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更新时间:2022-04-21 浏览次数:76 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 判断下列单词画线部分发音是否相同。
    1. (1) water        what        watch
    2. (2) name         plane        bag
    3. (3) bike          kite          Mike
    4. (4) these      their        fifth
    5. (5) school        lunch        watch
  • 2. 将不同类的单词找出来。
    1. (1) milk       juice       ice-cream       water
    2. (2) telephone   office       park         playground
    3. (3) under      ill        on          besides
    4. (4) table     open       fridge        sofa
    5. (5) trousers     dress       blouse         wife
  • 3. 按要求完成下列各题。
    1. (1) sad(比较级)
    2. (2) funny(比较级)
    3. (3) teach(第三人称单数)
    4. (4) drank(原形)
    5. (5) hurt(过去式)
    6. (6) make(过去式)
    7. (7) Labour Day(英译汉)
    8. (8) 打羽毛球(过去式)
    9. (9) look up(英译汉)
    10. (10) 感冒(过去式)
  • 14. 选词填空,补全对话。

    When    what    how    where    how much

    1. (1) — are the apples?

      —They are ten yuan.

    2. (2) — are you going there?

      —Tomorrow afternoon.

    3. (3) — did he do last weekend?

      —He went swimming.

    4. (4) — can we get to the library?

      —Take the No. 5 bus.

    5. (5) — does she often go on the weekend?

      —To the cinema.

  • 20. 选择合适的选项,补全对话。

    A. What did you do?

    B. When did you come back?

    C. What was the film about?

    D. Where did you go on Friday?

    E. How was your National Day holiday?

    Hugo: Hello, Kitty.

    Kitty: It was great!I saw a film on Wednesday.


    Kitty: A family went swimming and helped a whale(鲸)back to the sea.

    Hugo: What about Thursday?

    Kitty: I had a painting lesson at the Children's Centre. I learned how to paint fruit.


    Kitty: On Friday, I went to the library and read a storybook there.

    Hugo: Did you go swimming on Saturday?

    Kitty: No, I didn't. My family and I went to the countryside by car. We took lots of pictures there and bought many gifts, too.


    Kitty: On Sunday. Then we went to the supermarket. In the evening we made some delicious food at home.

    Hugo: Did you all have a good holiday?

    Kitty: Yes, we did.

  • 21. 阅读理解。

    Yesterday morning. Li Lei went to the supermarket with his mother. There were lots of people in it and in was crowded. He wanted to buy a basketball but it was a little expensive. Some vegetables and fruits were very cheap. And they bought some. Then they went to a restaurant for lunch. But the food there was awful(糟糕的)and the waiter was unfriendly.

    1. (1) Where did Li Lei go yesterday morning?
      A . Bookshop. B . Supermarket. C . Station.
    2. (2) He bought________ there.
      A . a basketball B . some vegetables and fruits C . some food
    3. (3) The basketball was in the supermarket.
      A . expensive B . cheap C . bad
    4. (4) They went to__________ for lunch.
      A . the supermarket B . their home C . a restaurant
    5. (5) The food wasn't_________ in the restaurant.
      A . bad B . terrible C . good
  • 22. 小学六年的学习时光即将结束,小丽开始计划暑假旅游,假如你是小丽,请你根据提示,写一写假期安排。

    提示:Xinjiang, by train, ride a horse, go camping, eat fresh food, pick grapes, take pictures, buy gifts



