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外研版(三起点)小学英语四年级下册Module 7 Unit...

更新时间:2021-02-17 浏览次数:70 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 选词填空

    A. on    B. was    C. about    D. and    E. too

    1. (1) I helped Mum I washed clothes.
    2. (2) What Tom?
    3. (3) We love him .
    4. (4) Yesterday a holiday.
    5. (5) She played the computer.
  • 12. 给句子选择合适的图片

    1. (1) My mother washed clothes yesterday.  
    2. (2) Dad and I watched TV on Sunday.  
    3. (3) Grandma cooked fish yesterday.  
    4. (4) They rowed a boat on the lake.  
    5. (5) He played on the computer.   
  • 13. 阅读短文,判断正误

        Hello, I'm Yuanyuan. Yesterday was Saturday. I didn't go to school. I was at home. I helped Mum and washed my T-shirt. Now the T-shirt is clean. My brother Xiaoyong wasn't at home. He was out with my father for his Chinese lesson. In the evening, we watched TV together. We had a very happy day.

    1. (1) Yuanyuan was at school on Sunday.
    2. (2) Yuanyuan washed her T-shirt yesterday.
    3. (3) Yuanyuan's T-shirt was clean.
    4. (4) Xiaoyong was out yesterday.
    5. (5) They did the homework in the evening

