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冀教版(三年级起点)小学英语六年级下册Unit 2 Good...

更新时间:2017-12-12 浏览次数:151 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 写单词,补全短文。

        Hello, I'm Tom. I'm and . I do exercise every morning. I run for 30 . I eat vegetables and fruit. I don't eat too much meat. Because it's for me. I work hard at school and at sports. Sometimes I help my parents at home.

  • 22. 选出对我们身体有益的行为。

    ⑴Eat much ice cream.

    ⑵Always eat vegetables.

    ⑶Never eat meat.

    ⑷Do exercise every day.

    ⑸Eat fruit every day.

    ⑹Watch more sports games.

    ⑺Brush teeth every day.

    ⑻Eat more donuts.

    ⑼Never eat fish and chicken.

    ⑽Have breakfast every day.

  • 23. 根据图片内容,选词填空,注意使用单词的正确形式。

    go  have  wash  play  get

    1. (1)      

      Lily up at 7: 00.           

    2. (2)

      Then she her face.

    3. (3)                                                

      She breakfast every day.     

    4. (4)

      She to school on foot.

    5. (5)    

      She sports with her friends.

  • 34. 为下列句子选择相匹配的问句或答句。

    A. It's about three hundred yuan.

    B. Because it's good for me.

    C. What do you do after dinner?

    D. How often do you have English class?

    E. When do you get up?

    1. (1) —

      —At about 7: 00.

    2. (2) —How much is your new bike?  

    3. (3) —

      —Three times a week.

    4. (4) —

      — I usually do my homework.

    5. (5) —Why do you like to eat fruit?    

  • 35. A. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Today is Sunday. We don't go to school. So after breakfast I go to the park with some of my good friends. In the park, there are many people. They are doing exercise. Some women are dancing. Some people are playing badminton. Some girls are skipping, and some people are walking and running. Why do they work so hard? Because they want to be strong and healthy.

    1. (1) Today is Sunday.
    2. (2) I go to school after breakfast today.
    3. (3) I go to the park with my father and mother.
    4. (4) Many people in the park are doing exercise.
    5. (5) Some women are playing badminton.
  • 36. B. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

        It's very important(重要的) for us to be healthy. Now I'll tell you how I can be healthy. I often eat fruit and vegetables. I don't like to eat hamburgers. They are not good for my health. I have a balanced diet. Many foods are important, such as rice, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruit. I like to eat apples. As the saying(谚语) says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And I also like doing sports. I like running in the morning. I play basketball in the afternoon with my friends. And sometimes I play ping­pong with my family at the gym on Saturdays. I think I'm healthy and strong. What about you?

    1. (1) What is very important?
      A . Being healthy is very important. B . Eating fruit and vegetables. C . Often do sports.
    2. (2) What don't I like?
      A . I like to eat fruit and vegetables. B . I don't like hamburgers. C . I like to do sports.
    3. (3) What does “a balanced diet” mean?
      A . It means “均衡的饮食”. B . It means “挑食”. C . It means“减肥”.
    4. (4) What do I do in the morning?
      A . I play basketball with my friends. B . I play ping­pong. C . I run in the morning.
    5. (5) Where do I play ping­pong?
      A . On Sundays. B . With my family. C . At the gym.
  • 37.     下图中的男孩名字叫:Jack。看到他的样子,你有什么想法吗?你觉得他健康吗?你能不能为他提一些意见或建议呢?




