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更新时间:2023-10-31 浏览次数:35 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 根据划线单词的发音规则,从方框中选出发音相同的选项,并把答案填在横线上。

    A. coach B. right C. reading D. stuck E. raincoat

    1. (1) Robin is in the mud. He is worried.

    2. (2) I like books about Chinese Kungfu Tea by the sea.

    3. (3) In China, people drive on the side of the road.

    4. (4) "Goal! Goal!" The in the yellow coat shouts.

    5. (5) Wait! It's a rainy day. Put on your .

  • 2. 在横线上填写有关情绪的单词,将短文补充完整,所填单词不要重复。

    On Monday, I feel ill. I am . My mum takes me to sec the doctor. On Tuesday, my dad gives me a new bike. I feel so . On Wednesday, I feel . Because we have a maths test. I'm not good at(擅长) maths. On Friday, I meet a big dog. I'm of big dogs. In the afternoon, I can't find my book. Li Bin takes(拿) it. I'm with him. But he says "sorry" to me.

  • 18.

            Ms Guo is a teacher at Happy Primary School. She lives on Green Street. There is a subway station(车站) near Ms Guo's home. Ms Guo walks to the station and takes the subway. She gets off(下车) the subway at Park Street Station. Then she takes No. 12 bus to Spring Street. After half an hour, she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop(站牌). Then she goes to her school on foot.

    A. Park Street

    B. Green

    C. Happy Primary School

    D. Spring Street

    1. (1) 根据文本,从方框中选择合适的答案写在地图的横线上,完成地图。
      1. 2. 3. 4.
    2. (2) There is a bus station near Ms Guo's home.
  • 19. 阅读Ted的计划,完成下面的任务。

    Winter holiday is coming. Ted is going to Australia with his family next week. On Monday they are going there by plane. Ted likes reading, so he is going to take some books. On Tuesday, they are going to the seaside. Then they are going fishing at the sea. On the next day, they will go to the Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院). They will take pictures there. On Thursday morning, Ted is going to buy some gifts for his friends. In the afternoon, Ted and his family are going to next city by car. They will stay there for three days and then they will be back.

    1. (1) 根据文章描述的顺序,将下列图片用1—6进行排序。

    2. (2) When is Ted going to Australia?
    3. (3) What is Ted going to do on Thursday morning?
  • 20. 假如你是Tom,请介绍一下你自己吧,内容包括年龄、外貌、上学方式、爱好、将来希望从事的职业、本周末要做的事情等。


    Hello, I'm Tom.

