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北京版小学英语四年级下册Unit 5单元测试(含听力音频)

更新时间:2020-02-05 浏览次数:119 类型:单元试卷
一、Listen, look and number.
二、Listen and number.
  • 2. Listen and number.

    When is that?

    What's special about this day?

    In many places people eat zongzi. They also have dragon boat races.

    Do you know the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival?

    It's a traditional Chinese holiday.

    It's on the fifth day of the fifth mouth in the Chinese calendar.

三、Listen and choose.
四、Listen and write.
五、Look and write.
六、Read, choose and write.
  • 12. Read, choose and write.

    September  working  May  national

        Labour Day is a holiday for the  people. It is a  holiday. Labour Day is on  1st in China. We also call it May Day. But it is on the first Monday in  in the USA.

七、Write down the Chinese or English meaning of the words.
  • 13. Write down the Chinese or English meaning of the words.
    1. (1) 中国
    2. (2) 国;国家
    3. (3) about   
    4. (4) puppet show
    5. (5) 元旦
    6. (6) visit their friends and relatives
八、Make sentences with the given words.
九、Read and write.
  • 17. Read and write.

    give my mum a kiss     special     Mother's Day      sounds

    What are you going to do

    Liangliang:   is coming.  for your mum?

    Guoguo: Every year, I make a card for my mum. But this year, I will give her something .

    Liangliang: That  interesting. You want to give her a surprise?

    Guoguo: I am going to  and wash her feet.

    Liangliang: Wow! You are a good girl!

十、Read and answer.
  • 18. 读短文,判断对错。

        In China, the Spring Festival is the most important (重要的) festival. It is in January or February. I always spend the Spring Festival with my family in Beijing. On the eve(前夕) of the Spring Festival, we have a big dinner and watch TV. The TV programs (节目) are very interesting. The food are delicious. We like jiaozi best. We are all happy.

    1. (1) In China, the Spring Festival is important.
    2. (2) We have a big dinner and watch TV on the eve of the Spring Festival.
    3. (3) We like eating zongzi on the Spring Festival.

