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外研版(三起点)小学英语四年级下册Module 10 Uni...

更新时间:2021-02-18 浏览次数:86 类型:同步测试
  • 16. 将下栏的句子与方框中相对应的结果匹配起来

    A. So today I've got a cold.

    B. So today he's got a stomach ache.

    C. So today I've got a stomach ache.

    D. So her father took her to the hospital.

    E. So today she's got a headache.

    1. (1) Amy had a cold yesterday.  
    2. (2) He had a watermelon yesterday.
    3. (3) Lingling fell off her bike.
    4. (4) It was very cold yesterday.
    5. (5) I had lots of chocolate.
  • 17. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。

        Yesterday was Saturday. Li Qiang and I went to the bookshop. We went there by bike. We saw lots of people there. There were many books too. I bought a book about English. Li Qiang bought two CDs. Then we went home. It took us thirty minutes to go home.

    1. (1) It was Sunday yesterday.
    2. (2) Li Qiang and I went to the bookshop by bus.
    3. (3) There were lots of people in the bookshop.
    4. (4) They didn't see many books in the bookshop.
    5. (5) Li Qiang bought a book about English.

