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外研版小学英语四年级下册Module 8 Unit 1 同步...

更新时间:2021-02-18 浏览次数:83 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 将下列句子重新排列,组成一段完整的对话。(只写序号即可)

    A. Tell me about your picnic.  

    B. Dad, we had a picnic last Sunday.  

    C. We ate some food and drank some drinks.  

    D. Was it fun?  

    E. Then (然后) we played games and walked in the park.  

    F. Yes, it was.  


  • 12. 看图,仿照例子用过去时态完成句子

    例句: The birds sang songs.

    1. (1) We there .

    2. (2) The children last Sunday.

    3. (3) They and .

    4. (4) They yesterday.

  • 13. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. Li Lei helped his mother do the housework in the morning. He went to the park with his friends in the afternoon. They played football in the park. His sister Li Mei played computer games at home. Their father, Mr. Li, watched TV at home.

    1. (1) It is Sunday today.

    2. (2) Li Lei did his homework in the morning.

    3. (3) Li Lei played football in the afternoon.

    4. (4) Li Mei watched TV at home.

    5. (5) Mr. Li watched TV at home.

