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更新时间:2018-04-12 浏览次数:316 类型:同步测试
  • 13. 阅读理解

        There are many dangerous sea creatures in the world. The following are some examples.

        The needlefish are commonly seen living near the surface of tropical (热带的) waters. But they can also break cover the water,and once in the air they can become dangerous flying swords. Though it is rare,people have been seriously hurt and even killed by the fish.Night fishermen in small boats are at particular risk because their lights may attract the fish.

        Saltwater crocodiles are the world's largest crocodiles,sometimes reaching 23 feet in length and topping 2,200 pounds. Yet these crocodiles hunt quietly,lying in wait below shoreline waters to attack turtles and thirsty animals that have come to drink. Saltwater crocodiles kill a number of people each year.

        There is no doubt that the great white shark sits atop the ocean food chain. The world's largest fish can weigh at over 5,000 pounds and reach lengths of more than 20 feet. Great white sharks have about 3,000 teeth,which they typically sink into sea lions,seals,and sea turtles. These sharks are responsible for a third to a half of the 100 shark attacks on humans every year.

        The sea anemone (海葵) may look like the beautiful flower for which it's named,but fish that swim too close may regret it. The sea anemone,which lives on the sea floor,uses its poisonous tentacles (触须) to stab passing creatures with a kind of poison—making them helpless and fit to be eaten.

        The surgeonfish (刺尾鱼) is an attractive reef fish that is poisonous. Scientists believe that the world's seas hold some 1, 200 different surgeonfish species and think that they injure about

        50,000 people per year. But the surgeonfish poison can also bring great benefit—they are useful in the development of new drugs.

    1. (1) The underlined phrase “break cover” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.
      A . jump out of B . break away from C . get away from D . go back to
    2. (2) How many attacks on humans do great white sharks do every year?
      A . About 26. B . About 45. C . About 60. D . About 75.
    3. (3) It can be learned from the passage that ________.
      A . the saltwater crocodiles are gentle and never hurt people B . the sea anemone lives near the surface of the sea C . the great white shark is the largest fish in the world D . the needlefish live in the sea all around the world
    4. (4) Which of the following can be used to benefit human society?
      A . The needlefish. B . The sea anemone. C . The great white shark. D . The surgeonfish.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        At first, muffled (听不太清的)conversations made researchers at a San Diego aquarium puzzled, but when a diver thought he was being told to get “out” of the water they realized the conversations were coming from a white whale.

        Noc was about one year old when he was caught off the Pacific coast of Canada. He was kept in an open-ocean pen (围栏) at the US National Marine Mammal Foundation in San Diego, California. After seven years at the Foundation, he began, automatically, to make unusual sounds, a report in the latest issue of the journal, Current Biology, said.

        “We thought of the whale' s vocalizations(发出的声音) as an attempt to imitate humans. Whale vocalizations often sounded as if two people were talking just out of the range of our understanding,” the authors said. “ 'These conversations' were heard several times before we finally realized the whale was the source.” The researchers realized it was Noc when a diver surfaced and asked, “Who told me to get out?” It was then that they realized the word “out”, which was repeated several times, had come from Noc. Later, his speech-like sounds were recorded in the air and underwater.

        Noc started making the sounds after seven years in the open-ocean pen, and continued making them for another four years. He died five years ago. Researchers have now analyzed the sound recordings. It was the first time that sound recordings had shown how such sounds imitated speech and were different from the usual calls of the species.

        The speech-like sounds were lower than normal whale sounds and much closer to those of the human voice. Also, whales talk to each other by blowing air through their noses, rather than using a larynx(喉), as people do.

        “We don't claim that our whale was a good imitator compared to such well-known imitators as parrots,” the researchers said. “However, the behavior we observed is an example of vocal learning by the white whale. It seems that Noc's close association with humans played a role in how often and how well he employed his human voice.”

    1. (1) What can we learn about Noc from the text?
      A . He had lived in the Pacific Ocean before he was caught. B . He was kept in a Canadian foundation until he died. C . When he was seven, he started making speech-like sounds. D . He was able to imitate humans before he was caught.
    2. (2) Noc's sound was considered unusual because it was________.
      A . made by using a larynx B . very similar to the human sound C . different in the air and underwater D . higher than the normal whale sound
    3. (3) According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . A diver realized the word “out”, which he had heard several times before, was from Noc. B . The researchers heard the word, “out”, repeated once before they realized where it came from. C . The researchers realized it was Noc when a diver asked who had told him to get out of the water. D . Before they realized the word “out” came from Noc, the researchers had recorded the speech-like sounds.
    4. (4) In the researchers' opinion, what contributed a great deal to Noc's speech-like sounds?
      A . Noc's close association with humans. B . Noc's talent for imitation. C . Whales' special vocalizations. D . The words being repeated several times.
  • 15. 任务型阅读

        Eating together as a family is a rare thing these days.Once I start my own family, I'll definitely do anything possible to establish a tradition of eating together as a family. Here's why.

        When you eat together as a family each day, your children will learn to respect both parents. They know you two are busy, but still find time to share meals with them.

        Learn good table manners

        When you have small kids, eating together as a family is an easy way to show and teach them good table manners, of course, if yours are good.,how to be on time so that other family members don't starve, and how to behave at the table. You want to be proud of your grown-up kids, don't you?

        Create wonderful memories

        .They will know how important it is to eat together as a family, and will definitely teach their kids to do the same. Your family tradition of sharing meals together as a family will pass down from generation to generation.

        There are many benefits of eating together as a family that many of us didn't even think about. Teach your children to appreciate family time and food, and show them how to behave well at the table. .

    A. Respect both Mom and Dad

    B. Your children will learn when it's best to eat

    C. They will thank you down the road

    D. Parents are always busy and kids have their own plans

    E. When you eat together, you do eat those healthy meals too

    F. When your children grow up, they will never forget those funny and precious family mealtimes

    G. It's an excellent opportunity to become a family unit and improve your relationship with kids

  • 16. 选词填空

    at the time, a pack of, help out, in the meantime, be terrified of, yell out, sort out, ahead of, aim at, in time

    1. (1) He's always willing to when we're short of staff.
    2. (2) Sometimes it is difficult for us to the lies from the truth.
    3. (3) There were five women him in the queue.
    4. (4) I agreed,but later I changed my mind.
    5. (5) When we passed the field, we heard dogs barking nearby.
    6. (6) The material was handed over to the department just.
    7. (7) The little girl crossing the busy road on her own.
    8. (8) The hunter the lion and fired,but missed.
    9. (9) Please find a taxi,and I'll pack some food.
    10. (10) Don't squeeze his hand;it makes him in pain.
  • 27. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    注意:1). 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2). 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

        Every year I spent my holidays in the countryside in my grandparents cottage. I really like spending time there. What I love mostly about rural areas is the peace or silence. This year I'm going to ride my bike, and swim in the amazed lake and the swimming pool. I'll also meet best friend Sara. But I will have some duties too, because of my grandparents often need the hand with housework and gardening. I'm really looking forward to go there. I will finally be able to relax myself after the school year, that seems a long time. I'm sure I'll have a good time.

  • 28. 补全短文。

        I had heard of the killers that helped whalers catch huge whales. When I worked at a whaling station,I  it many times. One afternoon,I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. We ran down to the shore  time to see an enormous animal throwing itself out of the water. George,one of the whalers,told me that it was Old Tom,the killer,who was telling us there's a whale. Another whaler out to  a whale hunt. We immediately headed out into the bay,with Old Tom  us the way. Using a telescope we saw that several killers the whale were throwing themselves on top of the whale's blow­hole to stop it  while others were stopping it diving or  out to sea. Then the man in the bow of the boat aimed at the whale and killed it. These killers  harmed or attacked people. Once when we were in the bay,the sea was ,for which James was carried away by waves. Worse still,there was a shark. Fortunately,Old Tom rescued James.

  • 29. 语法填空

        The other day, I met an old man whose name was Ted, 91 years old. He told me about his(believable) unusual story. He had lived through the Great Depression, served in the defence force and worked onfarm. He was so knowledgeable that he knew a lot in many areas of life. He was building model carts(手推车)that day. His pale hands reached out to a folder on the table, and he(take) out some photos. In the photos I saw his collection of model carts. Ted took me through each photo and explainedwas in each photo. He started telling me about how he cut steel(build) his model carts. He seemed very(enthusiasm). He gave me some valuable life(lesson). He repeatedly kept saying that (learn) is very important in life.(impress) by his love and enthusiasm for life at the age of 91, I realized that there can't be any barriers in lifewe impose (把……强加于) those barriers on ourselves.

