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更新时间:2020-10-14 浏览次数:124 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 根据单词选图片。

    ⑴ball        A.

    ⑵map        B.

    ⑶apple        C.

    ⑷giraffe        D.

    ⑸cap         E.

    ⑹boy         F.

    ⑺pig         G.

    ⑻grandpa         H.

    ⑼orange         I.

    ⑽pen         J.

  • 7. 判断划线部分读音是否相同。
    1. (1) A. cake               B. dad                   C. bag
    2. (2) A. big           B. six                C. milk
    3. (3) A. he            B. red              C. me
    4. (4) A. dog              B. box                 C. mom
    5. (5) A. duck          B. run                 C. fun
四、单项选择。(每小题2分,共20 分)
  • 18. 看问句,选答语。

    ⑴Where are you from?               A. I have four.

    ⑵Do you like strawberries?              B. No, I don't.  

    ⑶How many erasers do you have?         C. It's on the desk.

    ⑷Who's that boy?                  D. I'm from Canada.

    ⑸Where is my bag?                    E. He's my brother.

  • 19. 根据句子的描述,选择正确的图片。

    A.    B.     C.     D.     E.

    1. (1) —Do you like grapes?

      —No. I don't like grapes.

    2. (2) —Where is the dog?

      —It's in the box.

    3. (3) This is my grandmother. She is thin.
    4. (4) —How many bananas can you see?

      — I can see five.

    5. (5) —What's that?

      —It's a cat. It's a small cat.

  • 20. 从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。

    A. Thanks.

    B. Goodbye.

    C. Do you like milk?

    D. Good morning,

    E. Yes, I like watermelons.

    John: Good morning, Amy.

    Amy: John.


    Amy: No, I don't like milk.

    John: Do you like watermelons?


    John: Have some watermelons.



    Amy: Bye.

八、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子对错。(每小题2分,共10 分)
  • 21. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子对错。

    Welcome to the zoo. Boys and girls! Look! This is the panda. It is so fat. It is black and white. This is a giraffe. It is so tall. It has a long neck. The elephant is so big. It has a long nose and a big body. That is a monkey. It has a short tail.

    1. (1) The panda is thin.
    2. (2) The panda is black and white.
    3. (3) The giraffe has a short neck.
    4. (4) The elephant has a big body.
    5. (5) The monkey has a long tail.

