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外研版四年级下册英语 Module 10 Unit 2 Sa...

更新时间:2023-05-31 浏览次数:57 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 选出下列每组中不同类的选项。
    1. (1)
      A . happen B . hospital C . town
    2. (2)
      A . face B . nose C . water
    3. (3)
      A . thirsty B . fever C . hungry
    4. (4)
      A . headache B . chocolate C . stomach ache
    5. (5)
      A . fall B . carry C . found
  • 2. 根据图片及汉语意思完成短语。
    1. (1) have a感冒
    2. (2) have a  头痛
    3. (3) have a 胃痛
    4. (4) have a 发烧
    5. (5) go to the  看医生
  • 8. 给下列句子选择对应的图片。

    A.  B.  C.  D.  E.

    1. (1) He carried the watermelon on the bike.
    2. (2) The girl fell off her bike.
    3. (3) They went for a bike ride last Sunday.
    4. (4) A ball bumped his head.
    5. (5) Tom had a fever yesterday.
  • 9. 将下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段完整的短文:

    A And then they went home.

    B Jim fell off his bike yesterday.

    C They went to the doctor.

    D Mum carried him to the car.

    E He bumped his head.

  • 15. 选择正确的选项完成对话。

    A: What's the matter1you?

    B: I've got a 2. I feel 3.

    A: What did you eat this morning?

    B: I 4some bread, some biscuits, an egg and a glass of orange juice.

    A: Oh, I think you ate too much. Take these pills (药片), please. 5more water and you will feel better soon.

    B: OK. Thank you6much.

    A: You're welcome.

    A . with B . to C . are
    A . stomachache B . fever C . headache
    A . better B . fine C . bad
    A . drank B . ate C . bought
    A . Bought B . Eat C . Drink
    A . very B . many C . with

