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更新时间:2021-12-20 浏览次数:67 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 写出单词,补全句子。

        It's a snowy day. Let's make a snowman. Let's make a big snowball for his , and a small snowball for his . Let's draw his . Let's put two sticks for his . Let's put a hat on him. I he's wonderful!

  • 23. 选词填空,补全句子。

    bought   open   give   invite   ate

    1. (1) Here is a box. Let's it.
    2. (2) Please me a pen. I want to write a card.
    3. (3) My mother me some gifts yesterday.
    4. (4) I want to my grandma to my home.
    5. (5) Danny rice for lunch yesterday.    
  • 29. (2021六上·龙华期末) 补全对话

    Mike: Hi, Judy. What are you going to do this weekend?

    Judy: Do you want to go with me?

    Mike: No, thank you.

    Judy: What are you gonging to do this weekend?

    Mike: I'm going to see a film.


    Mike: I'd like to see Black Horse.


    Mike: It's a story about a brave horse and some policemen.

    Judy: Wow! That sounds exciting!

    Mike: Good idea!

    A. Maybe I'll go and see it next week.

    B. What is it about?

    C. I went to the Book City last weekend.

    D. What film would you like to see?

    E. I'm going to read books in the Book City.

  • 30. (2020三上·涿州期末) Read and choose the best answer. 阅读短文,回答问题。

    Miss Bird is going to have a singing party on Saturday. The duck says, "I can't sing well. Who can help me?" Miss Bird tells him, "Practice makes perfect."(业精于勤). So he practices (练习) and practices. The bear asks him to play football. But he says, "Sorry, I can't. I want to practice the song". The rabbit invites him to a birthday party. But he says, "Sorry. I want to practice the song". The cat invites him to watch TV in the evening. But he says, "Sorry. I need more practice." Today is Saturday, the duck sings very well at the singing party. In the afternoon, the dog says, "I will go swimming. Will you go?" The duck says, "Of course! (当然可以)"

    1. (1) _________ is going to have a singing party.
      A . Miss Bird B . The rabbit C . The duck
    2. (2) The rabbit invites the duck to _____.
      A . play football B . a birthday party C . watch TV
    3. (3) The duck ________ at the singing party on Saturday.
      A . can't sing well B . practices the song C . sings very well
    4. (4) _______ helps the duck to sing well.
      A . The cat B . The rabbit C . The duck himself(自己)
    5. (5) The duck ______ on Saturday afternoon .
      A . practices the song B . watches TV C . goes swimming

