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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级上册Module 2 Un...

更新时间:2018-08-24 浏览次数:233 类型:同步测试
  • 17. 从所给的单词中选出合适的完成对话

    different    same   helping    class    both

    Terry: Who is the girl in the picture, Betty?

    Betty: She's Lucy. She's my good friend. We are in the school.

    Terry: Are you in the same ?

    Betty: No, we are in classes.

    Terry: Do you like the same sport?

    Betty: Yes. We like playing basketball. We both like  people, too.

  • 23. 看图读一读,按要求做题

    【1.】I'm Mary. I have a friend. Her name's Sally. She's clever and helpful. We are both eleven. Our birthdays are both in May. We're in the same class. We like each other. We're good friends.

    【2.】We both live far from school. We live in different streets. We both go to school by bus. We both have lunch at school. We both like fish. She often shares (分享)her lunch with me.

    【3.】We both like playing games. We often play games together at the weekend. She is good at playing games.

    【4.】We both like dolls. Because they are soft and nice. But we like different colours. I like pink and Sally like white. I have a pink doll and she has a white doll.

    1. (1) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误:Sally is Mary's friend. She's clever and helpful.
    2. (2) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误:Sally and Mary both go to school by bus.
    3. (3) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误:Sally is not good at playing games.
    4. (4) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误:Sally and Mary both like dolls.
    5. (5) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误:Mary likes white and Sally likes pink.
    6. (6) Mary and Sally are both          .
      A . eleven B . ten C . twelve
    7. (7) Mary's birthday and Sally's birthday are in the          month.
      A . same B . different C . May
    8. (8) Mary and Sally both like eating          .
      A . meat B . chicken C . fish
    9. (9) Mary and Sally like different          .
      A . schools B . colours C . animals
  • 24. 结合本课所学的知识,写一写你和你的好朋友之间的事吧

    both different/the same both like each other always/usually/often ... play football/basketball... help people cross the street/carry the bags

    I am…… .……is/are my good friend/friends. We ……

