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更新时间:2018-07-16 浏览次数:769 类型:小升初模拟
  • 21. 听录音,填上所缺的单词,每空一词,注意大小写

        Mr. Lin is our teacher. He'sand active. We all like him. Next is his birthday. We are going to give him some. We know he likes,so Wang Lei is going  to give him abook about basketball. Li Ming is going to give him aabout ping-pong. Ia gift for him yesterday. What's? Ha,it's a. I hope he will like it.

  • 22. 听短文.判断下列句子正(T)误(F)
    1. (1) Dingding and Dongdong are in a small and beautiful park.
    2. (2) Some boys are playing football on the grass.
    3. (3) Some girls are drawing pictures in the park.
    4. (4) A young woman and her little son are playing with a toy car.
    5. (5) People in the park are very happy.
  • 47. 情景对话

    A. At last,we watched the dolphin show(海豚表演).

    B. Sure,I'd love to!

    C. I went to the Sea World with my parents.

    D. Where did you go?

    E. Can I speak to Bill,please?

    F. By the way,why did you call me?

    Jack:Hello! This is Jack.

    Bill:This is Bill speaking.

    Jack:Hi,Bill! I called you yesterday,but nobody answered the phone.


    Jack:How cool! Did you have a good time?

    Bill:Yes! We saw whales,seals,sharks…That was interesting!

    Jack:That sounds good.


    Jack:Oh,tomorrow is my birthday. There will be a birthday party in my house. Would you like to come?

    Bill:See you tomorrow!

    Jack:See you!

  • 48. 阅读理解

    Nationality(国籍):the USA



    Appearance(外貌):a round face and brown hair

    Favourite colour:blue


    Nationality(国籍):the USA

    Name: Jenny


    Appearance(外貌):a round face and black hair

    Favourite colour:blue



    Name:Liu Yang


    Appearance:a long face and black hair

    Favourite colour:black


    1. (1) Are Rita and Jenny from the same country?
      A . Yes,they do. B . No they don't.      C . Yes,they are. D . No,they aren't.
    2. (2) How old is Liu Yang?    
      A . Eleven. B . Twelve. C . Thirteen. D . Fourteen.
    3. (3) What does Jenny look like?
      A . She looks like her friend.      B . She has black hair and her face is round. C . She looks fine. D . She has long brown hair.
    4. (4) Which is false(错误的)according to the passage?
      A . Rita is from the USA B . Jenny and Liu Yang are of the same age. C . Black is Rita's favourite colour. D . The three children have different looks.
    5. (5) Whose telephone number is 83025430?
      A . Jenny's. B . Rita's. C . Liu Yang's. D . We don't know.
  • 49. 根据短文内容选择正确的答案

        Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Children in the USA will leave their parents when they grow up. They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often write to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visit their parents on holidays.

        Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs. Americans think it is important(重要的) for them to make decisions(作决定).

        Children are also asked to do some housework at home. And in many families,children will get money from their parents for doing some housework. Because American parents want to let their children learn how to make money for their own use.

    1. (1) Most Chinese families are      the families in America.
      A . smaller than B . as big as C . bigger than
    2. (2) When children grow up,they leave their parents to     .
      A . get married B . find good jobs C . be free
    3. (3) They visit their parents      .
      A . every day B . on weekdays C . on holidays
    4. (4) Parents give money to their children for doing housework because       .
      A . children can learn how to make money B . they are lazy(懒惰的) C . they are rich(富有的)
    5. (5) Which of the following sentences is NOT true?    
      A . Children can choose their jobs by themselves. B . Parents ask their children to do housework. C . When children grow up,they usually live near their parents.

