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更新时间:2021-11-10 浏览次数:86 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 给下列句子选择正确答语。

    ⑴What's in your desk?    A. Thank you very much.

    ⑵How many  books do you have?    B. It's black and white.

    ⑶Where is my book?    C. My schoolbag.

    ⑷What colour is this panda?    D. I have five.

    ⑸Let me help you.     E. It's in the bag.

  • 7. 选择恰当疑问词补全对话。

    How  many  Who  What's  Where  What colour

    1. (1) — is in your desk?

      —A schoolbag.

    2. (2) — is my pencil?

      —It's in your pencil-box.

    3. (3) — is she?

      —She is my mother.

    4. (4) — pencils are there in you pencilbox?


    5. (5) — is your schoolbag?

      —My schoolbag is blue.

  • 13. 阅读短文判断正误。

    I'm Jike. I have a new friend. He is a Chinese boy. His name is Li Ming. He has black eyes and short hair. He is tall and strong. He likes ping-pong. He is my best friend.

    1. (1) Jike's friend is an English boy.
    2. (2) Jike is tall and strong.
    3. (3) Li Ming likes painting.
    4. (4) Li Ming has black hair and yellow eyes.
    5. (5) Li Ming is a Chinese boy.

