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更新时间:2023-09-11 浏览次数:30 类型:期中考试
一、判断每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同(10 分)
  • 1.  判断每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同
    1. (1) A. class   B. clever
    2. (2) A. brown   B. blue
    3. (3) A. shoes   B. wash
    4. (4) A. child   B. lunch
    5. (5) A. picnic   B. exercise
二、单项选择(10 分)
三、选词填空(10 分)
  • 7. 选词填空                                 

    which    where    what    why    when

    1. (1) —do you go to bed? 

      — Usually at 9:00 p. m. 

    2. (2) —do you do on Saturdays? 

      — I often do my homework. 

    3. (3) —is your water bottle? 

      —It's beside the computer.

    4. (4) —do you like summer?

      —Because I like summer vacation. 

    5. (5) —season do you like best? 

      —I like spring best. 

四、阅读短文,选择正确的答案(10 分)
  • 8. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案

    Dear new friend,

    Hi! My name is Li Ying. I live in Hangzhou. Now it's autumn here. I like autumn best. The weather is sunny and cool. You can see pretty leaves here and there. We'll have a school trip in October. We will go to the West Lake(西湖).

    What about you? Can you tell me about your school trip?


    Li Ying

    1. (1) Li Ying lives in ____.
      A . Suzhou B . Hangzhou C . Guangzhou
    2. (2) Li Ying likes autumn because the weather is ____.
      A . rainy and cold B . sunny and warm C . sunny and cool
    3. (3) You can see ____ in autumn. 
      A . beautiful flowers B . pretty leaves C . green trees
    4. (4) —What will they have in October? 

      —They will have a ____

      A . sing contest B . sports meet C . school trip
    5. (5) —Where will they go? 

      —They will go to ____

      A . The West Lake B . the Palace Museum C . the Tengwang Pavilion
  • 9.  阅读短文,回答问题

    Sam is a clever boy. He often reads books on the weekend. His favourite month is August, because he has a summer vacation. He can go swimming over the summer vacation. But his sister doesn't like August. She likes July best, because her birthday is in July.

    1. (1) What's Sam like?
    2. (2) Does Sam often read books on the weekend?
    3. (3) What's Sam's favourite month?
    4. (4) Does Sam's sister like August?
    5. (5) Which month does Sam's sister like best? Why?
六、作文(10 分)

