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更新时间:2018-06-20 浏览次数:731 类型:复习试卷
  • 7. 选择合适的介词填空。

    on,  in,  under,  off,  at,  next to,  to

    1. (1) How do you get Suzhou? I get there by metro.
    2. (2) There is a dogmy bed.
    3. (3) Come, please,it's too cold outside.
    4. (4) My home is yours, so we go to school together.
    5. (5) Getthe bus, shopping mall is here.
    6. (6) Please get off the bus the station.
    7. (7) The bus is coming, get the bus quickly .
  • 8. 看图根据提示填写特殊疑问词。

    does she do?

    She tries on the shoe.

    shoe is it ?

    It's Cinderella's.

    is she?

    She is at her house.

    is she?

    She is sad.

    is she so sad?

    Because the shoe can't fit.

  • 9. 看图根据提示填写特殊疑问词。

      is she?

    She is Cinderella.

    does she do ?

    She puts on the new clothes and shoes.

    is she so happy?

    Because she can go to the party.

    does she go?

    She goes to the party.

    does she come back?

    She comes back before 12 o'clock.

