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更新时间:2022-05-26 浏览次数:81 类型:期末考试
一、Read and sort. 读一读,给方框中的12个单词找到家,把相应的序号写在横线上。
  • 1. 读一读,给方框中的12个单词找到家,把相应的序号写在横线上

    ① sister                  ②nineteen                 ③grape            ④thin       ⑤long   ⑥twenty                 ⑦grandmother          ⑧pear             ⑨small               ⑩watermelon         ⑪seventeen               ⑫father

    1. (1) apple
    2. (2) brother
    3. (3) tall
    4. (4) fifteen
二、Read and judge. 看图读句子,判断对错。
三、Read and choose. 读句子,选择最恰当的—项。
四、Read and choose. Wu Binbin向Lily介绍自己的机器人。读一读,从方框中选出五个合适的句子补全对话,把相对应的字母写在横线上。
  • 12. 补全对话

    Wu Binbin: Lily, I have a new robot.

    Lily: Really? Is it tall?

    Wu Binbin:


    Wu Binbin: Yes, it's big and strong.


    Wu Binbin: Look, it's under the tree.

    Lily: Wow, so cool! What's his name?

    Wu Binbin:

    Lily: Nice to meet you, Robin.


    A. His name is Robin.

    B. Is it big?

    C. Nice to meet you, too.

    D. Where is it?

    E. Yes, it is.

五、Read and finish the tasks.
  • 13. Wu Binbin, Lily和Robin一起游玩了动物园,他们玩得很开心。回家后,Wu Binbin写了一篇文章,我们一起读—读吧。


    It's a nice day. Robin and I go to the zoo. We meet Lily there. We see many animals. The elephant is very big. Some bananas are on his head. The monkey is small and thin. It's playing in the tree. I like it very much. Look, a big ball is under the fat panda. Wow, so funny(有趣的)!

    1. (1) 请根据Wu Binbin的文章,找出下列物品或动物的正确位置,并将字母填在相应的圆圈内。

      A.         B.         C.

    2. (2) Wu Binbin, Robin and Lily see many animals at the zoo.
    3. (3) The elephant has some bananas.
    4. (4) The monkey is big and thin.
    5. (5) The panda is playing in the tree.
    6. (6) Wu Binbin likes the monkey very much.
    7. (7) 请为Wu Binbin的文章选择一个最佳标题。
      A . Funny animals B . My friends

