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更新时间:2022-11-15 浏览次数:50 类型:期末考试
  • 28. 听录音,选图片,写单词。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    1. (1) I'm years old this year.  
    2. (2) Let methe apple.  
    3. (3) Rose leaves a to her mom.  
    4. (4) Look at ! I have a big mouth.  
    5. (5) Let's a kite.  
  • 29. 听录音,完成任务。
    1. (1) 听录音,根据Mike寻找帽子的顺序给图片标号。

      I'm going to have a picnic(野餐). But where's my cap?

    2. (2) What colour is the cap?
      A . Blue. B . Black. C . Brown.
    3. (3) Where is the cap?
      A . B . C .
    4. (4) What would Mike like for breakfast(早餐)?
      A . B . C .
  • 30. 看图,选单词。

    1.  English book 2. shoes 3. strong 4. picture 5. doctor

    6. blackboard 7.nurse 8. knife 9. bathroom 10. window

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
    6. (6)
    7. (7)
    8. (8)
    9. (9)
    10. (10)
九、看图,阅读,判断对错。(6 分)
  • 37. 看图,选择,完成对话,有一个选项多余哦!

    A. What's his name?

    B. What's her name?

    C. Let me help you.

    D. Is this your mother?

    E. What would you like?

    F. Are they on the table?

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 38. 看图,判断对错。

    This is my home. It's 6: 00 p. m. My family are all(都) at home.

    1. (1) Tom's family has six pcople.
    2. (2) Tom's parents are in the kitchen.
    3. (3) Tom's sister has long hair. She's on the sofa.
    4. (4) Tom has three notebooks and a ball in his schoolbag.
    5. (5) Tom's grandparents and little brother are in the study.
  • 39. 阅读,完成任务。

    Children, your schoolbags are heavy. What's in the schoolbags?

    I have a storybook in my schoolbag. It's very nice. And I have some bread and milk, too. We can share(分享).

    I have many candies. And I have a vegetable salad and some forks. I can use the fork for the salad. You can try, too.

    I have some chicken and juice in my schoolbag. And I have many toys, too. Look! We can play together(一起)!

    1. (1) 阅读,搭配,把序号写在方框中。

      A.   B.   C.

      D.   E.   F.

    2. (2) Chen Jie can share the bread and milk.
    3. (3) Sarah can use the fork for the candies.
    4. (4) Mike has many toys for friends.
  • 40. 写到的三个部位都要画出来,并用中文标出颜色!请认真书写!

    This is the new classroom.

    The _____ is______.

    The _________ are ____________.

    The _______________.

    door  lights  desks  wall  fans  floor

    windows  teacher's  desk…

    black  white  yellow  blue

    orange  green  brown  purple  red…

