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更新时间:2024-04-16 浏览次数:20 类型:复习试卷
  • 1.  阅读选择

    Last year, Mike went to Australia with his aunt. They went there by plane. They left Beijing on August 3rd. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing, it was summer. Mike likes Australia, because he likes playing with snow. He went skating and took many photos. He bought many presents for his friends too. He was tired, but he felt very happy.

    1. (1) Mike went to Australia with ____. 
      A . his parents B . his aunt
    2. (2) It was ____ in Beijing.
      A . summer B . winter
    3. (3) What did Mike do in Australia? 
      A . He went skating and bought many presents. B . He played football and ate good food.
    4. (4) How did Mike go there? 
      A . He went there by subway. B . He went there by plane.
    5. (5) How did Mike feel? 
      A . He was tired, but he felt very happy. B . He felt bored and tired.
  • 2.  阅读材料,根据材料内容,选择正确答案。


    I have got some good books and CDs. They are old but not broken. These books are about art, computers and animals. Children can learn a lot from them.


    I've got a blue T-shirt. I'm tall and thin now. It's too small for me. It's clean and nice. You can see a football on it. Boys will like it.

    Bai Xue

    Look at my schoolbag. It's white and black. It has got a panda on it. It's cute. It's big and heavy for me. There are twenty-one crayons and a skipping rope in it.

    Wang Lan

    This is my umbrella. It is too small for me. But it's beautiful. It has got two ears. It's light. There are lots of beautiful flowers and green plants on it.

    1. (1) Bai Xue has got a____.
      A . schoolbag B . book about art C . football
    2. (2) The blue T-shirt is ____for Mike.
      A . heavy B . small C . funny
    3. (3) There are many ____on the umbrella.
      A . beautiful flowers B . green plants C . Both A andB.
    4. (4) Joe has got____.
      A . a football and some CDs B . some books about art, computers and animals C . some crayons and a skipping rope
  • 3.  阅读理解。

    Mary's shoes were old and broken. Her mum wanted to buy her a new pair. They went to a shoe shop last Sunday. Mum wanted a green pair. The green shoes were nice but heavy. Mary wanted a red pair. The red shoes were light but small. Then they bought a white pair. They were nice and light. They were 15 yuan. They were cheap. Mary liked them very much.

    1. (1) Whose shoes were old and broken? 
      A . Mary's and Mum's. B . Mary's. C . Mum's.
    2. (2) When did they go to a shoe shop? 
      A . Last Sunday. B . Last Monday. C . Last Saturday.
    3. (3) The red shoes were ____. 
      A . nice but heavy B . nice and light C . light but small
    4. (4) Who wanted a green pair of shoes? 
      A . Mary. B . Mum. C . We don't know.
    5. (5) Did they buy the white pair? 
      A . Yes, they did. B . No, they didn't. C . We don't know.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Yesterday I asked my grandma about her life many years ago. She was a pretty girl when she was young. At that time she worked in a small school as an English teacher. All the students liked her. She liked play table tennis and she played it very well. Now she is old. And she doesn't need to go to work. But she still likes playing table tennis, so she often plays table tennis with her old friends. Now she lives a happy life.

    1. (1) My ____ talked about the life many years ago. 
      A . grandma B . grandpa C . father
    2. (2) She was a ____ in a school. 
      A . worker B . teacher C . student
    3. (3) She likes playing ____. 
      A . football B . basketball C . table tennis
    4. (4) My grandma ____ go to work now. 
      A . isn't B . doesn't C . didn't
    5. (5) She lives a ____ life. 
      A . happy B . sad C . funny
  • 5.  阅读理解

    Do you know the difference(不同) between our past and present life? Please let me tell you. Thirty years ago, we lived in a small house. We couldn't eat too much, because we didn't have enough food. There weren't any televisions or cars. But now we live in a tall building. We can watch TV every day. We can eat delicious(美味的) food. We can play games on the computer, too. There are many cars in our country. And our city is more and more beautiful. Our country is getting richer(富裕)and stronger (强大). I love my country. We are proud (感到骄傲的) of our country. We are happy every day.

    Welcome to China. It's a great country.

    1. (1) We had ____ thirty years ago. 
      A . a small house B . a big house C . too much food
    2. (2) We didn't have ____ thirty years ago. 
      A . televisions or cars B . enough food C . Both A andB.
    3. (3) We can ____ now. 
      A . live in a small building B . watch TV C . play football on the computer
    4. (4) There ____ many tall buildings and cars in our country now. 
      A . are B . aren't C . weren't
    5. (5) Our country is getting ____. 
      A . more beautiful B . richer C . more beautiful, richer and stronger

