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更新时间:2019-06-18 浏览次数:335 类型:期末考试
  • 17. (2019六下·惠阳期中) 读问句,找答句

    ⑴What size are your shoes?              A. They usually stay at home.

    ⑵How did Amy go to the beach?         B. Size 6.

    ⑶Where does your father work?          C. She went there by car.

    ⑷Did you go to Turpan last week?         D. He works at sea.

    ⑸What do they usually do on weekend?   E. Yes, I did.

  • 18. 选词填空


    1. (1) There lots of dinosaurs many years ago.
    2. (2) Some dinosaurs fast so they could eat other smaller dinosaurs.
    3. (3) I some cold drinks. And I felt ill.
    4. (4) We had a big dinner yesterday. I some nice food.
    5. (5) Look! Here a big elephant!
  • 19. (2019六下·嘉陵期中) 根据短文内容判断句子正误

        Hello, I'm Tom. My family had a good time last weekend. Let me tell you. I went to the nature park to see animals. I took many pictures of them. The animals were so cute. My mother did housework and cooked dinner at home. My father read some newspapers in the evening. We ate dinner and watched TV together. That was fun. What about you? What did you do last weekend?

    1. (1) om went to see animals last weekend.
    2. (2) Tom likes animals.
    3. (3) Tom's mom went shopping.
    4. (4) Tom's dad read some magazines.
    5. (5) Tom's family had a good time last weekend.
  • 20. (2019六下·仲恺期中) 阅读短文,判断对错

        One day Mr Li and Mr Wang went to London to see a friend. They didn't know much English and they knew little about London. They didn't find their friend's home. They walked in the street for a long time. Then they saw a man near a shop. They went up to him and asked the way. The man smiled but said nothing(什么都没说) . Then he put his hand into his pocket and took out a book and read, "I'm sorry, I can't speak English." At last they found their friend's home with the help of a policeman.

    1. (1) Mr. Li and Mr. Wang knew much about London.
    2. (2) They spoke English very well.
    3. (3) The man near the shop helped them find their friend's home.
    4. (4) They didn't see any policeman in London.
    5. (5) The man near the shod couldn't speak English.
  • 21. 看图表,描述一下张鹏的活动。不少于五句话。


    the day before yesterday

    last weekend




