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更新时间:2018-04-17 浏览次数:289 类型:二轮复习
  • 1.    英译汉。
    1. (1) Enjoy your meal !
    2. (2) three colas
    3. (3) Here you are .
    4. (4) one dollar and thirty-five cents
    5. (5) Can I help you ?
  • 2.     英汉互译⑴
    1. (1) 看来好像
    2. (2) over there
    3. (3) 多雨的
    4. (4) naughty ducks
    5. (5) 早餐
  • 3.   英汉互译⑵
    1. (1) Let's go .
    2. (2) 多云的
    3. (3) here you are
    4. (4) 保持
    5. (5) half past eleven
  • 4. 英汉互译。




    ⑷walk to school           

  • 5.     英汉互译。
    1. (1) 多长时间一次           
    2. (2) very much
    3. (3) 一周两次               
    4. (4) three times a week
    5. (5) 一天一次               
    6. (6) be good for
  • 6.   英汉互译。
    1. (1) 数学课        
    2. (2) from Monday to Friday
    3. (3) 起床          
    4. (4) wash face
    5. (5) 刷牙           
    6. (6) go to school
  • 7.   英汉互译。
    1. (1) 上周             
    2. (2) strong and healthy
    3. (3) 多久一次         
    4. (4) have breakfast
    5. (5) 一周一次          
    6. (6) six times a week
  • 8.   英汉互译。
    1. (1) 足球运动员       
    2. (2) in front of
    3. (3) 跑步去学校      
    4. (4) the World Cup
    5. (5) 非常            
    6. (6) Christmas gift
  • 9.   英汉互译。
    1. (1) 学习打篮球              
    2. (2) throw the basketball
    3. (3) 让我试一试              
    4. (4) catch the basketball
    5. (5) 太重了                  
    6. (6) too difficult
  • 10.   英汉互译。
    1. (1) 运动商店              
    2. (2) someping-pong balls
    3. (3) 打扰一下              
    4. (4) fifty dollars
    5. (5) 这些还是那些          
    6. (6) wear a red sweater
  • 11.   英汉互译。
    1. (1) 踢足球            
    2. (2) play ping-pong
    3. (3) 一些香蕉          
    4. (4) my favourite sport
    5. (5) 去购物       
    6. (6) learn to play basketball
  • 12. 把下列单词和短语英汉互译。
    1. (1) 羽毛球运动        
    2. (2) 滑冰           
    3. (3) 草坪              
    4. (4) 体育馆         
    5. (5) 以前              
    6. (6) 饭厅           
    7. (7) on a hill         
    8. (8) look up        
    9. (9) at night          
    10. (10) not...at all  
  • 13. 将下列词汇翻译成汉语
    1. (1) at an insect museum
    2. (2) last Sunday
    3. (3) a toy bee
    4. (4) learn a lot
    5. (5) at the museum
  • 14. 将下列词汇翻译成汉语
    1. (1) love films
    2. (2) would like
    3. (3) seven little friends
    4. (4) in the forest
    5. (5) bad people
    6. (6) next Sunday

