼How can you get to the zoo ?                         I、Ok . Let's go .

    ⑽What must I do for the traffic ?                      J、A few eggs .

  • 33. 阅读理解

        Li Hua and Li Qiang are twins . They are twelve years old . They are good at English . They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays . They like to fly kites too . They often fly kites near the lake . But they not all the same . LiHua likes playing football , but LiQiang likes playing pingpong . Li Hua likes drawing pictures . They often help each other .

    1. (1) Li Hua and Li Qiang are thirteen years old .
    2. (2) They are good at Chinese .
    3. (3) LiHua likes flying kites .
    4. (4) Li Qiang doesn't like playing pingpong .
    5. (5) Li Hua likes drawing pictures .

