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更新时间:2021-11-11 浏览次数:47 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听录音,给句子排序。

    I'd like a salad.

    My favourite food is hamburgers.

    Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?

    My maths teacher is an old man. He's strict.

    What's your mother like?

  • 12. 读一读,选出每组中与所给单词不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . day B . Friday C . Monday
    2. (2)
      A . sing B . music C . draw
    3. (3)
      A . sweet B . healthy C . bag
    4. (4)
      A . old B . young C . tea
    5. (5)
      A . smart B . strict C . salad
  • 23. 给下列句子选择相应的答语

    A. Yes, I do.

    B. He can sing English songs.

    C. I'd like some milk.

    D. He's strict.

    E. My favourite food is sandwiches.

    1. (1) —What would you like to drink?

    2. (2) —What can your brother do?

    3. (3) —Do you often read books in this park?

    4. (4) —What's your favourite food?

    5. (5) —What's your teacher like?

  • 29. 用合适的单词补全短文

    A. love    B. clever    C. What's    D. for    E. play    F. Friday
    G. delicious    H. tea    I. football    J. sandwiches

    Hello, I am Jack. I am a boy. My favourite day is. We have fish lunch that day. And I fish very much. my favourite food? Chicken. It's . My friend Amy's favourite food is . And her favourite drink is. Sometimes we on the weekend.

  • 30. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Zhang Peng: What can you do, Bob?

    Bob: I can speak English.

    Zhang Peng: Can you sing?

    Bob: Yes, I can. But I can't dance.

    Zhang Peng: Can you play football?

    Bob: Yes, I can. But I can't play ping-pong.

    Zhang Peng: Can you clean the room?

    Bob: Yes, I can. But I can't wash my clothes.

    Zhang Peng: Can you read books?

    Bob: Yes, I can.

    Zhang Peng: Can you do Chinese kung fu?

    Bob: No, I can't. And I can't swim.

    1. (1) Bob can speak English.
    2. (2) Bob can sing and dance.
    3. (3) Bob can't play ping-pong.
    4. (4) Bob can clean the room, but he can't wash his clothes.
    5. (5) Bob can do Chinese kung fu.

