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  • 1. (2018·桐乡模拟)     阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        I was sitting on a plane next to a woman who was very active.I was1and wanted to take a short sleep,but she touched me on the shoulder to2herself."Hi,my name's Helga."

        As we talked, it came up that I had started a(n)3in high school,which is expected to encourage people to spend time helping others.As I4what we did during these years,Helga got very5and told me in this world there's nothing more important than6.I became interested when she told me a story about the last time she had flown.She was going back to look after her father7he had become very ill three years ago.Just as the8was about to leave,her father's doctor called to tell her that the old man had suddenly passed away.Without a word for three hours,she sat9.After arriving at the airport in her hometown, she began to 10in the waiting room while thousands of people just walked on by."11of them stopped and asked if I was OK that day." she said "it was on that day I realized kindness isn't normal."

        Helga's story kept in my mind for all these years.For many of us,we don't12other people's needs for kindness and we don't often show our kindness to13 , either.So I've decided to make kindness "normal" through my organization.Now, I travel to schools all across the US to14my stories with students.Providing young people useful ways to exercise kindness makes nay job more 15.And when I give my talks,I always think about my conversation with Helga.

    A . proud B . tired C . worried D . excited
    A . enjoy B . relax C . introduce D . control
    A . club B . business C . experiment D . organization
    A . doubted B . compared C . described D . remembered
    A . slay B . bored C . nervous D . serious
    A . life B . money C . kindness D . friendship
    A . if B . but C . before D . because
    A . bus B . plane C . train D . subway
    A . sadly B . angrily C . happily D . politely
    A . cry B . sleep C . smoke D . exercise
    A . All B . Most C . Some D . None
    A . ask for B . care about C . give up D . depend on
    A . strangers B . relatives C . partners D . leaders
    A . read B . share C . review D . prepare
    A . natural B . thankful C . valuable D . difficult
