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更新时间:2022-07-22 浏览次数:61 类型:期末考试
  • 12. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,将下列对话补充完整。

    A: dresses are those?

    B: They're my .

    A: Whose is this? Guess!

    B: Is it your ?

    A: No. You're . It's mine.

    B: Look at my . They're so big.

    A: Yes. Try .

    B: Thanks. Here's a for you.

  • 13. 在Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏中句子匹配的选项。

                        Ⅰ                                                         Ⅱ

    ⑴What can you see now?   A. At two in the afternoon.

    ⑵May I speak to Mr. Brown?   B. It's on the bed.

    ⑶Can I have a pie?   C. Sorry. He's not at home.

    ⑷Where's my fan?   D. Sure. Here you are.

    ⑸When do they go to the library?   E. Ah! I can see a lion.

    ⑹Let's go climbing.    F. I' m sorry to hear that.

    ⑺Here's your book.    G. OK. Let's go.

    ⑻I can't come to your party.   H. Sorry, you're wrong.

    ⑼My hand hurts.   I. What a pity!

    ⑽This is Dan's toy, I guess.    J. Thank you.

  • 37. 根据所设情景,选择合适的句子。

    A. What's the matter?

    B. What can you do?

    C. May I speak to Liu Tao?

    D. Here's some water.

    E. Whose shorts are they?

    F. What lessons do you have this morning?

    G. What day is it today?

    H. When do you have lunch?

    1. (1) 你想知道今天星期几,可以问:
    2. (2) 同学想知道你今天早上有哪些课,他可以问:
    3. (3) 当你口渴的时候,妈妈可以说:
    4. (4) 你打电话想找刘涛,可以说:
    5. (5) 老师想知道你会做什么,他可以问:
    6. (6) 你想知道同学怎么了,可以问:
    7. (7) 朋友想知道你什么时候吃午饭,他可以问:
    8. (8) 你想知道这条短裤是谁的,可以问:
  • 38. 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。

    A. Not so good.

    B. Hello, this is Wang Bing.

    C. I have a headache.

    D. I' m sorry to hear that. What's the matter, Wang Bing?

    E. How are you, Wang Bing?

    F. Hello, this is Liu Tao speaking. May I speak to Wang Bing?

    G. Take some pills and have a good rest.


  • 44. 课外阅读,根据故事内容,判断正误。
    1. (1) Julia draws her cat well with her left hand. (Julia's pictures)
    2. (2) The life guards look after the people at the pool. (The life guards)
    3. (3) There are two dogs in the story. (The dog and his bone)
    4. (4) "Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger."


  • 45. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。

    Hello, I am John. Today is Monday. I have three teachers. They are Mr. Carter, Miss Green and Mrs. Black. Mr. Carter is a new teacher. He comes from the UK and he teaches us Maths. His lesson is so funny that we all like him very much. Miss Green is our art teacher. She is strict(严格的), but she is very kind(善良的). Mrs. Black is so smart. They are all nice and we all like them.

    1. (1) I have __________ new teacher(s).
      A . three B . two C . one
    2. (2) Mr. Carter is a(n) ________ teacher.
      A . English B . Maths C . Chinese
    3. (3) Tomorrow is_________.
      A . Monday B . Tuesday C . Wednesday
    4. (4) ________ is an Art teacher.
      A . Mr. Carter B . Mrs. Black C . Miss Green
    5. (5) ________ is smart.
      A . Mrs. Black B . Mr. Carter C . Miss Green

