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更新时间:2019-05-08 浏览次数:392 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。

        The back door of the ambulance(救护车) was suddenly shut. The driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat and 1 the engine. Inside were the worried parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green. The mother was holding 2 baby daughter, Ellen. The little girl had 3 food stuck in her throat(卡住喉咙) and 4 hardly breathe.

        The driver, Mr. White, turned 5 his siren(警笛) and flashing light, and started speeding towards the 6 hospital. The cars ahead of him pulled out of the way as he drove through the busy traffic. From the back of the ambulance, the parents were shouting 7 him to hurry, since Ellen had almost stopped breathing. Mr. White knew he had no time to lose,8 he drove straight past the traffic lights.

        Coming towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver who was listening to his radio 9 hear the ambulance. The lights were green, and he drove straight on into the path of the ambulance.

        Mr. White tried 10 his ambulance, but it was too late. It hit11 taxi. Everyone was shaken, 12 no one was hurt. Mr. White looked back to see 13 little Ellen was.

        "Look!" cried Mrs. Green. "She 14 again."

        "It must have been the crash," said her husband 15. "It knocked the food out of her throat. The accident turned out to be a blessing."

    A . start B . started C . has started D . starts
    A . their B . theirs C . they D . them
    A . any B . no C . some D . each
    A . would B . might C . should D . could
    A . on B . off C . out D . into
    A . near B . nearly C . nearer D . nearest
    A . with B . by C . at D . for
    A . because B . although C . so D . after
    A . was not B . would not C . has not D . did not
    A . stop B . to stop C . stops D . stopped
    A . the B . a C . an D . /
    A . and B . or C . but D . before
    A . where B . how C . when D . what
    A . is breathing B . breathed C . was breathing D . will breathe
    A . happy B . happily C . unhappy D . happiness
  • 2. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I used to hunt and have killed quite a few deer. There was great 1 in waiting and shooting.

        One cold morning in winter, I went alone to a hillside. I carried my gun and three thick sandwiches. I found a natural hiding place. It was pretty cold, but I had 2 clothing on. I sat there waiting for one hour. Nothing showed. The place was really 3.

        Suddenly, a beautiful buck(雄鹿) appeared. Surely I couldn't 4 it. I must wait for him to realize I was there. I waited for him to 5 with a start (惊吓).

        To my surprise, he came towards me! He was curious(好奇), I suppose. He must have known about men and their 6which would kill him. But he walked right up where I was sitting. Then he stopped and looked at me! I was getting a bit 7 now. A big buck can do a lot of damage.

        What happened next was hard to believe. But it all seemed quite natural. I reached up and scratched(抚摸) his head. And he 8 it. That big, wild, beautiful buck bent(弯下) his head.

        I scratched his body and fed him my last sandwich. Then he went his way, down the hill. I just watched him go--a strong buck carrying a proud head.

        I picked up my gun and started walking back. 9, I heard the shots—two of them. If you've hunted enough you know two shots mean a(n) 10. I had forgotten that there were other hunters around.

    I decided to give up hunting from that day on.

    A . excitement B . trouble C . interest D . mistake
    A . beautiful B . clean C . warm D . little
    A . dirty B . quiet C . fun D . small
    A . tell B . see C . call D . miss
    A . run B . play C . smile D . walk
    A . feelings B . habits C . guns D . clothes
    A . curious B . nervous C . angry D . painful
    A . refused B . stopped C . helped D . liked
    A . Suddenly B . Luckily C . Usually D . Actually
    A . decision B . kill C . warning D . action
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Gary and Gavin were twin brothers who worked in a store owned by their father. After the father had passed away, they took over the store. Everything went well until the day a twenty-dollar bill disappeared. Gary had left the bill on the cash register(收银台). But when he returned, the money was gone.

        Gary then asked his brother Gavin," Did you see that twenty-dollar bill on the cash register?' Gavin said that he had not. But Gary did not let it go and kept asking. "Twenty-dollar bills can't walk away by themselves! Surely you must have seen it." "I said I didn't see it!" Gavin replied with anger.

        The quarrel divided the young men and they could no longer work together. Later, a wall was built in the center of the store. For twenty years, hostility(敌意)never ended.

        One day, a strange man came to the store. He walked in and asked Gary, "How long have you been here?" Gary replied that he'd been there all his life. "Then you are the person I'm looking for," the man said. "Twenty years ago, I was totally broke and hungry. I entered this store from the back door and saw a twenty-dollar bill on the cash register. And I took it. All these years I haven't been able to forget that. I had to come back and apologize for that.

        The stranger felt shocked when seeing tears well up in the eyes of the middle-aged man in front of him. "Would you please go next door and tell the same story to the man in the store?" Gary asked. Then something surprised the stranger even more--after hearing his story, the two middle-aged men hugged each other and cried together in the front of the wall of the store.

        After twenty years, the wall that separated them finally came down.

    1. (1) Why was Gavin angry?
      A . Because he was not trusted by his brother. B . Because he got little money from his father. C . Because Gary took away his twenty-dollar bill. D . Because Gary let go the thief who took the money.
    2. (2) What happened after the quarrel?
      A . The two brothers stopped working. B . The two brothers got on well with each other again. C . The two brothers separated their store with a wall. D . The two brothers went to different places to make a living.
    3. (3) Who actually took the money away?
      A . Gary and Gavin's father. B . The stranger. C . Gary. D . Gavin.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "broke" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . Surprised. B . Afraid. C . Sad. D . Poor.
    5. (5) We can learn from the last sentence of the passage that_________________.
      A . The wall disappeared because it was too old. B . The stranger would help build a new wall. C . The two brothers at last no longer hated each other. D . The two brothers wanted to make their store bigger.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        It's all about patience(耐性) really.

        Chinese walkers, who usually walk the red light together, may be surprised at recent research which showed that they are more patient than people abroad.

        A study looked at more than 1,800 walkers at three busy Shanghai crossings(交叉路口). It found that an average Chinese walker ran out of patience at red lights after 90 seconds. But there's an interesting fact: the average German's endurance ability(耐性) was around 60 seconds while the British only 45 seconds and the American 40 seconds.

        People will take no notice of the red lights when the waiting time exceeds(超过) their patience time. "A lot of Chinese traffic lights are car-friendly instead of walker-friendly," said Ni Ying, who led the research team. As there are more and more car users in the city, city planners are giving them more convenience on the roads, according to her.

        The study also found that at some crossings, walkers waited longer than 150 seconds, and at other crossings the wait could be as long as 200 seconds. However, most red lights abroad do not exceed 120 seconds.

        The study suggested that planners should think about the walking pace(步幅) of people from different age groups, especially middle-aged people and seniors, in order to make the roads more walker-friendly. But the city's traffic police do not agree. They argue that the roads are built not just for the walkers, but also for cars. "To give more time for walkers would cut down the time for cars," a traffic policeman said. "On a busy traffic day, it can make traffic worse."

    1. (1) Who are the most patient among the people from four different countries?
      A . The Chinese. B . The German. C . The British. D . The American
    2. (2) According to the passage, Chinese walkers walk the red light because________.
      A . they are not afraid of the traffic police B . they are not friendly to car users C . there is often something wrong with the red lights D . the waiting time at the crossings is too long
    3. (3) What does "them" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
      A . City planners. B . Walkers. C . Car users. D . The research team.
    4. (4) How could roads become more friendly to walkers according to the study?
      A . By taking away the traffic lights. B . By making the roads wider and look nicer. C . By changing the waiting time according to people's walking pace. D . By stopping the middle-aged people from walking across the roads.
    5. (5) Which of the following will the traffic police agree with?
      A . It's right to give more time to walkers. B . Reducing time for car users will make traffic worse. C . We should encourage people to walk instead of driving. D . We should build more roads to meet the need of different people.
  • 5. 阅读理解

        On October5, Tu Youyou, 84, became the first Chinese to win a Nobel Prize in natural science. She is only the12th woman in history to be awarded the honor.

        Tu was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China on 30 December 1930. She once studied at Xiaoshi Middle School and Ningbo Middle School. Her teacher said that Tu liked reading books and she was very hard-working. From 1951 to 1955, she attended Beijing Medical College. Later Tu was trained for two and a half years in traditional Chinese medicine.

        Tu was given the award for her discovery of artemisinin(青蒿素), which has been developed to fight against malaria(疟疾). When Tu started her search in the late 1960s, over 240,000 compounds(化合物) around the world had already been tested, without any success. Her interest in traditional Chinese medicine drew her to ancient texts and finally found the sweet wormwood(青蒿),which had been used to treat malaria in China around 400 A.D. After more than190 failures, she invented the right drug in 1971.

        Tu Youyou doesn't have a Ph.D., neither has she ever studied or worked overseas. One former colleague, Liao Fuming, who has worked with Tu for more than 40 years, describes her as a "tough and stubborn(固执) woman."

        Tu is stubborn enough to spend many years putting ancient texts together and use them in modern scientific practices. The result is millions of lives saved.

        "She has done wonderful contribution to the world with her work, she really deserves it! It's a blessing for the Chinese people, as it is for the world!" Mats Wahlgren, member of the Nobel Assembly said.

    1. (1) How old was Tu Youyou when she graduated from Beijing Medical College?
      A . 12 years old. B . 21 years old. C . 25 years old. D . 28 years old.
    2. (2) By saying "over 240,000 compounds around the world had already been tested, without any success.", the writer wants to tell us that____________________.
      A . Tu's research work against malaria was very difficult B . scientists at that time were good at testing medicine C . Tu got a lot of help from the world with her research work D . scientists had successfully inventing medicine against malaria
    3. (3) Where did Tu finally find the medicine she wanted?
      A . At her middle school library. B . In Chinese ancient texts. C . In universities abroad. D . In modern science magazines.
    4. (4) Which of the words best describes Tu Youyou?
      A . Proud. B . Humorous. C . Active. D . Hard-working.
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Tu Wins the Nobel Prize B . Tu, a clever Chinese woman C . Traditional Chinese medicine D . How malaria was defeated
  • 6. 阅读理解

        How should you begin and finish an email message to someone you don't know? Find out here.

        Starting and finishing emails

        Here are some important points to consider when starting and finishing an email.

        Formal or informal?

        We write a formal email when we want to be polite, or when we do not know the reader very well. A lot of work emails are formal. We write informal emails when we want to be friendly, or when we know the reader well. A lot of social emails are informal. Here are some examples of formal and informal messages:



    A job application(申请)

    An email to your manager

    A complaint to a shop

    An email from one company to another company

    A birthday greeting to a colleague(同事)

    An email to a colleague who is also a good friend

    A social invitation to a friend at your workplace

    A message to a friend on a social networking site

        Before you start writing an email, decide if you want to write a formal email or an informal one.

        Layout and punctuation

        Starting an email: We normally write a comma after the opening phrase. We start a new line after the name of the person we're writing to.

        Finishing an email: We normally write a comma after the closing phrase. We start a new line to write our name at the end.



    Dear Mr Piper,

    I am writing to thank you for all your help.

    I look forward to seeing you next week.

    With best wishes,

    John Smith

    Hi Tim,

    Many thanks for your help.

    See you next week.



        Phrases for starting and finishing

        Here are some phrases which we use for starting and finishing emails. We use these in formal and informal emails:

    Starting phrases

    Dear Tim,

    Good morning Tim,

    Ending phrases


    With best wishes,

    With many thanks and best wishes,

    1. (1) Where can you find this passage?
      A . From a school magazine. B . From a newspaper. C . From a textbook. D . From a website.
    2. (2) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . Writing email address. B . How to write an emails. C . Writing messages to strangers. D . Reading different emails.
    3. (3) Which of the following belongs to an informal email?
      A . An email to your classmates. B . An email to an online shop. C . An email to your boss. D . An email to an ad company.
    4. (4) After writing the opening and closing phrase, we both need a _______________.
      A . "," B . "." C . "!" D . "?"
    5. (5) When we say "With many thanks and best wishes", we mean to ____________.
      A . start our email B . change our topic C . end our email D . express our opinions
  • 7. 阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Being a good friend isn't always easy, but taking the time to nurture(培养) a lasting friendship is worth the effort. As the years pass, some people will stay by your side; but many won't. And you'll realize that each friendship you keep is valuable. To have a good friend, you must be one. But, what is the quality of a good friend?

        Being trustworthy.  If you say you'll go out with a friend and just cannot go, give your friend a gift and tell him or her you're sorry. Nobody's perfect, and it's okay if you break a promise once in a blue moon, but don't make it a regular thing.

        Be respectful.  If your friend doesn't share the same values and beliefs with you, respect his or her choices and be open to hearing more about them.

         Don't interrupt conversations. Take the time to truly understand when your friend is talking to you. Listening may open space between the two of you.

         The best gifts are often hand-made and come from the heart. A phone call can mean as much as a visit!

    A. You don't have to spend a lot of time or money to be good friend.

    B. Good friends show respect for each other by being open and supporting each other.

    C. Just follow these steps.

    D. Be a good listener.

    E. Don't ever make a promise that you can't keep.

六、根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)(共7小题,每题2分, 满分14分)
  • 21. 假设你是李明,下个月将有一批英国学生到你校进行交流学习,其中一个名叫Tom的男孩会到你家居住,感受中国的家庭生活。请用英语写一封电子邮件,对Tom的即将到来表示欢迎并向Tom介绍你家的情况,具体内容如下:










    Dear Tom,

        Welcome to my home. I'm looking forward to your coming. Now let me tell you something about my family.



    Li Ming

