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更新时间:2021-10-12 浏览次数:116 类型:期中考试
  • 12. 听录音,填入所缺的单词。

    W: Hello, Jim. What are you doing?

    M: I am writing a to my pen friend.

    W: Is your pen friend a ?

    M: Yes, he is.

    W: Can he speak ?

    M: Yes, and he can speak English.

    W: What's his hobby?

    M: He likes and reading.

    W: Can I be his pen friend?

    M: Sure. Here is his .

    W: Thank you.

  • 13. 选择每组中不同类的单词
    1. (1)
      A . library B . famous C . supermarket
    2. (2)
      A . China B . Canada C . English
    3. (3)
      A . take B . play C . dancing
    4. (4)
      A . he B . my C . your
    5. (5)
      A . north B . always C . sometimes
  • 29. (2020六上·期中) 给下列问句选择正确的答语。

    A. Yes, I can.

    B. The Spring Festival.

    C. I like painting.

    D. No, I haven't.

    E. It's 1, 279 kilometres long.

    1. (1) —What's your hobby?

    2. (2) —Have you got a storybook?

    3. (3) —Can you write in English?

    4. (4) —What's  your favourite festival?

    5. (5) —How long is the Minjiang River? 

  • 30. (2020六上·期中) 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Tony is 14 years old. He lives in America. He can speak English and Chinese. He likes collecting toy cars. And he often plays with toy cars. He has a pen friend. His name is Li Bing. Li Bing lives in China. They often write emails to each other. Tony wants to visit the Great Wall. And he will go there this summer.

    1. (1) Tony can speak Chinese and English.
    2. (2) Tony often plays with toy dogs.
    3. (3) Li Bing is Tony's pen friend.
    4. (4) Tony lives in Sydney.
    5. (5) Tony will go to the Mount Tai this summer.
  • 31. 阅读短文,给下列图片排序。

    Sally is eleven years old. She comes from America. Now she studies in a primary school in Nanjing. She can speak English and a little Chinese. She has a good friend named Judy. Judy is one year younger than Sally. Judy is from Australia. She can speak Chinese well. She can help Sally with Chinese.

    They have different hobbies. Judy likes playing the violin. But Sally doesn't like playing any instruments (乐器). She doesn't like music at all. She likes reading novels(小说). Harry Potter is her favourite novel. She would like to read it again.


