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  • 1.  通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    It's 7 a. m. and most teenagers are still in bed. But not Rene Gangarosa. She's already 1 and she's had her breakfast. She's 2 with her lacrosse (长曲棍球) team, and she's just 3 a goal!

    16-year-old Rene lives for 4 : when she was three years old, she started judo (柔道). Then, when she was five, she competed in tennis matches. She 5 lots of tennis competitions. But Rene's favorite sport isn't lacrosse, Judo or tennis. It's a sport that she plays with the boys. Rene loves ice hockey (曲棍球)!

    Rene is really interested in ice hockey—she 6 her local team and her favorite player is Jaromir Jagr. However, ice hockey is a 7 game for a girl. The boys are 8 than Rene. When Rene joined the team, they were 9 —they didn't want to lose matches. But Rene has worked hard and today she's one of their best 10 !

    Rene can compete in so many sports because her 11 help her. Her parents take her to lacrosse practice before school and to hockey practice after school. She's so busy that she hasn't got much time for 12 ! Rene does most of it at break times in school.

    It's 10 p. m. now, and Rene has just 13 an ice hockey match. She's very tired! Has she ever wanted to stop 14 ? No, she hasn't! This is the price of 15 and she wants to be the best!

    A .  grown up B .  got up C .  cheered up D .  called up
    A .  talking B .  beating C .  kicking D .  training
    A .  scored B .  headed C .  achieved D .  set
    A .  life B .  medal C .  work D .  sport
    A .  needed B .  held C .  won D .  entered
    A .  organizes B .  left C .  supports D .  manages
    A .  difficult B .  traditional C .  boring D .  playful
    A .  bigger B .  stronger C .  cleverer D .  younger
    A .  surprised B .  encouraged C .  excited D .  worried
    A .  runners B .  jumpers C .  players D .  winners
    A .  family B .  teammates C .  teachers D .  group
    A .  rest B .  meal C .  homework D .  service
    A .  watched B .  finished C .  lost D .  hosted
    A .  playing B .  growing C .  moving D .  relaxing
    A .  competitions B .  experience C .  skills D .  success
  • 1.  阅读理解

    People try to make predictions about the future. But what surprises does technology have in store for us? The answer is nanotechnology (纳米技术). 

    Nanotechnology is the science of building tiny machines, so small that they are invisible. To give you an idea of the size of these machines, the difference between a nanometer and a meter two units of length, is the same as the difference between a rock and the planet Earth! Most scientists agree that nanotechnology will change our lives in the future—but how? At the moment it's difficult to predict whether this new technology will be like a wonderful dream, or a terrifying nightmare (噩梦).

    In the 1966 the film Fantastic Voyage, an inventor develops an amazing new way to treat diseases. He narrows a group of scientists and their machines and injects (注射) them all into a patient. They then travel around the patient's body, visiting the different parts of the body and repairing them. Of course, this is just a film—but the reality of nanotechnology is not very different. Scientists are already making nanobots, tiny robots that are very small. In the future, doctors might be able to inject these into a patient, and the nanobots will travel around the body and repair the diseased parts.

    Some people are worried that nanotechnology could be difficult to control. Nanobots might come into the environment and damage people, plants and animals. Others have even more serious worries. Eric Drexler is a futurist, a scientist who makes predictions about the future. In his book Engines of Creation he predicted the invention of nanobots. He also described a special kind of nanobot that can make a copy of itself using the materials around it—and this is where the nightmare begins. In Michael Crichton's book Prey, nanobots reproduce themselves so quickly that they use all the materials around them and then look for more and more, and more, eventually "eating" the world. Some people are worried that this might really happen. The most serious predictions (that very few scientists believe) say that nanobots could destroy the whole planet in about three hours!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "invisible" in Paragraph 2 mean?
    2. (2) Why does the writer mention the film Fantastic Voyage when speaking of nanotechnology?
    3. (3) According to Eric Drexler's book, what can a special kind of nanobot do?
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the text?


  • 1.  用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    fill make buy sweep gather

    Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most celebrated traditional festival in China. Preparations for Chinese New Year begin well ahead of time. Families clean their homes to away bad luck and make way for good luck. People new clothes, share festive meals, and exchange Hongbao containing money for good luck. The highlight of the celebrations is the dinner on New Year's Eve, where family members to enjoy a big dinner. As midnight comes, fireworks light up the sky, and the atmosphere is with excitement. Chinese New Year is not only a time-honored tradition but also a reflection of the rich cultural heritage (遗产), which it a truly special and pleasant time for people across the country.

  • 1.  It must be true that Helen is leaving because she told me by ____ .
    A . herself B . myself C . yourself
  • 1.  It is so cold outside. Jane is afraid she will get ____ if she stays here too long.
    A . tired B . sick C . sunburned
  • 1.  —What were you doing when I called you last night, Tom? 

    —I ____ football with my classmates.

    A . play B . was playing C . will play
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Parents always want the best for their kids. But everyone has their own way of parenting (养育) . Here are some popular parenting styles. Which one do you like best? 

    Tiger parents (虎爸虎妈)They are strict with their children. They want them to get the best grades in their class. They love their kids in their hearts. 

    Dolphin parents (海豚式父母)They just want their kids to be happy and healthy. They make sure their kids get enough sleep and exercise. 

    Helicopter parents (直升机式父母)They worry too much about their children and " fly" over them like helicopters. Many people think these parents should give their children more freedom (自由). 

    Lawnmower parents (割草机式父母)Like a lawnmower that cuts grass, they get rid of (去除) all difficulties for their children. Their kids never learn to work out problems on their own. 

    1. (1) Tiger parents treat their kids in a ____ way.
    2. (2) Dolphin parents usually want their children to get ____.
    3. (3) If you have helicopter parents, you may ____.
    4. (4) As lawnmower parents, they will ____.
    5. (5) Where can you most probably read the passage? 
  • 1.  —I have ____ in learning English and I' m so worried. Could you help me with it? 

    —Sure, I' d love to.

    A . decision B . interest C . trouble
  • 1.  I was waiting for the bus when it rained ____ yesterday morning.
    A . heavily B . completely C . clearly
  • 1.  —Whom do you think Bob ____ , his father or his mother? 

    —His mother, for they are both interested in science.

    A . takes after B . looks after C . takes away
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