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  • 1. (2018高二上·南涧期中) 听下面一段独白,回答问题。

    1. (1) What kind of driving often causes accidents ?
      A . Parking in order. B . Driving too close behind other cars. C . Cutting in after signaling other cars.
    2. (2) Why did the secretary shoot another woman?
      A . Because they fought over a parking space. B . Because she didn't like the color of the car. C . Because the woman braked suddenly on the freeway.
    3. (3) Which of the following is NOT the cause of road rage?
      A . Traffic jams. B . Other drivers' mistakes. C . Drivers' physical unfitness.
    4. (4) What are the biggest killers on the road?
      A . Stress and tiredness. B . SUVs and road rage . C . Speed and bad driving.
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  • 1. (2022高二上·铜鼓开学考) What will the weather be like shortly?
    A . Cloudy. B . Sunny. C . Rainy.
  • 2. (2023高二上·绵竹月考)  听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) How old is the speaker's brother?
      A . 15. B . 19. C . 20.
    2. (2) What is the speaker's mother?
      A . A police officer. B . A nurse. C . A firefighter.
    3. (3) Why is it hard for the speaker to see her brother now?
      A . Her brother has been infected with COVID-19. B . Her brother is in isolation because of COVID-19. C . Her brother is busy helping fight against COVID-19.
    4. (4) What does the speaker decide to do in the future?
      A . Help more people like her brother. B . Spend more time with family. C . Study in a police training school.
  • 3. (2022高二上·南昌开学考)  听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What encouraged the man and his wife to go to the Antarctic?
      A . An article. B . A TV program. C . A training course.
    2. (2) What was the worst danger according to the man?
      A . Living in extreme climate. B . Falling into ice holes. C . Coming across a terrible wind.
    3. (3) What caused the funny noise?
      A . The equipment. B . The wind. C . The plane.
    4. (4) What was a surprise for the man and his wife?
      A . They got some fresh food. B . They could leave the Antarctic earlier. C . Someone was living out there near them.
