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更新时间:2022-07-28 浏览次数:57 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。

    A: Hello, Martin. Can you swim?

    B: Yes, I do. What about you, Eddie?

    A: Me too. I learned how to swim last month(上个月). I can swim well. Let's have a race (比赛).

    B: OK.

    C: Eddie, 47 seconds(秒). Martin, 32 seconds. Come on, Eddie. Martin started swimming at the age of three. Don't teach a fish how to swim.

    1. (1) Where are Martin and Eddie now?
      A . In the playground. B . In the classroom. C . In the swimming pool.
    2. (2) Who can swim?
      A . Eddie. B . Martin C . Eddie and Martin.
    3. (3) When does Martin start swimming?
      A . At the age of three. B . Last month. C . Last year.
    4. (4) Who wins(赢) the race?
      A . Eddie. B . Martin C . I don't know.
    5. (5) What does the underline sentence (划线句子) mean in the story?
      A . 学一条鱼游泳 B . 班门弄斧 C . 如鱼得水
  • 12. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。

    Come in, please. This is my bedroom. I put all my clothes here. Look! That is my new coat on the bed. I like it very much. My blue shoes are under the bed. My red shoes are under the chair. My skirt is on the chair. It's too old and small. I'd like a new one. Maybe Sue can buy(买)it for me. She's my owner(主人) and she's 7 years old. Oh, look! What's that? A mouse(老鼠). I like eating it very much. I like fish, too.

    1. (1) Maybe this is a cat's bedroom.
    2. (2) My blue shoes are under the chair.
    3. (3) I'd like a new coat.
    4. (4) Sue is seven years old.
    5. (5) Sue is a woman.
  • 13. 给图片选择合适的对话。

    A. —How are you, Bobby?

    —I'm not so good.

    B. —Let's go and play football.

    —Sorry, I have a table tennis match.

    C. —What do you do in autumn?

    —We often go climbing.

    D. — What day is it today?

    —It's Tuesday.

    E. —Can you draw a flower?

    —Sure. It's easy.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 14. 从右栏中找出与左栏中句子匹配的选项。

    ⑴What about this cap?   A. It's seven.

    ⑵What time is it?            B. Here's your coat.

    ⑶Whose shoes are they?   C. Oh, it's too big.

    ⑷I'm very cold.                D. At seven.

    ⑸When do you get up?   E. They're my cousin's.

  • 15. 给下列句子排序。

    A. It's nice. But it's too big for you. Whose dress is it?

    B. All right.

    C. Wow! It's nice. Let's go to the party now.

    D. It's my sister's.

    E. Look! Here's a new one for you. Try it, please.

    F. Hi, Yang Ling. Look at this dress.

    G. OK. Thank you.

           D                 B           

  • 21.  

    A: What day is it today?

    B: It's.

    A: What do you have in the afternoon?

    B: We have and Art. How you?

    A: I have Chinese and PE. What do you like?

    B: I like PE. It's fun.

  • 22.

    A: the , Mum?

    B: It's o'clock, Nancy. Are you hungry?

    A: No, I'm. I want to go to bed now.

    B: OK. Don't do your now, do it tomorrow morning.

    A: Good night, Mum.

  • 23. 请根据以下提示和图片信息,完成你对双胞胎好朋友苏海和苏洋的介绍。(不一定每空一词, 词数不限。)

    Su Hai and Su Yang are my. They are . They're eleven. They have big eyes and Su Hai likes winter. She can . Su Yang likes. She can swim well.

