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更新时间:2021-10-12 浏览次数:107 类型:期中考试
一、Choose the different word.选出下列单词中不同类的一项。10%
  • 16. 问答配对

    ⑴Where is the museum?           A. No, it's far.

    ⑵Can you help me?               B. By car.

    ⑶How can I get there? C. Turn left at the cinema.

    ⑷Is the bookstore near here?          D. It's near the post office.

    ⑸Follow me, please!                 E. Sure.

    ⑹How do you go to the cinema? F. OK.

    ⑺What are you going to do tomorrow?   G. Yes, she does.

    ⑻Does Amy come to school on foot?  H. I'm going to draw pictures.

    ⑼Is Mike going to buy a comic book?  I. This weekend.

    ⑽When is Mike going to see a film?  J. No, he isn't.

四、Write the sentences(仿写句子。)8%
  • 17. Chen Jie正在介绍家人将要做的事,假如你是Chen Jie,请你根据表格完成其他家庭成员的计划。




    Chen Jie

    play sports

    this afternoon

    My sister

    read books


    My mother

    wash clothes

    this evening

    My father

    see a film

    next Sunday

    My grandparents

    go for a walk

    tomorrow morning

    例句:I am going to play sports tomorrow afternoon.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
五、Read and choose T or F(阅读短文。)10%
  • 18. 阅读短文判断正误。

    What do you usually do on the weekends? I often go to the park to play football. Sometimes I go to the cinema to see a film with my good friends. The park is not far. I go there on foot. I walk straight for about 15 minutes. Then turn left. The park is on the right. But the cinema is far. It's next to the bookstore. I go there by the No. 106 bus, and get off at the bookstore. Then walk east. It's in front of us. What about you? Where do you usually go on your weekends?

    1. (1) I usually read books in the park on the weekends.
    2. (2) I usually go to the cinema by bus.
    3. (3) The park is far. The cinema is near.
    4. (4) I can go to the cinema by the No. 106 bus.
    5. (5) I often go to the cinema with my good friends on the weekends.

