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更新时间:2023-02-23 浏览次数:134 类型:竞赛测试
  • 36. I know I will be in hot water when Mum and Dad get home. I just threw a ball into a house. Which picture shows the meaning of "in hot water"?
    A . B .
  • 37. Which title best matches the picture?

    A . The bird, the tree and me B . Waiting for spring flowers C . The red leaves of autumn
  • 38. Look at the picture. The girl standing in the middle is me. On the sofa, sit my dad, mum and younger brother. They're listening to my painting story. I'm wearing my favourite hairpin — a flower. On the shelf at the corner, you can see some books, an empty box and a toy ball. There's a family photo hanging on the wall. I love this picture.

    Which picture does it describe(描述)?

    A . B .
  • 39. Coco's friend is such a big mouth and always telling others every thing. What's the meaning of "a big mouth" here?
    A . B .
  • 40. Alice: Help me choose some frames for my glasses. Which ones are good for me?

    Nina: I like these blue ones. They're a nice shape.

    Alice: Hmm, do you like these round black ones?

    Nina: Oh, no. I don't think they look good. But these round pink ones are nice. Do you like them?

    Alice: No, I don't like pink.

    Nina: Well, what about these ones? They're orange, with a square shape. Alice: Oh, yes. I like those. I'm going to try them on.

    Nina: They look good on you!

    Which pair of glasses will Alice buy?

    A . B . C . D .
  • 41. What is this picture mostly about?

    A . A girl is holding a ball. B . A girl is kicking a ball. C . A girl is throwing a ball.
  • 42. Tania is helping her great-grandmother to use her phone. Tania's great-grandmother has white hair and she wears glasses. They are taking pictures with the phone.

    Which picture shows Tania and her great-grandmother?

    A . B . C .
  • 43. This book is for children. There are many short stories which can make people laugh. Which book is it?
    A . B . C .
  • 44. Which emoji shows you are in a relaxed mood?
    A . B . C .
  • 45. Tina is a hairdresser. This is her image(影像)in a mirror (镜子). Can you tell me in which hand Tina is holding the scissors?

    A . Left hand B . Right hand C . Both hands
  • 46. 以下是如何制作一个折纸鲸鱼的步骤描述. 请将对应图片的序号与相应描述的题号匹配:

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    1. (1) Fold the paper in half again.
    2. (2) Fold both sides into the center line.
    3. (3) Fold the bottom tip of the paper to the left.
    4. (4) Fold your paper in half, then unfold it.
    5. (5) Fold the top point down.
  • 47. How many continents(大陆) are there on the earth?
    A . Over 100. B . 7. C . 56. D . About 50.
  • 48. How many months in a year have 29 days?
    A . 1 B . 7 C . 3 D . 1, but not every year but once in every 4 years.
  • 49. Which one is different from the others?

    A . Figure a. B . Figure b. C . Figure c. D . Figure d.
  • 50. Which number follows this series 4, 6, 9, 6, 14, 6,?
    A . 6 B . 17 C . 19 D . 21
  • 51. Pointing to a photo, a man says, "l have no brother or sister but that man's father is my father's son." Who is that man?
    A . His own. B . His nephew. C . His father. D . His son.
  • 52. According to AZ, CX, FU,?,the question mark is _______.
    A . IO B . MR C . FU D . JQ
  • 53. —Which one of the four is least like the other three?


    A . Fox. B . Tiger. C . Bear. D . Snake.
  • 54. This is a clock image in a mirror. Can you tell me what time it is now?

    A . 3: 30 B . 6: 20 C . 8: 30 D . 6: 40
  • 55. Look at the rubbish bin below.

    1. (1) Which one can go into the green bin?
    2. (2) Which one can go into the blue bin?
    3. (3) —Which one CANNOT go into the four bins?
      A . Office paper. B . Egg shells. C . Plastic bottles. D . Milk glasses. E . Cans.
  • 56. What should replace the question mark? _______.

    A . 31 B . 32 C . 33 D . 34
  • 57. You cannot turn left when you see this sign.
    A . B . C . D .
  • 58. Who painted Sunflowers?
    A . Leonardo da Vinci. B . Vincent Van Gogh. C . Lisa Simpson. D . Zhang Daqian
  • 59. A restaurant used 2 onions on Tuesday, 3 onions on Wednesday, 6 onions on Thursday, 11 onions on Friday, and 18 onions on Saturday. If this pattern goes on, how many onions will the restaurant use on Sunday?
    A . 26. B . 27. C . 33. D . 38.
  • 60. Peter: _______

    Andy: No, I'm OK. I can wait until the end of the meeting.

    Peter: I don't think so. You can't keep your eyes open.

    Andy: I guess you are right. I'll see you tomorrow.

    A . Can you tell me why you're smiling all the time? B . Are you feeling better? C . Is it possible for you to wait for the end of the meeting? D . You'd better go home and take a rest.
  • 61. Tim: Oh! This isn't easy.

    Gary: No! __ But it's fun. Come on! Keep hopping.

    Tim: Hop, hop, hop!

    A . Hopping is hard work. B . Hopping is great. C . I love hopping. D . Enjoy it.
  • 62. Girl: Hi, Martin. You look ________. I really like what you're wearing.

    Boy: Thanks! I don't usually wear a tie but it's nice to dress up sometimes.

    A . sad B . tired C . great D . thirsty
  • 63. Tina: It's hard for me to read this book.

    Mother: I'm taking you to see the optometrist(验光师). Mr Coe is the optometrist. He checks Tina's eyes. Tina has to read some letters on a chart.

    Mr Coe: ____. Come and choose the frames.

    Tina: I like the red frames. Can I have these?

    Mother: Yes, you can. They look good.

    Mr Coe: Come back on Friday. You can get your glasses then.

    A . Tina needs glasses. B . Tina's eyes are great. C . Tina needs some bread. D . It's OK for her eyes.
  • 64. Girl: This is a big storm.

    Boy: Look out of the window with me. Let's try to see lightning.

    Girl: Okay.

    Boy: Wow! That's a big flash of lightning. ________.

    A . I love the flowers. B . Here comes the thunder! C . It's a fine day. D . Let's go.
  • 65. Tim: Do you have a car?

    Anna: Yes, I do.

    Tim: What kind of car do you have?

    Anna: I have a _______.

    Tim: Is it new?

    Anna: No. It is old. But it still looks good.

    A . KFC B . H2M C . Honda D . WPF
  • 66. Girl: I love________ food, don't you?

    Boy: Yes, I do. What are you going to order?

    Girl: Oh, those little sushi rolls look nice. I think I'll have them.

    A . Chinese B . Japanese C . English D . American
  • 67. Mother: We need some potatoes, Joe. Put potatoes on the list.

    Kitty: Okay. What about carrots?

    Mother: No, we don't need carrots. But we do need broccoli.

    Kitty: What about fruit? Shall we get some?

    Mother: Yes. Put apples on the list. Six apples. Now we're out of cereal on the list.

    Kitty: A box of breakfast cereal, Milk?

    Mother: OK. Let's go there and get a trolley. Where does the dialogue probably take place? _______

    A . In a clinic. B . In a supermarket. C . At the hairdresser's D . In an office.
  • 68. "The train is arriving at Luohu Station, please mind the gap between the train and the platform."

    Usually where do you hear this? _______.

    A . On the metro B . At the airport C . At school D . In a mall
  • 69. "Put your seatbelt on."

    Usually where can't you hear such warning (警告)? _______.

    A . On a taxi B . On a car C . On a bike D . On an airplane
五、Reading Materials: 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。
  • 70. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。

    Dance to the Beat

    Can you dance?

    First, you listen to the beat (节拍) of the music. Next, you skip around to the beat of the music. Then you stamp your feet to the beat of the music. Then you wave your arms to the beat of the music. Now you clap your hands to the beat of the music. You can shake your head to the beat of the music.

    Stop when you hear the last beat of the music.

    1. (1) Which is the correct order of the things below according to the passage?

      a. You skip around to the beat of the music.

      b. You hear the last beat of the music.

      c. You stamp your feet and clap your hands to the beat of the music.

      d. You hear the first beat of the music.

      A . d c a b B . c b d a C . d a c b D . a c d b
    2. (2) When you hear the last beat of the music, you__________.
      A . stop dancing B . begin to stamp your feet C . stop waving flags D . clap your hands
    3. (3) When you clap your hands to the beat of the music, you are _______.
      A . sad B . careful C . calm D . exciting
  • 71. 阅读理解

    Money is funny

    Mary sees her mom spend money on groceries(生活用品). She sees her dad spend money on new tools. That all seems funny to Mary.

    Money is just green paper, Mary thinks. Why do people give my parents groceries and tools for green paper?

    Mary takes out her big box of crayons. She colours some paper green. She takes her green paper to the toy store in town.

    "I want to buy a toy," Mary says." Here is some green paper. "

    The lady at the store says, "Sorry. That's not real money. It is just green paper. "

    Mary asks her dad about money. He says that money is a special(特殊的) type of green paper. He also says you have to go to work to earn money (赚钱). That is the only green paper you can spend.

    "Can I work and earn some money?" Mary asks.

    "Yes," says her dad. " Wash the car, and I will pay you. "

    Mary washes the car and gets paid six dollars. She goes back to the store and buys a toy.

    Now she knows why her mom and dad work for money.

    1. (1) Mary washes _______.
      A . a toy store B . her hair C . a car
    2. (2) Mary colours paper green with________.
      A . her pencil B . some spinach and lettuce C . a crayon
    3. (3) Money is _______.
      A . made by colouring paper green. B . found on trees in the forest. C . special paper you have to work for.
  • 72. 阅读理解

    The new principal

    Macy and her family have a great time at the school fair. There are games, cotton candy, and even a duck tank.

    The fair has prizes (奖品), and Macy wins the best prize. She gets to the principal (校长)for a day!

    On Monday morning, Macy's principal lets her sit in the principal's chair at her big desk. Macy spins (旋转) around on the chair. This is fun already.

    Next, she makes her first announcement(布告). All students can chew gum(香口胶) in class! Macy walks around the school. She stops in to play with the kindergarten students. She listens to a story with the Grade I class. There are kids in the gym playing dodgeball, so she joins their game. The morning flies by.

    When it is time for recess. Macy makes her next big announcement. She tells everyone that recess will be an extra(额外的) ten minutes! She can hear all the kids cheering.

    In the afternoon, Macy plays on the principal's computer. She learns how to use the photocopier(复印机). She sits at the big desk and draws pictures.

    At the end of day, Macy makes her last announcement. She is sure this one will make all the kids happy.

    "Attention, students! This is your principal, Macy. I am happy to tell you that there will be no homework for anyone today!"

    Cheering and laughter come from the classrooms. Being the principal is so much fun!

    1. (1) Macy wins a prize at the _______.
      A . hockey game B . park C . school fair
    2. (2) Macy learns how to use _______.
      A . a tractor B . a photocopier C . the scissors
    3. (3) —What game did Macy play in the gym?


      A . dodgeball B . basketball C . soccer
    4. (4) Put the events from the story in order, which one is right?

      a. Macy lets the kids chew gum.

      b. Macy wins a prize.

      c. Macy tells everyone there will be no homework.

      d. Macy sits in the principal's chair.

      A . b, d, a, c B . b, d, c, a C . d, b, a, c D . a, c, b, d
  • 73. 阅读理解

    Who Flies?

    You look up. You see something in the sky. Is it a bird or an airplane? Even from faraway(远处), you can tell the difference. Birds are much smaller than planes.

    Both birds and planes have wings. Birds have two wings. The wings have feathers. Birds flap their wings to fly. Most airplanes have two wings too. But unlike a bird's wings, an airplane's wings do not flap. They are hard metal (金属).

    Birds fly to get from place to place. Airplanes carry people and goods from place to place.

    Birds are living animals, but airplanes are nonliving machines.

    Airplanes and birds are alike in some ways. They are different in some ways. Which do you like better?

    1. (1) Why does an airplane fly?
      A . To take animals from place to place. B . To take goods and people from place to place. C . To take itself from place to place. D . To make room on the ground for trucks.
    2. (2) Which of the following can fly?
      A . A pigeon. B . A lion. C . A mouse. D . An elephant.
    3. (3) Which of the following is true about a bird's wings?
      A . A bird has two wings. B . A bird has no feathers on its wings. C . A bird's wings can't move. D . A bird has metal wings.
    4. (4) Airplane and birds _______.
      A . both are living things. B . both have feathers. C . both have wings that do not flap. D . both have wings.
    5. (5) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . Birds fly and airplanes do not. B . Airplanes and birds are similar (相似) but different. C . Birds and airplanes do not have metal wings. D . Birds are much smaller than planes.
  • 74. 阅读理解

    Preparing food

    Jack is hungry. He walks to the kitchen. He gets out some eggs. He takes out some oil. He places a skillet on the stove(炉子). Next, he turns on the heat. He pours(倒) the oil into the skillet. He cracks the eggs into a bowl. He stirs the eggs. Then, he pours them into the hot skillet. He is waiting while the eggs are cooked. They are cooked for two minutes. He hears them cooked. They pop in the oil.

    Next, Jack puts the eggs on a plate. He places the plate on the dining room table. Jack loves looking at his eggs. They look pretty on the white plate. He sits down in the large wooden chair. He thinks about the day ahead. He eats the eggs with a spoon. They taste good.

    He washes the plate with dishwashing soap. Then, he washes the pan. He gets a sponge damp. Finally, he wipes down the table. Next, Jack begins to watch TV.

    1. (1) What food is cooked?
      A . Pork B . Rice C . Eggs D . Fish
    2. (2) Where does Jack eat eggs?
      A . At the dinning room table. B . In his room. C . In the kitchen. D . In front of the TV.
    3. (3) How long are the eggs cooked?
      A . 2 seconds B . 2 minutes. C . 2 hours D . 2 quarters.
    4. (4) What is the chair made of?
      A . Stone. B . Wood. C . Metal. D . We don't know.
    5. (5) Jack cooked in a skillet. What is another word for skillet?
      A . Slow cooker. B . Oven. C . Pan. D . Microwave.
  • 75. 阅读理解

    Travelling by Train

    Trains are very fun and relaxing. Train rides are sometimes short and sometimes very long. Some train rides are 15 hours long!

    Short train rides are cheap. Long train rides are expensive. You can buy tickets at the train station. First, look at the train schedule. Then, buy a ticket. Board the train when it arrives. Find your seat. Your seat number is on your ticket. You can talk with the people near you. You can eat a snack or take a nap. Riding on trains is very comfortable. Get off the train when you arrive.

    According to the passage, make the following sentences in order:

    A Buy a ticket.

    B Find your seat.

    C Look at the train schedule.

    D Board the train.

    E Take a nap on the train, then get off when you arrive.

