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更新时间:2019-06-21 浏览次数:316 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. 读句子并配对连线。

    ① Where does she live?      A. It's on December 25th.

    ② How's the weather in December?      B. I ride a bike in the park.

    ③ What do you do at weekends?       C. It's cold and dry.

    ④ When is the Christmas Day?      D. She lives in Beijing.

    ⑤ Who is he?     E. He's Father Christmas.

  • 2. 读一读,连线。

    ①Where is the Mother Duck?   A.She has three eggs. 

    ②What does the Mother Duck have?   B. She is near the river

    ③Are the ducklings small and yellow?   C. Yes, they are.

    ④Does the ugly duckling have home?    D. He is a swan.

    ⑤What is the ugly duckling?      E. No, he doesn't.

  • 3. 连线。

    ①When's Children's Day in China?         A. It's cold and snowy.

    ②Do you like Children's Day?                 B. I like playing football.

    ③What do you do on Children's Day?    C. Yes, I do.

    ④How is the weather in December?       D. I go to the zoo.

    ⑤What do you like doing?                       E. It is in June.

  • 4. 读一读,连线。

    ①What do you like doing?    A.It's white and yellow.

    ②Do you like this pear tree?  B. Yes, it does.

    ③What colour is this flower?    C.Yes, I do.

    ④Does it have long leaves?     D. They need water.

    ⑤What do the plants need?    E. I like listening to music.

  • 5. 读一读,连线。

    ①How's the weather in July in Beijing?  A. Yes, I do.

    ②Do you like spring, Peter? B. It's sunny and hot.

    ③How's the weather in July in Sydney? C. It's windy and cold

    ④What do you like doing in Autumn? D. Yes, he does.

    ⑤Does Santa wear shorts in Australia? E. I like flying a kite.

  • 6. 读一读, 连线。

    ①What time is it?                                A. It's Kitty's clock.

    ②Whose clock is it?                             B. It's a quarter to five.

    ③What time does he get up?               C. I go to bed at ten o'clock.

    ④What time do you go to bed?          D. He gets up at six o'clock.

    ⑤Does she get up at seven o'clock? E. No, she doesn't.

  • 7. 连线题。

    ①What can you see?                   A. It's morning.

    ②Do you like the little stars?        B. It's green and beautiful.

    ③How is spring?                          C. Yes, I do.

    ④Is it morning or afternoon?       D. It's very long.

    ⑤How is the tree's shadow?        E. I can see the moon.

  • 8. 给下列句子选择相应的答语

    A. It's orange juice.

    B. It's Sam's.

    C. Yes, he does.

    D. It's snowy and cold.

    1. (1) How's the weather in December?
    2. (2) Whose violin is it?
    3. (3) Does Tim like playing basketball?
    4. (4) Is it orange juice or watermelon juice?
  • 9. 从方框中选择相应的答语

    A. It's nine o'clock.

    B. Yes, it is.

    C. Yes, she does.

    D. It's sunny and warm.

    E. I go to bed at half past nine.

    1. (1) What time do you go to bed?
    2. (2) Is it windy and cold today?
    3. (3) Does Alice have dinner at six o'clock?
    4. (4) How's the weather in Sydney.?
    5. (5) What time is it.?
  • 10. 从方框中选择相应的答语

    A. I can play the guitar.

    B. He likes playing volleyball.

    C. We have Maths and English.

    D. I like Art and PE.

    E. No, she doesn't.

    1. (1) What lessons do you have today?
    2. (2) What subjects do you like?
    3. (3) Does Alice like playing football?
    4. (4) What does he like doing?
    5. (5) What can you play?

