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更新时间:2022-07-11 浏览次数:60 类型:小升初真题
四、听录音,从A、B 、C三个选项中选出与听到的内容相符的选项。2×5=10分
五、请在下列A 、B选项中选出与句子内容相符的答案。2×5=10分
  • 36. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择正确选项。

    A Goodbye Speech

    Dear classmates,

    Tomorrow is the last day at school. We are going to say goodbye. I'm going back to my country. Four years ago, I spoke little Chinese, but now I can speak a lot more. I think Chinese is very interesting. I will keep on practicing Chinese in the UK.

    I'll miss you all. Let's write lots of emails to each other. We'll always be friends.


    1. (1) _______ is the last day at school.
      A . Tomorrow B . Yesterday C . Today
    2. (2) Sam is going back to _________.
      A . the UK B . the US C . China 
    3. (3) Sam thinks _______is very interesting.
      A . English B . Chinese C . Japanese
    4. (4) Sam will _________ his classmates.
      A . Miss B . missed C . miss
    5. (5) They will ________to each other.
      A . write letters B . write emails C . send photos   
  • 37. 配对。

    ⑴Why are you laughing?                    A. Yes, she did.

    ⑵How much is it?                               B. Because I'm happy.

    ⑶What do you want to drink?            C. At half past twelve.

    ⑷When are we going to eat lunch?    D. It's two dollars.

    ⑸Did she go to a farm?                       E. I want a cola, please.

十、按四线三格的书写要求抄写下面的单词 (1×5=5分)

